View Full Version : RAVE - dynatrans cf tripod legs from amvona

Craig Wactor
8-Nov-2005, 23:12
I buy a lot of my equipment from ebay, and I think I paid $75 for these carbon fiber tripod legs (new). They rock! I had to tighten some screws on the bottom when I received them, but other than that, they are great. They weigh nothing but are nice and sturdy. They are not quite as nice as the bogen mag-fiber legs I see in the photo store, the difference being in the adjusments - they are a little more clumsy. But hey, for 1/4 of the price, I'm ok with that! I thought I would let the other on-a-budget hiker/photographers know.

David A. Goldfarb
9-Nov-2005, 06:40
They certainly are making inexpensive stuff. I got a lateral arm from them with mounts for four tripod heads, so it can be used as a copy arm or a multi-camera arm ("AT 628 Accessory Arm for 4 heads by DynaTran™").. The design is fairly straightforward, but the build is a bit light for anything much larger than 35mm. Still a handy thing for around $25.

9-Nov-2005, 06:50
Just need to check the ads. Some are misleading if you don't pay attention. Some are just wierd. The softbox with out an universal speed ring has a higher buy now and higher shipping. Now nobody uses the buy now but the higher shipping? You're getting less stuff in the box.

Bruce Schultz
9-Nov-2005, 08:45
Tell us more, please. How much were they, and what camera are you using? I need to get rid of my Bogen monster for lighter weight but the cost of a Gitzo or Ries is beyond me right now.

Craig Wactor
9-Nov-2005, 14:02
right now I have a sinar pan/tilt head on the legs, it weighs as much as they do! I use it for my F1. The 'buy it now' prices are way higher than what you would pay if you bid. Do read the ad carefully, as there are several models. The descriptions are pretty accurate. Make sure to check out the diameter of the legs. This is the one that I got: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7541821116