View Full Version : Enlarger Omega or Beseler

Giovanni Da Ronch
7-Nov-2005, 17:04
I'd like to know the official website of Beseler and Omega , so I can write a e-mail to send me them calagol production !!!!
Help me with some information
Giovanni ( Italy)

Oren Grad
7-Nov-2005, 17:13
www.beselerphoto.com/ (http://www.beselerphoto.com/)

www.omegasatter.com/v2/products/displaycategory.cfm?CatID=47 (http://www.omegasatter.com/v2/products/displaycategory.cfm?CatID=47)

Ken Lee
8-Nov-2005, 05:45
Any opinions about which enlarger is better ?

Scott Davis
8-Nov-2005, 06:08
Ken- both are excellent. I think the decision would come down to whichever one you already own accessories for. I've stayed with Beseler when I got my 4x5 enlarger because I already had lensboards and other accessories from my 23C that worked with it. If I were buying new today with no budget or other restrictions, I'd probably look for something that could handle 8x10 negs, so I'd be looking at either a Durst or a Beseler with the adapter module. I'm limited by space right now, so anything bigger than what I have is basically a fantasy anyway. In my NEXT house, however.... :D

Ken Lee
8-Nov-2005, 09:59
With respect to using a cold light source, contrast filters, etc. - are they otherwise fairly equivalent ?

9-Nov-2005, 06:23
The Beseler is more versatile, the Omega is sturdier (my D2 is over 50 years old, has been through over 30 moves and never needed realignment). The Beseler is almost worth having just for the Negatrans 4x5 carrier. If I were buying used, I'd pick the Omega.

9-Nov-2005, 06:45
Just realized that you're in Italy. Wouldn't it make sense to get a Durst?

9-Nov-2005, 06:53
My Beseler CB-7 is 34 years old and still pretty close to perfect other then the odd scratch on the paint. Too bad you can't buy one new anymore.


That link is likely better then any catalog for Omega info.

If I was in Italy right now I think I'd look for Durst 138 or maybe a Devere.

9-Nov-2005, 23:50
A lot of people here have disagreed with me on this, but the Omega enlargers I've used have been among the worst made, worst designed tools I've ever laid hands on. These include a few different models of 4x5 enlargers used in school and professional darkrooms. Those in charge of maintaining the Omegas hated them more than I did.

Ken's story of the Omega going years without realignment astonishes me; I've never seen one go a month without needing it. The Beselers I've used have held alignement forever.

Both of these, including the one I bought, are well designed, well made, and have been a pleasure to use. They have a couple of design issues, but they're ones that can be easily overcome.

There are higher end enlargers, but for a solid workhorse that you can get used for cheap, I'd put Beseler high on my list and Omega at the bottom.