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View Full Version : Quickloads in Readyload holder?

27-Oct-2005, 11:33
Hi all,

Robert White´s website (http://www.robertwhite.co.uk/Large%20accessories.htm#Labelsheet) says Quickload will work with new Kodak Readyload single sheet holder

I´m expecting to get a few packs of outdated, cheap Quickloads these days and I only have the Readyload holder ...
What would you say?

Steve Hamley
27-Oct-2005, 12:00
I have 2 Kodak Readyload holders and Quickloads work in both.


Ted Harris
27-Oct-2005, 13:11
As long as we are talking about the latest single sheet Readyload holder the Quickload packets work fine. Mixed results or total failure with earlier generation Readyload holders. See Paul Butzi's site for details.

Dean Tomasula
27-Oct-2005, 14:38
This question comes up all the time here and on other forums.

Quickloads work in the new ReadyLoad holders (the one with the red button) with no problems. The older ReadyLoad holders and the double sheet ones have problems.

Brian Ellis
27-Oct-2005, 15:39
"Quickloads work in the new ReadyLoad holders (the one with the red button) with no problems. The older ReadyLoad holders and the double sheet ones have problems"

Are you sure about that? I've been using Quickloads in my double sheet Readyload holder with no problem. I thought that only the older version of the double sheet Readyload holder (the version with the brushed metal-looking pressure plate) was problematical with single sheet envelopes and that the later version with the black plastic pressure plate (which is what I have) was fine. I was going to buy the single sheet Readyload holder but then I started reading about a lot of problems people seemed to be having even with Readyload film. Then on a group trip about six months ago one of the other people in the group wasn't able to use his brand new Readyload single sheet holder with single sheet Readyload film so that did it for me - I've just stuck with my double sheet holder for both Readyloads and Quickloads and it works fine with both.

Ted Harris
27-Oct-2005, 16:33
Brian, IIRC from prior discussions there was never a total consensus that the last generation of double sheet Readyload holders worked flawlessly with Quickloads. Most had no problems with them, a few had some problems and even fewer had no success. Being cautious about risk and knowing that I am capable of doing anything (or everything) wrong sometimes I never relied on the Readyload holder until the current single sheet version. Now, I have even gotten brave enough to go out with ONLY the Readyload holder (sometimes) and have not yet had a problem ... probably 200 or so sheets of both Kodak and Fuji film through it so far.

Paul Butzi
27-Oct-2005, 18:31
See Paul Butzi's site for details.
www.butzi.net/reviews/readyquick.htm (http://www.butzi.net/reviews/readyquick.htm)

Brian, IIRC from prior discussions there was never a total consensus that the last generation of double sheet Readyload holders worked flawlessly with Quickloads. Most had no problems with them, a few had some problems and even fewer had no success.

This is the first time, I think, that I've heard that people have had problems with Quickloads in the older two-sided Kodak Readyload holder (e.g. the version IIII with black plate).

I know there were various concerns about ANY single sheet packet in the previous, silver plate Readyload holder, mostly because there's no backing septum on single sheet packets and there were concerns about halation.

But I've never heard of problems with the black plate version, and in fact I often carry my version IIII holder as a spare instead of one of my single sheet Readyload holders (because it's slightly smaller and lighter).

What sort of problem have people been having? Do I need to update the table on the web page mentioned above?

Brian Ellis
27-Oct-2005, 20:04
Paul - It's a new one on me too, I thought it was unanimous that single sheets of Quickload were fine in the double sheet Readyload holder as long it had the black pressure plate. I don't remember reading of the problems Ted mentions and I'm pretty sure that if I did read of them I would have bought a single sheet Readyload holder rather than relying on my double sheet holder. I wonder if Ted is possibly confusing Quickloads in the Readyload black pressure plate double holder with the known problems of trying to use single sheet Readyloads in the Quickload holder?

Dean Tomasula
28-Oct-2005, 08:41
You guys are correct. I should have specified the double holders with the black pressure plate as the problem holder. My mistake.

Dean Tomasula
28-Oct-2005, 08:45
"I should have specified the double holders with the black pressure plate as the problem holder. "

Man, I need more coffee!

I meant to say I should have specified the double holders without the black pressure plate were problematic.

steve simmons
28-Oct-2005, 08:45
My solution to this question is to use one of the newer Polaroid 545/545i holders. These will allow the use of the Quiklload, Readyload and Polaroid films.

steve simmons