View Full Version : Need help with Omega D2 (pic included)

Curtis Nelson
26-Oct-2005, 08:34
I have a chance to pick up an Omega D2 for a very good price. The person selling it knows nothing about the enlarger, nor do I. I want it to be able to enlarge 4x5 negs, but I was reading that not all D2's will have the correct condensors for that size neg. Can someone tell just by looking at the picture if this D2 would work?




Ralph Barker
26-Oct-2005, 08:44
This looks like a D2V. If so, the name-plate panel lifts up, giving access to the 3rd, variable condensor lens, which is moved to different positions for different formats.. The two primary condensor lenses are within the aluminum tube below that. The longer lenses (e.g. 135mm or 150mm for 4x5) require cone-shaped extension lens boards, rather than flat ones, but they are commonly available.

Mark Fisher
26-Oct-2005, 08:46
That is the same enlarger I have. It has the variable condenser design. Open the door on the head and you should see a movable condenser. You move the condenser to different positions for different formats.
It doesn't look like it has a cone for the lens. The 135/150mm lens needs a a cone rather than the flat lens board. They are pretty available on ebay. Get the right carrier (I happen to have one for sale on the apug.org site if you need it) and you are good to go.


Michael Gudzinowicz
26-Oct-2005, 12:42
John Douglas has posted the manual for the enlarger on his site, along with
information for other enlargers.


Robert Peterson
26-Oct-2005, 15:54
Put a cold light in it and you'll have one of the best workhorse enlargers ever made.