View Full Version : Back from Denver

John Berry ( Roadkill )
25-Oct-2005, 15:51
I just got back from Denver yesterday. Raymond B, and Eric B, thank you, thank you, thank you. Your recommendation that the Camera Obscura Gallery is a MUST is a vast understatement. I would call it a pilgraimage. I should have ask Hal for a drool towel. Hal was busy with someone but still came over and talked with me for a bit. Hal is a guy I could listen to for eons and still be in awe of his knowledge. I was privileged to see a large amount of prints that I have only seen before in books. I don't think I would have been able to see that large of a display in tuscon. For me it was like going to the Louvre. Karshes, and Westons(both), and man Ray oh my. I also got to do a little shooting at red rock, and survived the mint room at celestial seasonings.( The room where mint is stored is so thick with essence it immediately cleares your sinuses, and irritates your eyes. If you stick out your tongue you can taste mint.) I also was able to go to the photographers gallery and the M gallery which has some excellent photography on exhibit. I would like to have the shot of MacArthur coming onto the beach at Okinawa, I checked my pocket but didn't have an extra 30K spare change in my pocket. The city of Denver is beautiful, and the people there treated us like royalty. Hats off to Denver.

Eric Biggerstaff
26-Oct-2005, 10:49

Glad to hear you had a nice time. Next time your out this direction let me know and we can get together and go photograph.

Have a wonderful day!


John Berry ( Roadkill )
26-Oct-2005, 15:53
Thanks Eric, Since this was sponsered by the VA they had a pretty full schedule for us. Maybe they know what happens when you give a vet too much free time. If I get a chance to come out on my own I'll give you a shout. I shure would have liked to get up to Rocky Mountain Natl Park, especially this time of year. If you get out Seattle way get in touch with me. I was lucky, one of the guys shooting for the event lives less than 10 miles from red rock and took me to the good spots.