View Full Version : Rollei vs Tetenal C-41 Processing Kit

25-Jun-2018, 01:40
I'm looking at doing some of my own C-41 developing and I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with the Rollei (dev, bleach, fix, stabilizer) kit and the Tetanal (dev, blix, stabilizer kit)?

Does the Tetenal blix compromise the processing? Do you get a grainier result or are their any color spikes that result from not using a separate bleach and fix?

25-Jun-2018, 07:52
Are you talking about the Tetenal powdered C41? I have not noticed a difference in results, but I also have not done a scientific comparison. I prefer the small Rollei kits because of the liquid concentrates and mixing. They used to come with syringes and so on to make it even easier to mix. More recently, most companies have stopped shipping chemicals to Iceland except by ground, which means they take forever (six weeks or so). They will still ship the powder by air, so I have mostly been using that. I have not noticed a difference other than what I spoke of. That said, all else being equal I would go with the Rollei.

8-Jul-2018, 12:27
Have used both. Advantage of Tetenal is one bath less. Advantage Rollei is better shelf life once opened, and no blix burp.
At the moment Rollei is also much cheaper (per film).