View Full Version : Chris Jordan show opening in NY next week

chris jordan
2-Sep-2005, 09:41
Hello friends, just thought I'd drop a line and invite those of you who live in the NY area to my show next week at the Yossi Milo Gallery in Chelsea. The opening is Thursday, Sep 8th from 6-8 pm. The prints are all made from single or multiple 8x10 originals, and range in size up to 5x10 feet. I'd love to share them with you so please come by if you're anywhere near. The show will be up until mid-October for those of you who might be passing through NY later on.

Best regards,



2-Sep-2005, 10:36
I'll definitely see the show; will try to make the opening.

Ted Harris
2-Sep-2005, 11:38
Congratulations Chris!

David A. Goldfarb
2-Sep-2005, 11:57
Congrats, Chris, and thanks for the announcement. I'll try to make it to the opening if I can.

Kip Duff
2-Sep-2005, 17:32
Good luck with the show. I don't think I can make it there. I've shot alot of 8 x 10 myself but only did contact sheets. How are you enlarging them? What is final output media? Thanks, Kip. (soCal area, 714 337-0961).

chris jordan
3-Sep-2005, 08:30
Hi Kip, my film is drum scanned and printed in large sizes on my Epson 9600. More info on my website at www.chrisjordan.com.


Kirk Gittings
3-Sep-2005, 16:20
I wish I could get there. I would love to see the originals.

3-Sep-2005, 17:24
Congratulations, Chris. I'll be sure to stop by sometime before it closes, though logistics might be a bit difficult.

Thanks for the heads-up.

neil poulsen
4-Sep-2005, 12:40
"Hi Kip, my film is drum scanned and printed in large sizes on my Epson 9600. More info on my website at www.chrisjordan.com."

Could not find the info to which you referred. Just curious as to where it's located.

4-Sep-2005, 14:05
Hi Chris,

Good luck on another exhibition... wish I could get down there for the opening but, alas, it can't happen this go-round! :(

Any future exhibitions in your hometown? :)

Congrats again!
