View Full Version : A Colorvir Thread

HT Finley
26-Mar-2018, 20:58
This thread may fall flat on its face. But I've got a complete Colorvir kit and I'd like to get the most out of it. I don't live in proximity to any subjects I regularly see that are anything but an eyesore to me daily; that is with straight photography like the rest of what's generally discussed on here. I was never into this Colorvir and related effects when I was young, when the supplies were being made. But now, this outfit is like gold. No use getting old and dying and have it fall into somebody eles's hands. Anybody have any input of any kind I could read about concerning Colorvir? I won't attempt to revive the thread if it dies unanswered, or try to moderate it if posts are made. I'd rather read and look quietly. Thank you.

26-Mar-2018, 22:29
Thankyou for starting a most interesting thread. I find myself in the same boat, wondering how best to use my old Colorvir.

I have a full Colorvir kit left over from years ago before I " went digital ". Turned out I was not happy with digital photography and returned to my darkroom after a break of a few years. Now I only do darkroom work, B&W silver gelatin and alternative processes. Straight mono printing, Lith, solarization, gum, carbon transfer and other adventures. I am trying to learn to be a better printer. Enjoying it immensely.

I will be watching this thread with great interest. I want to get the most value from the chemicals I have left.

HT Finley
27-Mar-2018, 20:29
Well friend it looks like it's just us and the thread is going nowhere. So I'll just ask the #1 question in my mind. Now mind you, I don't recall the mixing instructions because the set is not handy. But I believe it called for the different chemicals to be mixed in water, which would mean a finite lifespan. Ideally, if the mixed stock chemicals could be kept for the rest of my healthy life (at 61) I would probably get very many prints out of it before the mixed stock chemicals were exhausted. So that leads me to my question. Since I now know that pyrocat developer can be kept for a long time mixed in ethylene glycol (I think), could I not also mix these Colorvir chemicals in it too?

28-Mar-2018, 19:41
Maybe between us we have the last two kits in existence .........

Anyway, my thoughts are that if they still work ( and I expect they will ), their preservation is probably due in part to them having not been diluted or exposed to air. My kit's concentrates are all liquids but it is not obvious what the solvent is ..... probably aqueous, but might be something else. I expect they will have been formulated to have good stability in whatever solution the maker chose to use and I would not want to second guess by adding anything further which would essentially mean diluting the concentrate.

I plan to do the following :

Take a small portion from the concentrate bottle so as to make the minimum amount needed of diluted reagent. Store what is left of the concentrate with minimal contact with air, even if this means rebottling to a smaller bottle or using inert gas. Store in glass where possible.

Store the used, diluted solution with minimal air and keep using it until it exhausts itself.

Have a plan each time I use Colorvir and a bunch of prints to experiment with the different solutions. Keep good notes. Get the absolute most out of each toning session.

I found the following ( there may be other info out there ) ........





Best of luck with your experimenting. It should be fun. Your post has reinvigorated me to start using the solutions I have left .... Thanks.

HT Finley
28-Mar-2018, 20:10
Thank you for that post. Looks like this thread is a short-timer. Now, for coming up with the book. All I have is the leaflet.