Paulo Carvalho
30-Jun-2005, 05:09
I bought one Horseman VHR with a electrical grip.
I d'ont understand as the electrical grip wok.
Somebody can help me?

In the top it has one piston with a white tip and the other is black.
It moves for a side to the other.
What utility has ?

It has 3 contacts , a green a yellow and a red.
When I use one or use another one?

It has a small white button in the back. What's it purpose?

It has a big white button in the front.
I think that is the trigger. It's true?

It has a small white button in the back .
What utility has ?

Sorry for the poor english.

Best regards,
Paulo Carvalho

Robert A. Zeichner
30-Jun-2005, 05:22
Paulo, The electrical grip was made for the ER-1 and not the VHR. The necessary wiring is missing from the VHR and so the features of the grip will be useless with that camera. I don't even think there is a way to attach the grip to the VHR to just use it as a handle. Sorry I don't have more encouraging news for you.

Paulo Carvalho
30-Jun-2005, 05:52
Thanks for the fast reply.

However I think that a lapse can exist.

Can you check the camera user manual photo?


Very thanks,

Robert A. Zeichner
30-Jun-2005, 16:36
I looked at the manual and it appears that the grip pictured on the VHR is different from the electrical grip in my Horseman catalog #2. I have never seen this type of grip and can only suggest that you contact Schneider Optics, the US distributor for Horseman cameras to see if they can help.

G.Franco Manitto
1-Sep-2005, 02:01

You need the special connecting cord which is provided with a solenoid which is inserted in the release socket on the lens board.

If you can wait I can email you a copy of the grip manual.
