View Full Version : chip in condensing lens

James O. Kenney
28-Jun-2005, 16:06
Second question on used Omega d2 enlarger. The condensing lens for using 35mm negs has a small chip out pf it. Will that effect it in any way? thanks James

Eric Woodbury
28-Jun-2005, 17:34
Unless the area of the chip is large compared with the entire lens, then you'll never notice.

Eduardo Aigner
28-Jun-2005, 18:15
You better use that condenser on TOP of the system, and not close to the negative.

Linas Kudzma
28-Jun-2005, 18:54
I own an Omega DII with a rather large chip on the edge of the top condenser lens and it is not noticable in prints. These enlargers are indestructable tanks. I inherited my enlarger from a gentleman who used it to print my parent's wedding pictures 45 years ago! I've used it for several years and have modified it to be a diffusion-condenser enlarger by adding a ground glass disc above the condenser lenses.

James O. Kenney
28-Jun-2005, 20:48
thanks for the information. You all are a tremendous help, Happy trails to you untilyour needed again. James