View Full Version : The last 2 FREE Workshops / Gettogethers of 2005!

Per Volquartz
18-Jun-2005, 12:34
Mammoth Mountain / Owens Valley / Yosemite / Bodie, October 25 to 29

Zion / Grafton, December 5 to 9

Please sign up as soon as possible so we can plan these event well in advance. The end of the year will be here before you know it!
Email: volquartz@volquartz.com

PLEASE state the name(s) of the workshop(s) you are interested in - using CAPS in your email header.


New website:

David E. Rose
18-Jun-2005, 15:14
I just took a look at your new website- WOW! For anyone who hasn't taken a look, it is well worth your time. I will have to try to find a way to get out to one of your workshops.