View Full Version : Jock Sturges selling his camera and print on Ebay.

8-Jun-2005, 14:31
In case anyone was interested... Jock Sturges is selling his 8x10 Kodak Master camera on Ebay, along with a vintage 8x10 contact print. This is more of a collectors item then a camera you would buy to use. What a great collectors item.

Congradulations on Jocks new baby girl! (The reason for selling the camera!)


8-Jun-2005, 14:37
Thanks for letting us know, oh (friend of?) Jock and first-time poster trying to drive up the price. But if you actually read this forum you would know that we already know.

Richard Rankin
8-Jun-2005, 14:41
And if you check Mr Photographer's email address listed when he/she registered for this single post, it appears to be an invalid one.

8-Jun-2005, 14:51
could this be the auction where 'mr. sturges' bought the camera, 3 months ago?
look close at the bottom. the marks look the same.
I might ask Jock about this. Ebay would probably like to know.

Dan Harbour
8-Jun-2005, 14:54
I see he bought a bunch of Masterviews earlier in the year. Do you think this one is the pick of the litter?

tim atherton
8-Jun-2005, 15:02
I love the ebay vigilantes:

"Bush Lifts Ban On Vigilantism
'Let's See What Happens,' Says President

WASHINGTON, DC—In a striking departure from centuries of American belief in rule of law, President Bush gave his approval Monday to a limited experiment in public vigilantism "to see if it works."

Groups of dedicated citizens who band together for a common cause—be it rounding up car thieves or castigating suspicious loiterers—strengthen and reinforce the social order," Bush said at a White House press conference. "I've never supported government intrusion in people's lives; I've always put more faith in the private sector. So I say, what the heck! Let's give vigilantism a go and see how things shake out. Why not?"..."

more at http://www.onion.com/news/index.php?issue=4123


I think it probably is Sturges

8-Jun-2005, 15:15
"There's no justice like Angry Mob Justice."

--Principal Skinner

Jay Lnch
8-Jun-2005, 15:51
A new baby girl!!!

Congradulations to Jock and his new baby.

I hope it doesn't slow his photography down. I always look forward to seeing his new work.

John Sarsgard
8-Jun-2005, 19:12
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, according to Dr. Freud. I took a workshop from Jock several years ago, and got to know him a bit. He is a great person and a gentleman. I think his work is beautiful; others disagree. This is not complicated. Jock has used master views for decades, had a chance to buy a pristine one recently, succumbed as many of us do, and now has more 8x10 master views than he can possibly use. Add in a new baby and the kind of riches artists bring in (easy to count!) and he is selling extra stuff just like anybody else that has a new kid, too many cameras, and bills to pay.

9-Jun-2005, 00:21
the sober voices in the room prevail again ... it is indeed Jock's camera. It's not one he's owned for a long time ... he says he's had many.

9-Jun-2005, 07:02
personally I wasnt questioning whether the camera is Jock's or not, just the obvious abuse of the forum for posting a for sale/auction ad here. or is the forum open for advertisements now?