View Full Version : Beseler 45m Aristo VCL100 + converstion kit

Joel Brown
26-May-2005, 23:10
I have a Beseler 45m chassis, a 240mm lens, and the Metrolux II timer. I’m looking for the Aristo VCL8100 head and the 8x10 conversion kit. I know some of you are using the same system and some are wondering if its time to switch to digital. Allow me to help you make the switch. I will even buy the whole enlarger system if you don’t want to piece meal it.

Eric Woodbury
27-May-2005, 11:58
Joel, I use a similar system, but all I'm willing to give you is a two-bit opinion.

I had the VCL8100 and was not very happy with it. I sold mine off years ago and bought the V54 coldlight. I use filters now and it is working out great. The thing I didn't like about the VCL8100 was brightness (or dimness). It is not very bright and I was printing 45 and 57 with the lens only one stop down and exposures over 30 seconds. With the V54 I'm stopped down to f/16 with 10 to 15 second exposures. These numbers are for 810s and 1114s.

The VCL does have a nice contrast range and it is handy, but not the brightess light around.

Happy printing.

Henry Suryo
27-May-2005, 15:13
I have been using the 8x10 conversion on the VXL for several years now. I don't have any complaints with the enlarger and the results I get. My exposures are typically about 30-40 secs for a 16x20 print using variable contrast paper and filters. I don't think this is objectionably long. I haven't tried anything bigger as I don't have trays big enough to process the prints. The 16x20 prints are really quite exquisite, though these days I have been making more contact prints and only occasionally use the enlarger when a bigger print is needed. Where are you located? I'm not anxious to sell it, I know I'll regret it when the need arises. But if I don't have to ship the thing, I may consider taking an offer. Best regards, good luck. Henry