View Full Version : Paul Caponigro et al...Panel Discussion/Gallery Talk at Camera Commons 12/11/16

John Layton
3-Dec-2016, 15:03
Just a quick announcement that there will be a gallery talk/panel discussion at the Camera Commons in Dover, NH, next Sunday (Dec. 11th) from 2 till 4pm - featuring Paul Caponigro, Carl Hyatt, John Layton, and Paul Wainwright (and hopefully Richard Ritter) - with the panel portion to be moderated by David Speltz, in conjunction with the current exhibit featuring these artists. Should be great...so be there if you can!

John Layton
3-Dec-2016, 15:05
PS - lots of opportunities for Q+A...and maybe some good eats as well!

3-Dec-2016, 15:42
I saw it in October. It is an excellent exhibition. The photographs are stunning. Wish I could be there for the talk/panel discussion.

4-Dec-2016, 03:37
I will be there.

It sounds like it should be a panel of photographers.

4-Dec-2016, 08:00
Wonderful, thank you for posting.

Hope to make it from NY.

Mark Sampson
4-Dec-2016, 18:51
Wish i could be there- just too far from Washington with my schedule. I'm sure it will be great. Someone record this please!

Andrew O'Neill
5-Dec-2016, 14:22
I wish I could be there!!