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View Full Version : CC-402 or something else?

Thom Bennett
24-Oct-2016, 12:39
Recently acquired what was billed as a Calumet CC-402 Wide Angle camera but I have a couple of questions about it. First, there is a sticker on it that says Calumet Scientific and, second, the bellows does not seem to be the "soft bellows with extra pleats" that is mentioned in the Calumet literature. Was this another version of the 400 series that is based on the wide platform, perhaps made for special applications? I'm going to have Richard Ritter build me the appropriate bellows so it will be able to take advantage of the full movements because, as it is, the bellows begins to restrict movements. Or perhaps someone simply stuck some normal bellows on it. Anyway, just curious more than anything.


Mark Sampson
24-Oct-2016, 13:59
Those are not the original bellows. Many's the time in my EK days that I wished I'd had one of these on the job, not the regular model with the 16" rail that was standard issue in our department.
I believe our Mr. Gittings used one of these professionally for many years, I'd listen to his comments.

Thom Bennett
24-Oct-2016, 14:08
Thanks Mark. Yes, for what I want to shoot this will be a great setup. Kirk has been helping me offline which I very much appreciate.