View Full Version : Three upcoming events for "Treasured Lands" NV and CA

QT Luong
11-Oct-2016, 13:00
I've a few events scheduled for the next month, hope you can make it!

* Las Vegas NV: "Treasured Lands" (the exhibit) will be on display at the Major's Gallery, Historic Fifth Street School, 401 S. Fourth St. from Oct 6 through Nov 22. I will speak at the Vegas Valley Book Festival on Sat Oct 15 at 3PM: http://www.vegasvalleybookfestival.org

* Hayward CA: Caring for People & the Land - joint book signing and talk with Mark Tuschman ("Faces of Courage"). Sunday, Oct 23, 1PM at PhotoCentral 1099 E Street: http://www.evite.com/event/028E7UCDWZJ4CMQP2EPGRTFDREMVLQ/
(this will be entirely different from the presentaton I gave there last winter).

* Santa Barbara, CA: Presentation on Wednesday, Nov 2 , 7:30PM, Campbell Hall UCSB, as part of University of California Santa Barbara Arts and Lectures series: https://artsandlectures.sa.ucsb.edu/Details.aspx?PerfNum=3455

matthew blais
12-Oct-2016, 10:55
I'll try for Santa Barbara...Haven't seen you since your gallery show at Bergamot Station. Good luck with all!