View Full Version : Hello from Guelph

8-Mar-2016, 09:46
I began shooting 35mm in 2002, graduated to 120 in 2007, and had the itch to go bigger in 2010 or so. I had a false start with a late Linhof Technika III which needed a new bellows. There was a local technician who was going to replace them for a reasonable price who unfortunately passed away. I received a quote for bellows replacement from the factory authorized Linhof repair centre which was considerably more than I paid for the camera so I elected not to do it (the cost was close to the price of a used Tek IV in good shape).

Fast forward to now and I have acquired an Arca Swiss F-line Classic which I have made about 20-30 exposures on. I haven't used movements very much as I'm having trouble thinking beyond parallel lenses and film planes... but the details in the negs are extremely addictive! The only lens that I have is a bit of a piece of junk... by design it is a lower tier enlarging lens that Linhof sold for a time (Schneider Componar 135 f4.5 mounted in a Compur shutter) and it came basically for free with the Tech III. It is all right for macro but movements are limited as sharpness falls off rather quickly out of centre and quickly looks like a lens baby (looking at eBay it actually costs less than a lens baby).

I just purchased 135mm and 210mm Sironars and can't wait to try them out. I will be going on a road trip through the American southwest next month and hope to shoot a ton of film, although I should probably acquire more holders; 4 may not be enough! I don't yet know how often I will have access to a dark(enough)room. What do others do on the road? Changing bag/tent? Or towel at the bottom of the bathroom door in hotels/motels?

8-Mar-2016, 10:32
From the Yukon, welcome to the forum!

For 4x5 a Harrison tent is really the ticket. Worth every penny.

8-Mar-2016, 12:00
From the Yukon, welcome to the forum!

For 4x5 a Harrison tent is really the ticket. Worth every penny.

Thanks! I've been eyeballing Harrison tents but thought it may be overkill. Reports of oily discharge and nasty smells scared me, but that is likely an environmental issue, and not likely to happen for years. I think I shall just suck it up and bite the bullet!

Sirius Glass
8-Mar-2016, 12:35
I began shooting 35mm in 2002, graduated to 120 in 2007, and had the itch to go bigger in 2010 or so.

Except for the start date, the dates are about the same for me.

Welcome to Large Format Photography Forum

8-Mar-2016, 12:37
Welcome! A Harrison tent is certainly worth its price, though if you need to save on packed space, a Harrison changing bag is good, too.
4x5 film holders are cheap, stock up on as many as you can travel with; bring a couple of empty film boxes as well.
If your lenses need repair, Roger at Camtech in Hamilton does a good job on all things LF.

Sirius Glass
8-Mar-2016, 13:22
Changing bag/tent?

I recommend http://www.freestylephoto.biz/25001-Photoflex-Changing-Room

John Kasaian
8-Mar-2016, 16:26
Welcome aboard! FWIW Motel 6 is known for windowless bathrooms.

Fred L
9-Mar-2016, 05:59
Welcome from the GTA !

The Freestyle changing tent is very room to use but takes up space when folded. The Harrisons are very luxe, I have the reg and xl tents. Not sure if you can still buy them but if coating deterioration etc are a concern, look at Shadow Box changing tents, They're cotton so a bit heavier but I find they have a bit more 'ceiling height' and slightly roomier.

Of get a regular changing bag and put a frame or box inside to create volume. But yeah, if you're hotel/ mottling, then the towel trick works fine and you'll have more working space to load holders.

Have a great trip !

9-Mar-2016, 11:29
tech III bellows are easy to do yourself

get a bellows from that guy on ebay, use the frame you have on the current bellows

easy-peasy - 30 minute job

9-Mar-2016, 12:45
Except for the start date, the dates are about the same for me.

Welcome to Large Format Photography Forum

I recommend http://www.freestylephoto.biz/25001-Photoflex-Changing-Room

Thanks Sirius!

Welcome! A Harrison tent is certainly worth its price, though if you need to save on packed space, a Harrison changing bag is good, too.
4x5 film holders are cheap, stock up on as many as you can travel with; bring a couple of empty film boxes as well.
If your lenses need repair, Roger at Camtech in Hamilton does a good job on all things LF.

Thanks Ari! I hadn't heard of Camtech before. Good to know there is a local resource. Think he could do a CLA of my Arca F-line? Some of the 0 detents are a bit off and one or two of the movements have a slight amount of slop. It would be great to avoid having to send it to the US.

Welcome aboard! FWIW Motel 6 is known for windowless bathrooms.

That is great to know. Thanks John!

Welcome from the GTA !

The Freestyle changing tent is very room to use but takes up space when folded. The Harrisons are very luxe, I have the reg and xl tents. Not sure if you can still buy them but if coating deterioration etc are a concern, look at Shadow Box changing tents, They're cotton so a bit heavier but I find they have a bit more 'ceiling height' and slightly roomier.

Of get a regular changing bag and put a frame or box inside to create volume. But yeah, if you're hotel/ mottling, then the towel trick works fine and you'll have more working space to load holders.

Have a great trip !

Great advice! Harrison tents are available but quite expensive. The current dollar situation is not very good for USA products. Thanks!

9-Mar-2016, 12:49
tech III bellows are easy to do yourself

get a bellows from that guy on ebay, use the frame you have on the current bellows

easy-peasy - 30 minute job

Really? I actually bought bellows from a guy on eBay (possibly "that" guy?) and a tech told me there was no way to attach them. I never looked into it that hard and just assumed I couldn't do it... how do the bellows attach? Do they need to be glued or do they just get sandwiched in the frame somehow? Is it obvious if I dissaemble? Pardon my ignorance.... a camera tech I am not!

Andrew O'Neill
9-Mar-2016, 12:59
Welcome to the forum. I've done the hotel bathroom, and Harrison tent. I prefer the hotel bathroom, but the tent is great when out in the field. I've used the Jumbo for 8x10.

9-Mar-2016, 14:10
Welcome to the forum. I've done the hotel bathroom, and Harrison tent. I prefer the hotel bathroom, but the tent is great when out in the field. I've used the Jumbo for 8x10.

Thanks Andrew! I have decided to go with a tent but the Harrison is too expensive in Canada right now. I just ordered a Panavision changing tent intended for loading 400'-800' 35mm motion picture reels so it should be big enough for 4x5! I did a Camera Assistant's workshop in a former life and the instructers (all working camera assistants) all spoke highly of both the Harrison and Panavision changing tents. It was literally 1/4 of the price of the Harrison, even with absurd shipping rates factored in.

Leszek Vogt
9-Mar-2016, 23:46
Welcome to the forum. Too bad I didn't keep the address (in Tarzana)...where my changing bag was made. It surely accomodates the large 1000' 35mm film mags. No idea what they go for these days, but my was $80 in mid 80's....it's still like new inside, tho it had seen lots of 16 & 35mm film. Did you take the workshop in Ojai ?


10-Mar-2016, 05:11
Welcome to the forum. Too bad I didn't keep the address (in Tarzana)...where my changing bag was made. It surely accomodates the large 1000' 35mm film mags. No idea what they go for these days, but my was $80 in mid 80's....it's still like new inside, tho it had seen lots of 16 & 35mm film. Did you take the workshop in Ojai ?


Thank you Les! I took the workshop with Doug Hart in Rockport, Maine. The Harrison tents are going for considerably more than $80 but the Panavision tent I found was for less and may in fact be a rebadged Harrison. It isn't clear if it is new or used though as the website is in French. I guess I will find out soon enough!

10-Mar-2016, 12:17
Welcome from a fellow Canuck.

Harrison tents are overkill for 4x5, especially if you're traveling.

You may want to check out the frequent TO camera fairs put on by the PHSC (http://phsc.ca/camera/?page_id=30), you will pay less in Can$ for accessories and not have to worry about shipping and duties if you buy from the USA on fleabay. Plus, the sellers are usually photographers who will answer questions, so bring your gear and ask away. I no longer sell in TO, but I have sold at their shows and there were sellers specialized in LF gear.

10-Mar-2016, 13:06
Really? I actually bought bellows from a guy on eBay (possibly "that" guy?) and a tech told me there was no way to attach them. I never looked into it that hard and just assumed I couldn't do it... how do the bellows attach? Do they need to be glued or do they just get sandwiched in the frame somehow? Is it obvious if I dissaemble? Pardon my ignorance.... a camera tech I am not!

I forget..but if I can do it..most anyone can.. they might screw and glue in... take the old bellows off and it should be pretty obvious... I think there is an interior inner metal frame on the front anyway, and probably the rear - you'll need to save those for use on the new ones.. and any screws

Leszek Vogt
10-Mar-2016, 13:35
I took the workshop with Doug Hart in Rockport, Maine.

Looks like we received similar instructions....Doug was also my instructor, but in Ojai.


10-Mar-2016, 14:52
Thanks Ari! I hadn't heard of Camtech before. Good to know there is a local resource. Think he could do a CLA of my Arca F-line? Some of the 0 detents are a bit off and one or two of the movements have a slight amount of slop. It would be great to avoid having to send it to the US.

Call Roger and find out; I send him all my lenses and shutters, he's even re-cemented a Protar for me.
He did some good work on a Pentax 67 body, so he might take on the Arca, but I've never asked him about cameras larger than medium format.
Good luck!

22-Mar-2016, 09:54
Welcome from a fellow Canuck.

Harrison tents are overkill for 4x5, especially if you're traveling.

You may want to check out the frequent TO camera fairs put on by the PHSC (http://phsc.ca/camera/?page_id=30), you will pay less in Can$ for accessories and not have to worry about shipping and duties if you buy from the USA on fleabay. Plus, the sellers are usually photographers who will answer questions, so bring your gear and ask away. I no longer sell in TO, but I have sold at their shows and there were sellers specialized in LF gear.

My Panavision tent arrived (I am fairly sure it is a rebadged Harrison) and I think I agree regarding its suitability for travelling! It is way bigger packed and heavier than I thought; way overbuilt! I need it for use at home anyway though so no regrets.

Also, thanks for the PHSC tip; I hadn't heard of it.

I forget..but if I can do it..most anyone can.. they might screw and glue in... take the old bellows off and it should be pretty obvious... I think there is an interior inner metal frame on the front anyway, and probably the rear - you'll need to save those for use on the new ones.. and any screws

Thanks for leading me down this path! I don't know why I didn't try it before. Removing the old adhesive was a pain but it was fairly straight forward. The front had a piece of metal but the rear was just glued on. Sadly, the technician was right and the bellows don't QUITE fit properly and they are just a hair too small at the front to work with the metal frame. I added some material to make it fit but it isn't 100% light tight... close enough that a well placed dark cloth should make it so though. I should be getting my test negatives developed soon.