View Full Version : Chromega F and Beseler 8x10

7-Mar-2005, 22:51
Does anybody know if a Chromega F would fit in the Beseler 8x10 Conversion kit?
I have been once recommended to do so to have a "low" 8x10 color enlarger, but I was wondering if anyone here ever tried this combination.

J. P. Mose
9-Mar-2005, 07:47

I have a Chromega F but have no idea whether it is compatible with a Besler 8x10 conversion kit. All I can tell you is the Chromega F head is smooth on its underside with a gasket to prevent light from escaping. On the back of the head are shackles that are connected to four adjustable "hooks" on the body of the enlarger. To raise or lower the head, there a lever on the side of the enlarger that is motioned back and forth. The "hooks" are adjustable so the head drops evenly on top of the 10" x 10" film holder.

It should be noted that the Chromega F head has a seperate power supply box designed for the "F" head only. There is also a blower box with a hose that attaches to the Chromega F head.

Good luck.

JP Mose