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View Full Version : Sticky blackjacket focusing cloth cleaning?

Daniel Geiger
18-Dec-2015, 14:57
It's been a while, but pulling out my AS 4x5 again. I noticed that the plastic portion of the Blackjacked hybrid cloth, where it was folded over other plastic areas, has gotten sticky. Anybody else had that happen? Can it be cleaned (soap & water, ethanol, anything else), or is this the beginning of the end, i.e. time for a new one? Mine is about 10 years young.

Thanks for your wisdom.

Jim Noel
18-Dec-2015, 15:16
Air it out for a few weeks and hope. I have two and it worked on one of them. Some people recommend talcum ppwder but I haven't tried that.

Daniel Geiger
18-Dec-2015, 18:19
Thanks Noel. Keith with Blackjacket just suggested hand wash with mid detergent. I'll give that a whirl.

19-Dec-2015, 17:54
Probably the plasticizer is outgassing/leaching from the nylon... (happens sometimes) Wash/scrub with a fairly strong solution of dishwashing liquid and scrub with a nylon brush, then rinse very throughly (and check if it's still sticky)... Then, get a tin of mink oil shoe waterproofer from the shoe polish section of the store, and rub it in... This will replenish the plasticizer, and seal the fibers... (This is extensively used by doll/vinyl purse collectors to stabilize plastic items after cleaning...) I use it to restore hard/dry/stinky/sticky/brittle plastics, sticky electronic test equipment, cases, and bags...

Or, throw it back at Keith, and tell him you want another one... (Warranty!?!!!!)

Steve K

19-Dec-2015, 20:41
If that doesn't work, try rubbing alcohol, that can work on certain plastics like plastic tool casings (like a royobe drill case can sometimes get sticky) that get sticky, just spray it with 91% rubbing alcohol and wipe it and the sticky comes off. Good luck!

Daniel Geiger
20-Dec-2015, 10:33
Update: hand washing with detergent was not a good idea. The silvers side got even more sticky, peeling off some of the top coat, and also leading to a small hole at one of the seams. Will try drying it inside completely to make it usable for my between-the-years outing. Ordered a new one. Lesson learned, gotta shoot more regularly :-)

20-Dec-2015, 11:42
That has happened to mine too. Sucks that washing doesn't fix it. Sounds like the blackjacket people are using substandard materials and don't know much about long term care either. :-(

Sal Santamaura
20-Dec-2015, 13:38
...Sounds like the blackjacket people are using substandard materials...Yup.

...Ordered a new one. Lesson learned...Apparently not.

20-Dec-2015, 15:59
[...] Or, throw it back at Keith, and tell him you want another one... (Warranty!?!!!!)
Steve K
Is someone do this?
Just to know if mine develop the same problem.

Daniel Geiger
21-Dec-2015, 02:06
Keith actually offered to send a new one. However, mine is/was 10 years old, so not too much complaining. I consider it way better than a longer lasting alternative, i.e. the standard focusing cloth. No terribly hard feelings from my side. Stuff happens ...

21-Dec-2015, 07:25
Well, if they are willing to exchange, then that changes things a bit. Hopefully that is the case! Would be a nice move from a customer-service standpoint.

Daniel Geiger
21-Dec-2015, 09:05
I don't think it is reasonable to expect an exchange for any 10 year old item, unless it has express warranty for it. Can't think of many things, a roof comes to mind, but not a single small consumer item, and certainly not a single example of a textile. Accordingly, I did not take Keith up on his kind offer, but purchased a new one. Once in a while, even as the customer we have to do the right thing and show some responsibility.

21-Dec-2015, 09:26
I don't think it is reasonable to expect an exchange for any 10 year old item, unless it has express warranty for it. Can't think of many things, a roof comes to mind, but not a single small consumer item, and certainly not a single example of a textile. Accordingly, I did not take Keith up on his kind offer, but purchased a new one. Once in a while, even as the customer we have to do the right thing and show some responsibility.

My goodness! Common sense rather than misplaced (IMHO) outrage & demands?
Dan, you've made my day. Thanks.

Daniel Geiger
21-Dec-2015, 09:48
To add a further twist, my paypal payment for the new cloth was refunded (minus shipping)! That sure has not happened to me before. But I have an idea on how to sweeten the deal for Keith, quite literally.

21-Dec-2015, 09:58
To add a further twist, my paypal payment for the new cloth was refunded (minus shipping)! That sure has not happened to me before. But I have an idea on how to sweeten the deal for Keith, quite literally.

I'm in need of an 8x10 version, I'll trade you for my 4x5 non-sticky ;)

Jerry Bodine
21-Dec-2015, 11:14
I'm surprised nobody has yet offered a link to Keith's website in this discussion:


21-Dec-2015, 11:25
I'm surprised nobody has yet offered a link to Keith's website in this discussion:


Because we have all learned how to use google ;)

But I suppose the link is helpful for the super Un-motivated buyer. :)

22-Dec-2015, 07:34
LL Bean will exchange anything, at any time. Most of what they sell is textiles. They are not the only ones, either. Other companies will do it as well. Just an FYI.

It is nice he offered though. I would have taken him up on it. Sounds like a stand-up guy.


I don't think it is reasonable to expect an exchange for any 10 year old item, unless it has express warranty for it. Can't think of many things, a roof comes to mind, but not a single small consumer item, and certainly not a single example of a textile. Accordingly, I did not take Keith up on his kind offer, but purchased a new one. Once in a while, even as the customer we have to do the right thing and show some responsibility.

Roger Thoms
22-Dec-2015, 08:53
Definitely a standup guy, great product, and customer service above and beyond.

Patagonia is another company that stands behind there product. They recently replaced a jacket for me that had the fabric coating flaking off, the style was no longer made so the sent me a $350 give card. They also do repairs free of charge, had a zipper repaired and a missing draw string replace on a pair of polar fleece pants recently also.


22-Dec-2015, 15:04
To be honest, LLBean (and especially Patagonia) price in the repairs-for-life into the upfront cost. I am not sure if blackjacket does or not - it would seem like they don't, since they are not overly expensive. (I like Patagonia too but the prices are $$...)

Roger Thoms
22-Dec-2015, 21:54
Ed, your absolutely right about the Patagonia prices, but that said the stuff I've bought lasts and lasts. Blackjacket price on the other hand seem like a bargain, especially for such a nich product.

One thought on the stickyness problem. I have a Harrison tent and they have also had stickyness issues. There recommendation is to store the tent loosely in a mesh bag, or at least that was interpretation, when not traveling with it. Probably not a bad idea for the BlackJacket.


23-Dec-2015, 16:53
This whole thread prompted me to pull out my 4x5 black jacket that I really haven't used in the past year since I've gone to 8 x 10.

I'm happy to report that there's no stickiness whatsoever and everything seems fine, it's possible that the issue is dealt with and that whatever materials they used previously in the beginning have been updated and this is no longer a concern for new buyers.

It reminded me how well-made the jacket is, however it is heavier in some ways and I worry that using it on my 8 x 10 with a bigger one that was designed for 8 x 10 would have too much weight on the back standard.

It's really just the neck portion where the elastic is that I think is a little heavy, it's such a huge elastic which I don't see as necessary. A much smaller elastic would've done just fine I would think. Then again I never really understood how to use the arm holes or understood why they were there, my arms certainly don't go that far up or my face would be squished against the ground glass, so I always just use it as a normal tube style focusing cloth anyway.

Now I can't decide what to do it, should I sell it? That's always the trouble deciding if you're going to use something again or not. *sigh* GAS, at least it's not sticky! :)

24-Dec-2015, 11:01
Then again I never really understood how to use the arm holes or understood why they were there, my arms certainly don't go that far up or my face would be squished against the ground glass, so I always just use it as a normal tube style focusing cloth anyway.

It is quality made for certain. But I noticed the same thing about the armholes. It definitely works great for some, however. But for me, been hanging in the closet most of the time ever since my initial few times of use.

Now I can't decide what to do it, should I sell it? That's always the trouble deciding if you're going to use something again or not. *sigh*

I think it is someone's 'Law' that: "If you sell it or otherwise dispose of it, you will immediately thereafter find an application for which it is indispensable."
That's why it is still in my closet. :>)

24-Dec-2015, 13:50
It is quality made for certain. But I noticed the same thing about the armholes. It definitely works great for some, however. But for me, been hanging in the closet most of the time ever since my initial few times of use.

I think it is someone's 'Law' that: "If you sell it or otherwise dispose of it, you will immediately thereafter find an application for which it is indispensable."
That's why it is still in my closet. :>)

Hah! It's so true. I'm having the 8x10 version custom made without the armholes. Really excellent customer service!

Also, SOLD pending payment.