View Full Version : Panorama Photographer Working in the PNW

Scott Rosenberg
27-Feb-2005, 10:45
hey guys...

about a year ago, i came across a website for a photographer that was shooting panoramic images throughout the pacific northwest. i'm pretty sure i found his site via a post on this site, but try as i might, i can't come up with the old thread, nor can i find his site. i know this is pretty vague, but was hoping one of you might know whom i'm referring to.


Leonard Robertson
27-Feb-2005, 11:49
Scott - How about Will Landon? http://www.willlandon.com/html/bio.html

Danny Burk
27-Feb-2005, 12:04
Or perhaps my friend Ross Wordhouse: www.rosswordhouse.com (http://www.rosswordhouse.com)

Danny www.dannyburk.com (http://www.dannyburk.com)

Scott Rosenberg
27-Feb-2005, 12:29
Ross Wordhouse!!!

that's it! thank you so much, danny!

leonard, thanks for the link, but the guy i was searching for was Ross.
