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31-Oct-2015, 17:09
New established Pinhole & 58XL lens interchangable 4x5 camera made in China:141663
The 4 wrenches turn to left, then hold the normal 2-sheet 4x5 holder.
The 4 wrenches turn to right, then hold every kind of 4x5 holders~
I just let LFF fellows to know a modified way. It's not an AD~

Drew Bedo
1-Nov-2015, 06:56
New established Pinhole & 58XL lens interchangable 4x5 camera made in China:141663
The 4 wrenches turn to left, then hold the normal 2-sheet 4x5 holder.
The 4 wrenches turn to right, then hold every kind of 4x5 holders~
I just let LFF fellows to know a modified way. It's not an AD~

An interesting camera. Please start a new thread on this camera as a sort of review.

Oren Grad
1-Nov-2015, 07:19
Post moved to new thread. Pierre506, please tell us more about the source and availability of this camera. So far as I can tell by wading through the Chinese pages, the website at the URL inscribed on the camera does not appear to have any information on it.

1-Nov-2015, 14:16
What's the URL? I read http://kangrinpache.com/ but that's not it?

1-Nov-2015, 15:32
That's www.kangrinpoche.com - it won't work without the www. But there's no info on on the camera, only ball heads, right-angle brackets and a lens spanner. Perhaps Pierre506 could share some links?


1-Nov-2015, 16:45
Thanks for the corrections. The links seem to be dead, but looks like they have plans for 617 and 4x5 camera, with the 617 allowing midroll lens and film changes (i.e. a darkslide?) and a tilt-shift model. (I read Chinese) http://www.kangrinpoche.com/daohang.asp

1-Nov-2015, 17:01
The camera is not on the market so far.
I'd contacted the manufacturer. He gave me some pictures and description of it. More detailed pictures will arrive in the near future.
And he will send me a camera. I will get it in two days.
let's see the pictures in advance:

Oren Grad
1-Nov-2015, 17:05
Thanks, I will remove the "(?)" from the thread title. Please do share any additional information when you can.

1-Nov-2015, 17:27
Its name: 'COSMOS CIRCLE' of Eighteen Degrees camera launched by Kangrinpoche company
4x5 handheld camera/ pinhole
So far, it uses Schneider 58XL lens only or 0.3mm (0.2, 0.4, 0.5) pinhole.
It will launch the helical for 65mm in the very near future.
The whole set~

1-Nov-2015, 17:30
0.3mm pinhole for the camera
0.2mm, 0.4mm, 0.5mm for other options
for Shutter release

1-Nov-2015, 17:41
With a amoured fresnel ground glass.
110 Degrees Viewfinder
There is a horizontal bobble inside.
The helical with the Linhof standard size board adapter will give the users more usable options.

Ben Syverson
1-Nov-2015, 18:30
Interesting… I'll be curious to see the price and the helical option.

1-Nov-2015, 19:15
Interesting… I'll be curious to see the price and the helical option.

As would I.

1-Nov-2015, 19:46
Interesting… I'll be curious to see the price and the helical option.
So far, I knew the official price of the set was about USD 260 if it's on the market in the near future( this month).

Drew Bedo
2-Nov-2015, 04:41
With a amoured fresnel ground glass.
110 Degrees Viewfinder
There is a horizontal bobble inside.
The helical with the Linhof standard size board adapter will give the users more usable options.

The attachment links don't come up on my computer . . . .?

2-Nov-2015, 17:06
Front view of the basic body
Ground glass with fresnel
Two-way direction bobbles above the body
Pinhole with a B shutter

Tin Can
2-Nov-2015, 17:20

Made for 58mm lens.

Any extensions being considered?

2-Nov-2015, 17:23
Rear view of the basic body
a horizontal bobble in the viewfinder


1. the whole set(including body, lensboard, Pinhole with the shutter, viewfinder, Ground glass ), 514g

2. without viewfinder, lens board, Pinhole with the shutter, Ground glass, 286g

3.lens board + Pinhole with the shutter, 69g

4.Pinhole with the shutter, 21g

5.viewfinder, 49g

3-Nov-2015, 11:48
Very interesting! Please keep posting information about this camera as it becomes available!

3-Nov-2015, 13:45
The most interesting aspect to most people would be the helical! How well does it work and is it less than the $300-$400 for the other helical?

3-Nov-2015, 14:28
The Harman Titan and the Wanderlust had a baby--already? ;) Looking forward to see the 65mm helical--like everyone else. Would love to see cones, helicals, and viewfinders for 90mm and 150mm.

3-Nov-2015, 16:58
Would love to see cones, helicals, and viewfinders for 150mm or longer....

3-Nov-2015, 19:02
I got the set today.
It's a module designing.
The camera was designed for Schneider 58XL lens & Pinhole only so far. I don't have the 58XL lens now, but a Rodenstock Grandagon-N 65mm f4.5 lens. I found they are almost same image distance. So I installed the 65mm on it.
I immediately brought it with a Polaroid 405 holder to the street. It's quite good.
I also found it to need to be improved. It's without a hole for the shutter release on the grip so far. It's very easy to dig the hole for the shutter release by myself.
I will try the Pinhole later.

3-Nov-2015, 19:04
I have to add that the camera has a fixed FL cone for 58mm lens & Pinhole now. The manufacturer will launch the helicals for the longer lenses in the future.

3-Nov-2015, 19:15
It's very easy to bear other 4x5 holders including the normal two-sheet holder, Grafmatic...

Steven Tribe
4-Nov-2015, 01:35
The module idea is a very good one!

Many thanks for this "hands on" orientation!

Drew Bedo
4-Nov-2015, 05:50
I missed it somewhere: What is the all-up xost minus any lens?

With the 65mm installed, what does it weigh?

This looks like a nicey done set. Hope there is enough demand to make this a viable product.

4-Nov-2015, 22:06
Pinhole with FUJI FP-100C

Drew Bedo
5-Nov-2015, 07:51

Nice pinhole images . . .What did you have to pay for this camera?

5-Nov-2015, 17:01

Nice pinhole images . . .What did you have to pay for this camera?
Can find it on Taobao~

Drew Bedo
5-Nov-2015, 19:13
I found the site but the searching is difficult for me as I'm illiterate in Chinese. What is this camera called and how much does it cost?

5-Nov-2015, 19:28
Seems to be ($1680rmb), about $280usd, plus shipping.

7-Nov-2015, 20:48
Add a shutter release on the grip~

16-Nov-2015, 22:38
The pinhole shutters look great. Link please..

17-Nov-2015, 02:13
They appear to be on ebay: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/191732583301?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT


Paul Ewins
17-Nov-2015, 04:44
Hmm,they appear to have more than one camera in their lineup : http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/18-Point-Shoot-Rangefinder-45-Large-Format-Camera-with-Schneider-135-4-7-Lens-/191602744953?hash=item2c9c69de79:g:7AkAAOSw3xJVfp2A

17-Nov-2015, 05:03
Hmm,they appear to have more than one camera in their lineup : http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/18-Point-Shoot-Rangefinder-45-Large-Format-Camera-with-Schneider-135-4-7-Lens-/191602744953?hash=item2c9c69de79:g:7AkAAOSw3xJVfp2A

I have heard that the quality of the camera, which looks to be a Chamonix Saber competitor, is not so good.

17-Nov-2015, 12:20
That's the one I have heard called "Sky-bow" on the various far-eastern sites. Price is a bit higher (seemed to be about $700-800 in the far east). Nice pictures of it, hard to tell for sure re: quality but looks not too bad ? Maybe not Saber-level quality though. The interchangable (?) cam for focusing is a nice touch though but rangefinder baselength seems rather short. Will be interesting to hear more about it if anyone buys one.

Drew Bedo
17-Nov-2015, 13:37
Was the price in USD Hong Kong, Canadien or some other nationality?

17-Nov-2015, 14:15
With a rangefinder!

17-Nov-2015, 20:39
I have heard that the quality of the camera, which looks to be a Chamonix Saber competitor, is not so good.
I don't agree with you at this point, Richard. Everyone knows the Saber's price. They are different market target.

18-Nov-2015, 06:29
Drew, it was priced in HKD which I translated (xe.com) to $USD. It may be worth the price bump to get it with the guarantees/protection(?) of the ebay marketplace vs. an asian marketplace, however.

17-Jun-2016, 03:22
What's the URL? I read http://kangrinpache.com/ but that's not it?
its kangrinpoche (could be tibetan name)
only in the archives:
hope i am right its chinese....

16-Oct-2017, 20:35
0.3mm pinhole for the camera
0.2mm, 0.4mm, 0.5mm for other options
for Shutter release
i tried to ask the ebay-seller 3d-krsc about the shutter but he didnt understand or didnt want to...
a) can the plates be replaced? every shutter costs 80 usd.
b) replaced e.g with zoneplates, zone-sives from skinkfoto.
c) would it hold his 20mm plates? whats the diameter for the plates?

17-Oct-2017, 16:32
It's a Linhof style lens board and interchangable.
Its pinholes can be changed to 3 sizes (Diameter).

通过我的 MHA-AL00 上的 Tapatalk发言

30-Oct-2017, 06:33
Does anyone have further experiences with these camera? Especially curious about the 4x5 rangefinder, how usable it is and how durable.

18-Oct-2018, 03:03
I have just received the 18º camera. I live & work in Shanghai, China & it seems I have purchased the last ever camera that was in stock. I got completely black version with 2 cams (I have sent my 150mm (Xenotar clone) Komura 150mm 3.5 and Xenotar 135mm 3.5 lenses and received the appropriate cams for them!)
Quality of work seems quite good. Range finder spot is contrasty enough, although the baselength seems short & I am not sure how precise it will be in real life usage... but hope to find out some time soon. It's already night here so I will be testing camera tomorrow. Waiting for some more info from Pierre about actual usage... :) but for sure happy to have a "Saber" style camera in 4x5.

18-Oct-2018, 06:36
Milos, good to hear you got one of these. Post some images of the camera, and of stuff you shoot with it too. Did they indicate they were making more of these? It is an interesting design. I have a Saber so don't need one of these in an immediate sense, but it's nice to know people are still building cool stuff like this.

27-Jun-2019, 08:39
More cameras are planned also new types. Cosmic Circle 4x5(he told price should be higher than 248 usd and he currently wants it to keep down for promotional reasons) will now have Universal Pinhole-shutter for 18-20mm plates. 80 usd e.g. from skinkfoto(germany), pinhole, zoneplate, Zone sieve. I measured with any cablerelease(pneumatic or not) 1/6 can be reached. tested with photoplug shutter tester. highly advised to get one. there are better shutter testers but within limits its good enough. data cannot be save yet outside app, one must write it down. it is stored but could be lost. must ask franz if there is a workaround to save data, check photoplug dot de. instructions are very precise. not like vrmoto who didnt understand that the graph must be enlarged to see details....a lot of confusions happened. have also measured about 1/6 second when using the grundner shutter. but thats another story. the use of this big 13cm diameter shutter.

8-Mar-2020, 01:54
Thank you pierre506!

Pierre506 provides a link to the original discussion of the universe circle.

Soon, five years later, we were working to make COSMOS CIRCLE better.

We plan to produce another 40mm short snout and a 55mm long snout. Now, the design has been completed, and the sample has been tested repeatedly, which is exactly what we originally imagined. With these two snouts and our original 70mm standard snout, four different flange focal lengths will be formed, and with our L17310 and L25550 focus plates with different focus ranges, COSMOS CIRCLE can use lenses from 47mm to 180mm.

To realize these two attachments, we plan to do it through KS or IGG crowdfunding. In the crowdfunding, we will provide more preferential universe circle in return, hope to get the support of friends!

Thank you very much!

Tin Can
8-Mar-2020, 05:53
Looking at the seller on eBay, one can gain quite a bit of info about many options

Same seller I have bought from a few times, over years

and I liked everything I bought

8-Mar-2020, 20:39
Looking at the seller on eBay, one can gain quite a bit of info about many options

Same seller I have bought from a few times, over years

and I liked everything I bought

I agree with you, Tin!

As a manufacturer, we often browse eBay and other sales websites. At the same time, we attend CP +, Photokina and other exhibitions to pay attention to new design and new products, so as to inspire our own ideas and develop new products.

thank you

15-Feb-2021, 15:06
i am getting adapters for M22-pinhole-plates like the one for eighteeen degrees pinholeshutter to be used in copal 1 and 0 shutters or other with same mounts.
Since skinkfoto refused to answer my question if his plates are M22 i dont know if his 3 types of plates(pinhole, zonesieve, photonsieve) can be attached to the 18° shutter. he has a lens for copal 0. I call that rather an adapter.
cosmos circle does not deliver naked adapters(where pinholeplate is factory-mounted. they are of highquality. when i killed one unfortunately(i have a duplicate 0.35mm) i removed everything to have a naked adapter. there i mounted old brass 18mm Reality So Subtle plate. Was not that easy since it will wobble inside when not done properly. new version is flat and nonmetall(plastic or something like that see website, 20mm. set of 5 cost 20 euro. hope he can also deliver 0.35mm later.
Remember-i already posted that: Eighteen Degrees Pinhole Shutter by Cosmos Circle can expose multiples of 1/6(doesnt matter which release cable or pneumatic)- i measure with photoplug shutter-tester. one must only press it quickly. triggering the shutter manually not advised.
Now i hope 3S-KR will come back here and tell us where to buy more shutters and plates. i cant find second seller who had these. have big problems navigating his shop 3s-krpc. i cant reach it only when i have link. which i have stored. sometimes its working sometimes not. tried everything. and search cannot find the seller 3s-krpc

NB: I have a concept for shutter- filteradapter. unfortunately nobody has the needed brass-adapter in order to be soldered to the surface. details later. so aluminium-adapter must be "glued" to. a used tape for the image. be aware brass and aluminium-adapter cannot be joined. brass to alufilter working. brass-adapter by heliopan. there are some alternative sellers but heliopan has the the biggest range. see their price-sheet. heliopan.de

20-May-2021, 22:01
i am getting adapters for M22-pinhole-plates like the one for eighteeen degrees pinholeshutter to be used in copal 1 and 0 shutters or other with same mounts.
Since skinkfoto refused to answer my question if his plates are M22 i dont know if his 3 types of plates(pinhole, zonesieve, photonsieve) can be attached to the 18° shutter. he has a lens for copal 0. I call that rather an adapter.
cosmos circle does not deliver naked adapters(where pinholeplate is factory-mounted. they are of highquality. when i killed one unfortunately(i have a duplicate 0.35mm) i removed everything to have a naked adapter. there i mounted old brass 18mm Reality So Subtle plate. Was not that easy since it will wobble inside when not done properly. new version is flat and nonmetall(plastic or something like that see website, 20mm. set of 5 cost 20 euro. hope he can also deliver 0.35mm later.
Remember-i already posted that: Eighteen Degrees Pinhole Shutter by Cosmos Circle can expose multiples of 1/6(doesnt matter which release cable or pneumatic)- i measure with photoplug shutter-tester. one must only press it quickly. triggering the shutter manually not advised.
Now i hope 3S-KR will come back here and tell us where to buy more shutters and plates. i cant find second seller who had these. have big problems navigating his shop 3s-krpc. i cant reach it only when i have link. which i have stored. sometimes its working sometimes not. tried everything. and search cannot find the seller 3s-krpc

NB: I have a concept for shutter- filteradapter. unfortunately nobody has the needed brass-adapter in order to be soldered to the surface. details later. so aluminium-adapter must be "glued" to. a used tape for the image. be aware brass and aluminium-adapter cannot be joined. brass to alufilter working. brass-adapter by heliopan. there are some alternative sellers but heliopan has the the biggest range. see their price-sheet. heliopan.de

My English level is very poor, I can only translate through the translation software, but I still don't fully understand what you mean, I'm really sorry.

We also have the shutter for the production of pinhole. The shutter and the size of the pinhole plate are the same as that of "八旗军火", another brand which has disappeared in China, and they can be used in common. I don't know if they are common with other brands.

If you need, you can contact us.

thank you