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View Full Version : R3 monobath questions

27-Jul-2015, 06:12
Hi all,
does anyone know how many 8x10 sheets and 120 rolls can I develop per liter with this new/old monobath?
I would like to give it a try before buying some, any tips for a tested recipe would be appreciated :)
Usually I use Fomapan 200 and Tmax 400

30-Jul-2015, 11:55
New55 don't ship to Canada, so I have been making my own using Donald Qualls' formula. I was given to understand that a liter would do ten 35/120 films, but when I made up a liter the quality became unacceptable on film #9. Quite apart from the problem of surge marks, there are streaky stains on some films when it is re-used (and I always poured it through a coffee filter on its way back into the storage bottle. I have gone back to one shot use, and if you have some HC-110 syrup, some Ilford Rapid Fixer and some 5% household ammonia cleaner there's no need to do anything other than make up your own!

30-Jul-2015, 13:20
Hi chrism and thanks for your tips, so I guess 8 would be a nice starting-ending point with one liter,
reading here http://new55project.blogspot.it/2010/01/donal-qualls-successful-monobath.html I think to keep the PH at 9.5 too