View Full Version : Shutter in Durst cls 2000 enlarger head malfunction.

20-Jul-2015, 06:06
The light switch on in my CLS 2000, but the shutter do not open.

Well, it does some days, and some days it opens if I tickle one of the relays. Today when I, mildly, tryed to push the arm that opens the shutter, it opened slowly and allmost voluntarily, and now will not close . The light switch off all right and goes into the low reddish stand by mode.

Does something needs lubrication??
Can the relays "grow old"??
Could anything have gone wrong in the power supply box (I'm not familiar with electronic matters)??

If any of you have insight into the above problem, I'd be gratefull for any advice or similar experince.
Thank you.

20-Jul-2015, 19:58
Some useful info may be found here: http://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/showthread.php?55947-Fixing-a-Durst-CLS2000-Color-Head