View Full Version : Wanted: LF camera operating workshop

12-Jun-2015, 06:11
I am a professional DSRL still-life and reportage photographer but now I'd like to learn to operate a large format camera. I actually studied still-life with LF camera years back in 90's but now I just don't remember anything about operating those cameras and so I am looking for a hands on workshop where I can learn it once again. Would anyone like to recommend me anything of a kind?
Some other considerations:
• I'd like to buy and use 8x10 (field) camera so it would be nice to learn on those models. Possibly models which are currently available.
• I am interested in contemporary art. I guess subject is not that much relevant but still I wanted to note it.
• I don't care much where this workshop would be. I live in Italy and so the nearer the better but I don't mind traveling to let's say USA or GB. As far as I am interested in contemporary art and just learning to operate a camera it would be perfectly ok for a workshop to be in a studio or just someone's home rather than an exotic location which could be more difficult to reach.
• If you never done a workshop but you want to and you know thoroughly the matter and have a considerable amount of experience - don't be shy and send me your proposal. Otherwise may be someone can recommend me a workshop he or she participated and liked.
• It could be a group workshop or a personal one. One day or more if needed.

I am posting all that because I haven't found such a thread on this forum and I guess looking through different options would be of a great help for others who want to learn LF photography.

12-Jun-2015, 06:17
Leslie Stroebel's book is a fine workshop. http://www.amazon.com/View-Camera-Technique-Leslie-Stroebel/dp/0240803450

12-Jun-2015, 06:43
Perhaps start here?


Or any of the links on the homepage:


Not hand-on but a good primer.

12-Jun-2015, 07:17
There are a couple of regulars here from Italy who might be willing to spend some time showing you.

Jim Noel
12-Jun-2015, 08:02
There are a couple of regulars here from Italy who might be willing to spend some time showing you.

Yes, there are several photographers in Italy who check this forum.I suggest you make another post looking for LF photographers in your area, There has to be at least one within a short distance.
My visit to Italy was one of the best trips in my long life. My only regret was my inability to have my 8x10 and 7x17 with me. A fantastically beautiful country,with magnificent people.

12-Jun-2015, 08:58
There are a couple of regulars here from Italy who might be willing to spend some time showing you.

On the other hand you could buy me a ticket and I will come there...:)

14-Jun-2015, 08:45
thanks to everyone for the tips and links) I'll get the books just to be ready for a "real" hands on workshop)

14-Jun-2015, 08:46
On the other hand you could buy me a ticket and I will come there...:)

Oh I can!) where from you coming?)

14-Jun-2015, 09:01
Oh I can!) where from you coming?)

USA. Ero in Sicilia due anni fa. Saró in Italia ancora, ma quando non sono sicuro. Forse quest'anno...

14-Jun-2015, 09:17
oh you can come again this time WITH 8x10 7x17)

But the way if anyone is inspired to come here in Italy I arrange everything and be an assistant, translator, driver. PM me.

14-Jun-2015, 09:18
USA. Ero in Sicilia due anni fa. Saró in Italia ancora, ma quando non sono sicuro. Forse quest'anno...

ah bene. Se vuoi fammi sapere

peter schrager
14-Jun-2015, 10:53
arkadi where are you in Italy??
best, peter

Tracy Storer
14-Jun-2015, 23:23
I would also be happy to come to Italy to teach you.......Italy is high on my list of countries I must visit but not yet visited...Or if you would like to visit the San Francisco CA USA area you can come see me.

14-Jun-2015, 23:23
Peter i am near Milan, so northern part of Italy. Lots of beautiful locations are on a hand stretch.

Steven Tribe
16-Jun-2015, 13:45
Due to your interest in fine art, I think you may have more difficulty than expected with getting hold of colour film at the sizes you mention!

17-Jun-2015, 13:12
I prefer to take eventual issues as exciting challenges and so..I am looking forward to have them)
..than we are speaking about 8x10 don't we? Rather a standard size

Pete Roody
18-Jun-2015, 09:06
I will be flying into Milan on July 13th to meet 2 list members. We will be staying in Montelungo for a week and will all be shooting LF. That's not far from Milan. PM me if you are interested in meeting up.

One of us (not me) speaks fluent Italian also.

19-Jun-2015, 15:04
Oh that's very nice Peter! I'll send you a pm.

Tim Meisburger
19-Jun-2015, 22:18
I have not seen him around much recently, but Christopher Broadbent lives in Milano.

20-Jun-2015, 12:38
thank you Tim! I'll look for him)

Greg Y
22-Jun-2015, 06:35
Arcadi, You should look up Alberto Bregani. albertobregani.com. I believe Alberto lives & works out of Milan. He's a great b/w mountain photographer & does work with 4x5. I'm sure you could arrange a great trip with him around Cortina or Madonna di Campiglio, or in fact anywhere in Northern Italy. Alberto helped me out with some details for a trip to the Dolomites I did last september. If you haven't worked with large format before, then the operational details working with 4x5 will largely transfer over to 8x10 pretty well.

22-Jun-2015, 23:09
Thanks Greg! I'll look for him!)
Did you enjoy your trip?) next time you can contact me too)

28-Jun-2015, 09:02
Not sure on the exact timing, but I'm happy to fly into Italy sometime in the course of July. How's workshop in exchange for a bed and a snack (well and a glass or two of wine). Depending on your wishes and whether or not you have a LF set-up, I can bring an additional camera for you to use. Lugging chemicals to develop, etc might be a bit difficult though, but if you have some basic stuff we could develop B&W. Temperature controlled C41 is possible in a bathtub but a little tedious.

28-Jun-2015, 17:30
nice to hear from you!
Yeah sure I can arrange for your stay in my place, I live near Milan and Bergamo. Let's send pm for more infos.
Hear you soon

peter schrager
28-Jun-2015, 18:58
Arkadi..I used to import olive oil from a frantoio near bergamo!!
best, peter