View Full Version : Sinar filter holder

18-Jan-2005, 23:31
Just bought a Sinar 100mm (4"x4") filter holder and would like to use it with filters to shoot B&W film. I am going to buy yellow, green and red filters. Which are the brands of filter that you would suggest?

Ralph Barker
19-Jan-2005, 00:39
I use both Kodak gels and a couple of Lee polyester filters, along with several types of resin diffusion filters from HiTech. They all work just fine. Just treat them delicately to avoid scratching.

Marko Trebusak
19-Jan-2005, 04:47
Here's another vote for Lee's filters. I use polyester ones for B&W work and I also use theirs ND grads. Nothing to complain about them, but as Ralph said treat them lightly as they scratch easily.


Dan Dozer
19-Jan-2005, 10:34

Last year I accidently stumbled across the "semi annual sale" at Samy's Camera in Los Angeles while there on a business trip. They had a big box of 4" polyester Sinar Color Control Filters that were dirt cheap. They had price tags on them of $52.00 (who would ever pay that) and $5.00 (much better price), but they were selling them out that day for only 50 cents each. I picked up about 10 different ones. Don't know if/when I will ever use them all, but for that price it was worth it.

No body there was buying them so they may have them back for their next big sale. If you are ever in Los Angeles, you might want to see when their big sales are because you might be able to pick up some yourself.

Ellis Vener
19-Jan-2005, 12:00
Of the big three 100mm resin filter and holder makers --Lee, Sinar, Hitech -- I'm sorry to tell you, the Sinar would not be my first or second choice of holders. It isn't because Sinar's filters were bad -- they are terrific-- but because Sinar designed their filter holder to hold only their filters which are thinner than Lee or Hitech. I know this becasue I used to own a Sinar 100mm holder.

All three of these companies make their optical resin filters from the same patent which originated with Kodak Uk and was spun off to three former executives about 15-20 years ago. One exec went with, Sinar, another to Lee and the third went to Formatt UK (AKA HItech). I have switched to the Lee system as the Lee Foundation Kit lets me adjustthe number and thickness of the filters used.

In the meantime you might check with Quality Camera in Atlanta as they are the outfit that purchased my Sinar filter & holder setup last year last year. (I only kept the graduated density filters).

James Driscoll
19-Jan-2005, 23:29
The filters are all over EBAY....at pennies compared to what they cost new. Someone apparently has a huge stock of them...........because they are NEW.

If you want to pay top dollar....but you will get it right away....call Fotocare in NYC. 1-212-741-2990...ask for Tommy.

Fotocare bought all of the remaining stock from Sinar Bron when they discontinued the filter system. But you will be paying what Sinar charged for them.