View Full Version : Videos of You photographing

Kevin J. Kolosky
24-Feb-2015, 12:59
Lately I find my self going to U-Tube a lot to watch videos of some of the great old photographers out there doing their thing. I think I have watched all of the Ansel Adams ones at least 3 or 4 times, and I like the ones by Edward Weston and Bresson and Paul Strand and quite a few others. I just find it interesting to hear people talk about what they are doing, and watch them doing photography.

Does anybody here ever record their self out in the field doing large format photography? And by any chance do you put it on U-Tube so that others can enjoy watching, and possibly learning, from what you are thinking and doing.

24-Feb-2015, 13:15
No, my tripod is in use for LF when I'm shooting LF and would be needed to do video well. Sound would be difficult too, with wind, etc... Those would be my challenges. I see no reason to carry a second tripod or wireless mics and batteries when out shooting. Those ones you watch are probably professionally done videos, not something one would do on a lark when out photographing. Ben Horne has a youtube channel of himself out shooting LF. Eddie Gunks has some decent videos too.

Andrew O'Neill
24-Feb-2015, 13:17
I have an unedited video of me working with my 14x17 on some logs at the edge of the Pitt River near my place. The tide came in and I was almost surrounded by water! I should dig up the video and watch it for a laugh.

16-Mar-2015, 13:48
A friend camed by while I was shooting collodion...feel free to watch the video (in French)


16-Mar-2015, 14:45
A friend shot a day worth of footage of me on my last project, which is now getting edited into crowd funding video. I'm lucky to know a pro who's used to working with non-actors (he made all the Sam Adams commercials with the bearded guys). Still, I find it mostly embarassing to watch and am not going to put it online anywhere I don't need to.

Alan Gales
17-Mar-2015, 18:12
I never thought about it but I guess I could make a video of what not to do. :rolleyes:

Monty McCutchen
17-Mar-2015, 21:19
A friend shot a day worth of footage of me on my last project, which is now getting edited into crowd funding video. I'm lucky to know a pro who's used to working with non-actors (he made all the Sam Adams commercials with the bearded guys). Still, I find it mostly embarassing to watch and am not going to put it online anywhere I don't need to.

I would like you to reconsider. Your comments here are always thoughtful and thought provoking and I would very much like to see you talking about your work whilst out and about! To say nothing of potentially wanting to contribute to the crowd funding effort!!!


18-Mar-2015, 08:54
These days it's trivially easy to get excellent quality video with any bog-standard point & shoot. If you have someone with you, they can shoot handheld with one - then take it into Adobe Premiere (you have CS right?) and use the Warp Stabilize effect - instant steadycam. Frame the shot with 20-25% extra as the stabilization crops slightly. I've walked down the aisle shooting wedding video of the bride with a DSLR that looked awful from motion and it cleaned up to a perfectly smooth video with that effect, and no loss in quality (it just crops into the frame and follows the movement).

For most uses the built-in mic is just fine. A few extra dollars for a portable recorder and a big windscreen and you will have fantastic sound. I never use the built-in mics in my little handheld (I use it for location recording sometimes with mics plugged in) but I used it for a meeting/discussion and I was amazed at just how well they do.

Of course you can't replace a pro and top-flight gear but just for fun internet/youtube vids it is more than adequate.

I've actually been thinking about getting a Go Pro and harness and wearing one on my chest while hiking/wading to document the processes.

Jim Galli
18-Mar-2015, 09:30
Here are 3 that Eddie Gunks made of me. A bit of fun. Eddie loves to laugh. That's a good thing.




18-Mar-2015, 10:25
These days it's trivially easy to get excellent quality video with any bog-standard point & shoot. If you have someone with you, they can shoot handheld with one - then take it into Adobe Premiere (you have CS right?) and use the Warp Stabilize effect - instant steadycam. Frame the shot with 20-25% extra as the stabilization crops slightly. I've walked down the aisle shooting wedding video of the bride with a DSLR that looked awful from motion and it cleaned up to a perfectly smooth video with that effect, and no loss in quality (it just crops into the frame and follows the movement).

For most uses the built-in mic is just fine. A few extra dollars for a portable recorder and a big windscreen and you will have fantastic sound. I never use the built-in mics in my little handheld (I use it for location recording sometimes with mics plugged in) but I used it for a meeting/discussion and I was amazed at just how well they do.

Of course you can't replace a pro and top-flight gear but just for fun internet/youtube vids it is more than adequate.

I've actually been thinking about getting a Go Pro and harness and wearing one on my chest while hiking/wading to document the processes.

I added a $5 clip on lapel mic to my D600 and sound is much better. Used to get tons of mechanical and whooshing sounds focusing and noise from moving my hands on the camera. I just let the lapel dangle or clip it on my arm and it's good. If anyone moves up to wireless mics, brands and quality is more variable.

I just ponied up for premier elements. I didn't feel like going from $10/mo to $50 to get the whole suite. It has some stabilization abilities I haven't tried yet.

18-Mar-2015, 10:31
Cool. I rarely use my D800 audio but it did save my butt once at a concert I was recording. I had an audio glitch with my recorder at the beginning of the concert but the D800 mic was decent enough to use instead. No strange sounds. It was a 6th grade band so sound quality didn't matter all that much...

18-Mar-2015, 17:37
I watched the Galli / Gunks videos - very entertaining. I think we all should post at least one short video of use shooting, or at some stage in the process. Great idea Kevin.

20-Mar-2015, 12:48
Well, there's this:


professionally done (obviously)

And last year I did this with a Lumix LX7, a portable digital sound recorder, and Premier Elements:


Greg Miller
20-Mar-2015, 16:52
If you are into landscape photography at all, you'll likely enjoy Ben Horne's videos (https://benhorne.wordpress.com/). Just don't start watching unless you have some free time available because he has a lot of videos to watch.

Kevin J. Kolosky
20-Mar-2015, 17:51
A friend camed by while I was shooting collodion...feel free to watch the video (in French)


couldn't understand a damn thing you were saying but I enjoyed the video.

21-Mar-2015, 17:04
If you are into landscape photography at all, you'll likely enjoy Ben Horne's videos (https://benhorne.wordpress.com/). Just don't start watching unless you have some free time available because he has a lot of videos to watch.

Also check out Alan Brock's videos:http://www.alanbrockimages.com/blog/ Alan is an active member here.

Emil Schildt
24-Mar-2015, 12:44
A film is made as we speak. Four film students are trying to make hours of filming into a short video about little me painting with light - and making the negative into a Bromoil print. Speak in English...

As I await this one, another little informal one is actually already on the tube... also about Bromoiling..


25-Mar-2015, 14:16
I finished an edit of my crowdfunding video today. The campaign isn't happening just yet, but after dragging my feet for months it was fun to produce this thing (http://www.paulraphaelson.com/downloads/DominoVideo_r2_720.mp4). Be warned: wee camera content. Compensated for for by large tripod.

25-Mar-2015, 15:33

Can you resize the video? It takes too long to buffer.


25-Mar-2015, 19:41
There's a little version (http://www.paulraphaelson.com/downloads/DominoVideo_r2_360.mp4).

26-Mar-2015, 11:00
Nice video Paul. There's a C&H sugar refinery here in the bay area on the banks of the Sacramento river that from the outside looks very much like the one in your video:



28-Mar-2015, 14:15
Cool. Probably similar eras. Domino guys told me the country was split down the middle, with people on the East loyal to the yellow Domino boxes, people on the West loyal to the pink C&H. I think the companies did the same things the same way.

28-Mar-2015, 17:29

I just watched. Great job on the video. It really conveys the feeling of the building and scope of the project.
Good luck with the funding.

I'm going to watch again, but my initial reaction was that the video is rather "soft sell".
Perhaps that was your intent, but if not, you could amp it up a bit. Regardless of my suggestion, I liked it.



28-Mar-2015, 21:40
Thanks Dennis.

Interesting that it seems soft-sell. I do say "please buy stuff." How would you make it more aggressive?

Ron McElroy
2-Apr-2015, 20:49
What a surreal place Paul. Some of the images shown feel like illustrations from an old science fiction book. Good luck with funding!

2-Apr-2015, 21:29
Thank you!

5-Apr-2015, 12:41
thank you Kevin

Emil Schildt
15-Apr-2015, 10:16
So here's a Little (very serious) film about me....

Apparently you can call me Sir Smoke aLot..... :)


Kevin J. Kolosky
20-Apr-2015, 07:56
I kind of like this one, although I wish she would have talked a lot more about what she was thinking about and what she was doing.


8-May-2015, 07:24
Did a test with my gopro, collodion and some hot sun:

8-May-2015, 08:24
So here's a Little (very serious) film about me....

Apparently you can call me Sir Smoke aLot..... :)


Wonderful! These are great. Seeing the finished products is inspiring, but seeing the process (from beginning to end) is inspiring and entertaining.

Dan Quan
8-May-2015, 17:25
I realize this is not likely what you want but it is all I have. It was recorded a long time ago in a kitchen far, far away...


9-May-2015, 06:12
Does anybody here ever record their self out in the field doing large format photography? And by any chance do you put it on U-Tube so that others can enjoy watching, and possibly learning, from what you are thinking and doing....just saying...

Dan Quan
9-May-2015, 07:04
...just saying...

I realize this is not likely what you want...

just saying...

This is a fun video I thought y'all would enjoy but I understand if you choose ask a mod to delete it as "off topic".