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View Full Version : Copal #0 X-sync problem

JD Photo
28-Jan-2015, 13:50
Hi. I am new here and I am having problems with the search functions so I will post my question here.
I have a Schneider-Kreuznach Super-Angulon 90mm f/8 with a Copal #0 shutter and the x-sync doesn't work. I have tried all my known good cables. The connection is held on with screws. If I take the connection off the shutter body will the switch contacts be accessible?


28-Jan-2015, 14:12
Older shutter, do you have the lever switched to X?
do NOT take the shutter apart.

28-Jan-2015, 14:24
It's probably oxidation pay for a decent CLA. Most repair shops can doe one for you,


28-Jan-2015, 14:50
If I take the connection off the shutter body will the switch contacts be accessible?



JD Photo
28-Jan-2015, 15:09
newer shutter just X

JD Photo
28-Jan-2015, 15:14
I haven't done anything but now the strobe fires at random if I touch the shutter, wiggle the cable, change the speed. It will fire when I release the shutter but not reliably. Something loose inside? Where is a good place to send it in the southwest?

28-Jan-2015, 18:24
Most likely easier to buy a different, but working shutter, with or without glass inside of it. It will MUCH cheaper, and FASTER.

JD Photo
30-Jan-2015, 22:58
I talked with Northwest camera repair and he said that there was probably a broken insulator on the sync contacts and it needed to come apart to fix it. The dealer I bought it from wouldn't cover the repair so I sent it back for a refund on his used warranty. Too bad, the glass was mint. Thanks for the responses.