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View Full Version : Rodenstock APO RONAR 480mm f9 Lens Coverage?

8-Jun-2014, 07:15
Does anyone know which large or ultra large formats this lens will cover

Rodenstock APO-RONAR 480mm f9 and possible value of this.

Any info is greatly appreciated


Bob Salomon
8-Jun-2014, 08:10
At what image ratio?

8-Jun-2014, 08:14
There is a very good compilation of lens information on this forum's parent site - http://www.largeformatphotography.info/lenses/

I find the lens in question to be good for 8x10 and smaller, which is in line with the information above that list the image circle at f22 as 396 mm.

8-Jun-2014, 08:34
I heard this lens can cover the following formats


Plus smaller than 8x10 but to much conflicting info I would like solid info on from people who used it and so on...

The value of the lens in a copal 3 shutter would be also needed and appreciated... Thanks

8-Jun-2014, 09:00
I bought this lens last year mounted in a black Copal 3 from Adorama in mint condition with both caps for about $500. It provides plenty of coverage for 8x10.


Andrew Plume
8-Jun-2014, 09:21
and some more confirmation here:




Louis Pacilla
8-Jun-2014, 09:24
I heard this lens can cover the following formats


Plus smaller than 8x10 but to much conflicting info I would like solid info on from people who used it and so on...

The value of the lens in a copal 3 shutter would be also needed and appreciated... Thanks

NOOOOO it will NOT cover the larger formats at infinity focus. It has the same formula as Artar so coverage is around 48 degrees or so and you have been told already it's IC @ infinity focus is 396 @f22 and by that will NOT come close to 20x24 coverage.

Why not go to this link for the 1995 Rodenstock catalog and read the section on APO Ronars & you will read the manufacturers recommended film size for field use (@ infinity focus) is 8x10. It also tells you that the APO Ronars covers 48 degrees @ infinity focus. http://www.cameraeccentric.com/html/info/rodenstock_3.html

Dan Fromm
8-Jun-2014, 10:36
Andrew, thanks for reminding me of Allen Rumme's site. His coverage data for Boyer lenses is dead wrong.

This link http://sdrv.ms/1i4czGa will take you to a set of links to lens makers' catalogs and information taken from them. OP, it has links to three sites with information of Rodenstock lenses. The one on skydrive is the most complete of the three.

Andrew Plume
8-Jun-2014, 12:45
thx indeed Dan

