View Full Version : Using LPL 7451 for smaller negative sizes

8-Oct-2004, 03:42
I recently bought a secondhand LPL 7451 enlarger. Apart from suitable lenses and neg carriers, is there anything else I need to be able to print from Medium Format and 35mm negs on this kit ? I'm very short of darkroom space at the moment and I urgently need to be able to print from the smaller formats WITHOUT having to have 2 (or more!) enlargers set up simultaneously. Thanks Ian C

Armin Seeholzer
8-Oct-2004, 04:26
Hi Ian

You only need the negativ carriers for 35mm and for MF and a lens around 50mm for 35mm and around 80 - 105mm for MF and then you can start. If you not make large pictures from 35mm you also can use the MF lens for enlargements up to 8x10 inch or even a bit more it is possible with a 80mm MF enlarging lens. Good luck!

jose angel
8-Oct-2004, 04:50
I use this one in combination with a Beseler (condenser head). You don`t need to change the diffusion chamber. I never did it; I use the original one with a 4x5" anti-Newton negative carrier masked for the smaller formats, and it works great. Problably, a dedicated chamber for MF or smaller format can give you shorter printing times (I`m not sure), but it is not needed. For 6x6 neg. 16x16" enlargements I am giving around 22-45 seconds at f/8 on VC paper. Great enlarger.

Tom Westbrook
8-Oct-2004, 05:34
Don't forget lens boards!

Armin's idea about using a long lens for small 35mm prints is good--otherwise the head will be pretty close to the baseboard and give you in very short times.

Also, I found that masking off all the light leaks to be time well spent.

Annie M.
8-Oct-2004, 08:29
The 7450 also has wall projection functionality so with a 80 lens and 35mm neg you should be able to expose to 16x20 if you wish..... Mind you exposure times will stretch considerably.