View Full Version : Waterhouse stops Dallmeyer 3B

21-Jan-2014, 14:16

I made some waterhouse stops for my Dallmeyer 3B from stainless steel.

One question left: is the edge of the hole straight or slanted/angled at the genuine waterhouse stops?

Many thanks in advance.

C. D. Keth
21-Jan-2014, 15:21
It can really be either. Leaving it straight will reduce the light transmission minutely because it will act as a slightly smaller hole.

Steven Tribe
21-Jan-2014, 15:31

Note that the width of the slot on the 3B does differ for different vintages - so stops that fit one 3B ( and this is probably the case for the other A, B and D models) may not fit another one.
While I'm on the subject of 3B's I have to report that there is another non standard thing - the thread connecting the outer and inner is sometimes of different diameter. Quite a difference, in fact.

21-Jan-2014, 15:33
I just sold a original set. The border is sharp, as it should be in any stop. The original is made of brass 1.1mm thick.

21-Jan-2014, 16:32
Ok, so I will make them angled. Thank you very much for your input.

Note that the width of the slot on the 3B does differ for different vintages - so stops that fit one 3B ( and this is probably the case for the other A, B and D models) may not fit another one.

I started with a drawing and scaled it up while printing it on paper. Then made some fine tuning until it fit well. It is literally customized to my lens.

Then converting an AI-file to DXF for laser cutting the 1mm stainless steel. I know, brass looks better, but I hadn't had the choice of material.

On 8x10 (or rather 18x24cm) I do wet plates only, so quite often I will use the lens wide open. However it is a good feeling to be in the position to stop down in case I want to.

21-Jan-2014, 17:04
I would not mind posting the dimensions of the waterhouse stops for the kit but I have to ask the buyer for permission first.

22-Jan-2014, 08:59
Mine are 86mm wide, 102mm high and 1mm thick.