View Full Version : New Security Measures at B&H

7-Jan-2014, 19:09
On orders placed online, B&H has apparently discontinued automatic confirmation by email of your order being placed, automatic tracking update by email, and they are also instructing the carrier not to allow same day pickup if you are not home when they come and leave an InfoNotice. You may be able to change this by calling your order in instead of placing it online but I don't know at this point. So, no

1. Order Confirmation
2. Shipping/Tracking Notice
3. Same day pickup if you are not home when they come.


Sal Santamaura
7-Jan-2014, 19:19
As of when? I placed an on-line order this morning and received email confirmation almost immediately.

7-Jan-2014, 19:28
Unless my experience is unique, since at least 12/23 and possibly 11/20. I placed 2 individual orders hours apart on 12/23 without receiving any of the above and quite possibly on the order that I place on 11.20 but I am not sure as I may have thought that was an anomaly. However I was able to pickup the 11/20 order up on the same day that the InfoNotice was left but I can't remember if I received what has always been the automatic invoice and shipping notice as I have in the past.


7-Jan-2014, 19:32
Also, I have never had a delivery problem with B&H. I always received everything that I ordered without incident or complaint on my part.


Sal Santamaura
8-Jan-2014, 12:42
As of when? I placed an on-line order this morning and received email confirmation almost immediately.Moments ago I received another email message indicating that order has been shipped. It included a tracking number.

Since November, I've received the following B&H email messages:

Order confirmation October 31, shipped notice November 1.
Order confirmation November 17, shipped notice November 18.
Order confirmation November 25, shipped notice November 26.
Order confirmation December 28, shipped notice December 30.
Order confirmation January 7, shipped notice January 8.

All shipped notices included tracking numbers.

So many items at B&H have been offered with free shipping lately that I've been placing numerous small orders rather than planning ahead and combining things to minimize cost, as I would have in the past. :)

I suspect the change you've noticed could be related to your specific region/area and losses that have occurred there.

Oren Grad
8-Jan-2014, 12:51
My last B&H order was 12/2. I received the usual confirmation and shipping emails.

Roger Thoms
8-Jan-2014, 13:01
Thomas, did you contact B&H and find out what was going on?


8-Jan-2014, 13:09
Thomas, did you contact B&H and find out what was going on?


Did you check your spam folder? :whistling:

8-Jan-2014, 13:11
As of when? I placed an on-line order this morning and received email confirmation almost immediately.

Same here

Roger Cole
8-Jan-2014, 13:31
I used to have an issue with them sending everything signature required but they haven't done that to me in some time.
My last order was December 11th, for three rolls of 35mm Provia 400X, two ProPacks of 120 Tri-X, and two packs of Fuji FP-3000b. I got the usual web acknowledgement, the usual tracking info, and no-problem delivery without a signature.

David R Munson
8-Jan-2014, 13:40
If you have your order shipped via UPS, you can also sign up for a free account on the UPS site and automatically waive signature requirements for incoming shipments.

Also, Thomas, is this based on observation or is there a press release floating around somewhere? I ordered film and a few other things on Sunday and immediately got confirmation, as others have noted.

8-Jan-2014, 15:08
Probably got trapped in the spam box@!

8-Jan-2014, 16:34
I meant to call them today and ask but didn't get around to it. But, I placed another order online while at work and will check my email (and spam box) when I get home tonight. The one think the concerns me is UPS telling me that B&H has tagged the shipment preventing it from same day pick-up. I'm going to call B&H tomorrow and ask them if that is true. I work during the day when UPS delivers (before 10am!) and picking it up after work is my only option. Maybe UPS is trying to limit the long lines at night by forcing everyone to pick-up their packages between noon and 7pm.


Daniel Stone
8-Jan-2014, 16:51
can you have your deliveries made to a different address(say, if you're at an office, building, then while you're at work?)

just thinking out loud here, that way you wouldn't have to make a special trip to p/u


Keith Pitman
8-Jan-2014, 19:45
Samples of one are pretty useless and should not be reported. I placed orders on 12/30 and got immediate acknowledgements and shipping notice.

8-Jan-2014, 20:45
Checked my email when I got home from work and the order confirmation and shipping notice (they shipped it right away) were in my spam folder. In the past such notices went to my inbox and not to the spam folder and I never thought to check there - especially when the weekly spam from B&H goes directly into my inbox. I'm ging to cal them tomorrow about the no same pick-up restriction and will report back on that.

...can you have your deliveries made to a different address(say, if you're at an office, building, then while you're at work?) Normally I have orders sent to me at work which is more convenient if its a weekday delivery. Once its shipped (and an InfoNotice is left?), UPS will change delivery addresses for a $6 fee. Frankly though calling them and having it put on next day will call is a whole lot better than driving out (in my case) to the Oakland airport at 8 or 9PM and standing in line for an hour or more. It took about 5 minutes this afternoon.


9-Jan-2014, 10:07
Confirmed with B&H that the same day pick-up restriction is now their policy. They said if you want same day pick-up, you'll have to call them and they will call UPS to allow you to pick up the package. Alternatively, you can have the package placed in will-call for next day pick-up without calling B&H.


Leonard Evens
9-Jan-2014, 15:56
I've had a problem with B&H requiring a signature for lenses they ship. I live in a condo and the delivery person is supposed to use our intercom system to let me know he is here, but he doesn't always do that. He gets into the building somehow and may go to my door and knock. I may not here the knock, so he leaves a note on my mailbox. If that happens it does not seem possible to go out to the deliverer's local site to get the package. It can take two or three tried for me to get the package.

9-Jan-2014, 16:33
Rural area here. I have not checked to see which items hit the driveway with signature required. It is an occasional. May be a declared value happening. Most times for USPS UPS and Fed ex I get a horn honk when they start backing down the drive toward the house. Prior to retirement I had the interesting FedEx trap of note on door and no option on their magic software of 800 number to solve the problem. I just drove the 20 miles to town to their local distribution and handed them the note back saying "Your driver was 2 houses off" they had no answer as to how their system could solve the problem. It can't it's software, dumb programmers and a company so arrogant no problem solution can be based on their mistake. B and H no problems yet and usually a steady 2 day delivery.

10-Jan-2014, 13:15
According to what B&H told me yesterday, it's a new B&H policy. UPS/FedEx never leaves my packages at the door as a signature is always required and in the past I've always been able to pick up B&H shipments on the same day if not at home when it was delivered. Frankly I don't understand why B&H is now restricting same day pick-up since whether you pick it up same day or on the next day you have to produce a government issued ID. They said that if you needed to pick it up that day you can call them and they will call UPS. But in my case there's a 3 hour time differential between the east and west coast. I usually don't get home until around 5pm and B&H cutoff time is 6PM Eastern (3PM Pacific) which means that I don't have that option.


Bruce Schultz
18-Jan-2014, 10:35
So I just wasted $30 on 2-day delivery. My shipment arrived at the distribution center and was on a truck at 530 a.m. They didn't get to my house until 751 pm, but by then I had to be somewhere. I left a sign asking them to bring it to my neighbors next door since they would be home, but I got the stupid note on my door saying they had to have a signature. Pisses me off, and as much as I like B&H, I will look elsewhere when I have the option of making purchases. It wouldn't be different if I had a history of stolen shipments, but I've never had any thing taken.
They've got delivery attempt rescheduled for Monday, but I'm off and I don't feel like sitting on my butt here waiting for them. If I'm here when they arrive, fine. If not, let the camera go back to B&H and I'll buy it elsewhere, like Adorama or directly from Sony. I'm already out $30 for shipping, so screw 'em and let them take the order back.

18-Jan-2014, 22:52
So I just wasted $30 on 2-day delivery. My shipment arrived at the distribution center and was on a truck at 530 a.m. They didn't get to my house until 751 pm, but by then I had to be somewhere. I left a sign asking them to bring it to my neighbors next door since they would be home, but I got the stupid note on my door saying they had to have a signature. Pisses me off, and as much as I like B&H, I will look elsewhere when I have the option of making purchases. It wouldn't be different if I had a history of stolen shipments, but I've never had any thing taken.
They've got delivery attempt rescheduled for Monday, but I'm off and I don't feel like sitting on my butt here waiting for them. If I'm here when they arrive, fine. If not, let the camera go back to B&H and I'll buy it elsewhere, like Adorama or directly from Sony. I'm already out $30 for shipping, so screw 'em and let them take the order back.

Yea, if you pay for expedited shipping 1 or 2 day, there's obviously a deadline... Why would you insist on signature .... That's BS. I have to admit though, they usually don't make me sign... The often leave it without question. Thank goodness!

19-Jan-2014, 12:15
On orders placed online, B&H has apparently discontinued automatic confirmation by email of your order being placed, automatic tracking update by email, and they are also instructing the carrier not to allow same day pickup if you are not home when they come and leave an InfoNotice. You may be able to change this by calling your order in instead of placing it online but I don't know at this point. So, no

1. Order Confirmation
2. Shipping/Tracking Notice
3. Same day pickup if you are not home when they come.


I'm not sure what lead you to this conclusion but #s 1 & 2 have not been discontinued at all and #3 was never an option so nothing's changed as far as that's concerned. Feel free to email me details of any recent order if you wish.

19-Jan-2014, 12:20
I used to have an issue with them sending everything signature required but they haven't done that to me in some time.
We still ship many orders with sig-required, depending on the value. It is also the case that UPS has the option for some orders to waive the sig-required on their own if they deem your neighborhood nor address as "safe." We don't use sig-required as an inconvenience but to ensure your merchandise ends up with you.

For instance: http://www.longisland.com/news/11-23-13/ncpd-three-teens-from-queens-arrested-for-stealing-packages-from-doorsteps.html

19-Jan-2014, 12:29
I've had a problem with B&H requiring a signature for lenses they ship. I live in a condo and the delivery person is supposed to use our intercom system to let me know he is here, but he doesn't always do that. He gets into the building somehow and may go to my door and knock. I may not here the knock, so he leaves a note on my mailbox. If that happens it does not seem possible to go out to the deliverer's local site to get the package. It can take two or three tried for me to get the package.

I'm very sorry to hear this but it seems your problem is with the individual delivery person, not with B&H. Perhaps you can speak with the delivery company's regional manager?

19-Jan-2014, 12:31
Frankly I don't understand why B&H is now restricting same day pick-up since whether you pick it up same day or on the next day you have to produce a government issued ID.
Because IDs are easily forged or bypassed with a little cash and the number of packages that ended up undelivered became intolerable to us and our customers.

19-Jan-2014, 12:35
So I just wasted $30 on 2-day delivery. My shipment arrived at the distribution center and was on a truck at 530 a.m. They didn't get to my house until 751 pm, but by then I had to be somewhere.
Your order was shipped Jan 15th. UPS reports a delivery attempt at 6:51pm Jan 17th. As a courtesy I will ask customer service to refund half the s&h fee originally applied to this transaction.

19-Jan-2014, 14:10
Because IDs are easily forged or bypassed with a little cash and the number of packages that ended up undelivered became intolerable to us and our customers.

This is the USA not Russia, no one "payes off" a FedEx employee or forges ID's to pick up random packages from BH... That's paranoia... The only ID forging are college students going to bars ...

20-Jan-2014, 08:51
This is the USA not Russia, no one "payes off" a FedEx employee or forges ID's to pick up random packages from BH... That's paranoia...

I'm happy you think so and saddened to have to report you are mistaken.

20-Jan-2014, 09:04
I'm happy you think so and saddened to have to report you are mistaken.

Pretty sure you're being lied to by customers, however, you would know more than me so I'll keep that in mind when ordering or waiting for a package.


20-Jan-2014, 09:25
This whole story sounds like another instance of the usual crap....

a bunch of unethical shit bags rip off retailer
retailer has to raise prices or institute additional policies and procedures that annoy honest customers
customers get annoyed with retailer...

As usual, do not blame the retailer (B&H and UPS in this case)...
blame the shit bags that constantly try to rip them off.

Bruce Schultz
21-Jan-2014, 11:30
I understand that BradS, and I agree, but I wish some advisory had popped up that said "signature will be required upon delivery" so that I could have originally changed the delivery address to my office. Now I know.
I got my shipment last night close to 7 pm thanks to my neighbors. I wasn't about to waste a day waiting around the house. My mother appreciated the visit too.

21-Jan-2014, 11:48
Pretty sure you're being lied to by customers,
I'm more than pretty sure you're wrong and I'm entirely sure no one here is naive enough to accept reports likes these blindly without investigation.

however, you would know more than me ...

21-Jan-2014, 11:58
I understand that BradS, and I agree, but I wish some advisory had popped up that said "signature will be required upon delivery"

I understand your frustration/disappointment. I am almost always disappointed by KEH shipping - but for different reasons.

In your case, it sounds like it was UPS who changed policy for your specific neighborhood...so, B&H couldn't have known to pop up an advisory. I think too that individual UPS drivers have differing tolerance for "leave it at the door" when the package is insured.

21-Jan-2014, 12:55
I'm more than pretty sure you're wrong and I'm entirely sure no one here is naive enough to accept reports likes these blindly without investigation.


Rememer YOU choose the shipping, if you find the fedex employees are more prone to theft, state that, and say "we no longer offer fedex as an option because we had too many incidence of theft from their employees.

Post office is your best bet in the US anyway, they are federal employees, they may suck and be slow (like any government office) but federal crime punishments are way more severe and I would guess that they would be less likely to steal.

One final and very obvious point, maybe you guys should stop taping your boxes with giant letters that say B&H photo all over the box, and use regular blank tape, it's pretty obvious when you see a B&H package sitting there that it is probably something expensive inside just based on the tape that you guys use, if you didn't have that stupid tape that advertises "hey steal me, I'm valuable" maybe you would have less theft issues...

21-Jan-2014, 13:15
I would agree that B&H could ditch the "hey, steal me" packaging, but as a federal (non postal) employee, I'm too slow and obviously suck too much to actually agree with Stone :rolleyes:

Rememer YOU choose the shipping, if you find the fedex employees are more prone to theft, state that, and say "we no longer offer fedex as an option because we had too many incidence of theft from their employees.

Post office is your best bet in the US anyway, they are federal employees, they may suck and be slow (like any government office) but federal crime punishments are way more severe and I would guess that they would be less likely to steal.

One final and very obvious point, maybe you guys should stop taping your boxes with giant letters that say B&H photo all over the box, and use regular blank tape, it's pretty obvious when you see a B&H package sitting there that it is probably something expensive inside just based on the tape that you guys use, if you didn't have that stupid tape that advertises "hey steal me, I'm valuable" maybe you would have less theft issues...

Tin Can
21-Jan-2014, 13:38
Yep, and I have 7 other photographers in my building, we are only 25 units, and those B&H boxes are sitting around all the time. I always push them into the locked mailroom and text the recipient.

So far so good, knock on wood. tap tap...

I would agree that B&H could ditch the "hey, steal me" packaging, but as a federal (non postal) employee, I'm too slow and obviously suck too much to actually agree with Stone :rolleyes:

Mark Stahlke
21-Jan-2014, 14:24
I would agree that B&H could ditch the "hey, steal me" packaging+3

21-Jan-2014, 14:28
I would agree that B&H could ditch the "hey, steal me" packaging, but as a federal (non postal) employee, I'm too slow and obviously suck too much to actually agree with Stone :rolleyes:

Haha! I didn't mean the employees, I'm at the system itself, especially when you're dealing with not to the post office... Basically the post office seems to be the only government agency or federal agency that has any kind of sense of what it means to function efficiently... The rest of them are like dealing with sloths... Just go to the DMV for 5 minutes and you'll agree...

And heck +4 to getting rid of "steal me" packaging.

21-Jan-2014, 16:04
Actually the post office is quick and inexpensive: I shipped a lensboard and flange from California to the East Coast on Monday and it was delivered 2 days later for $5.85!


Tin Can
21-Jan-2014, 16:24
I consider USPS provides the best service to and from ghetto Chicago.

I confess, I was a teenage mailman. Really, I started at 16.

Actually the post office is quick and inexpensive: I shipped a lensboard and flange from California to the East Coast on Monday and it was delivered 2 days later for $5.85!


Jerry Bodine
21-Jan-2014, 20:45
On another semi-related subject:
I received a package from a NY shipper a couple weeks ago that was sent via a new(?) service called UPS SurePost. I tracked it until the date it was supposed to arrive, at which time the UPS tracking said the package had been turned over to my local USPS office for delivery and that a notice had been left at my address and instructed me to follow instructions on the notice. No notice had been left, so I went to the P.O. to inquire. I was told that use of the UPS SurePost system means that the package was turned over to a USPS facility (nearly 20 miles away) and would be held there until 300 additional packages were received before deliveries would start and that eventually would be delivered to me by USPS. I waited three more days and returned to the P.O. to express my concern for the delivery. They went into the back room and returned with the package. I think this shipping option stinks!

I'm now expecting another package from a different retailer sent via UPS SurePost, so it's wait and see if things work out better this time. If I experience the same delay, I'll be looking for a way to inform a retailer about my preference for a different method before it's shipped.

21-Jan-2014, 20:53
B&H is using Smartpost or something like that. UPS delivered one package to USPS in Sacramento in the afternoon for Delivery to me here in the Bay. It hit the local post office at 8:48am the next morning and was out for delivery 30 minutes later.


22-Jan-2014, 11:56
B&H is using Smartpost or something like that. UPS delivered one package to USPS in Sacramento in the afternoon for Delivery to me here in the Bay. It hit the local post office at 8:48am the next morning and was out for delivery 30 minutes later.


That whole thing seems strange why not just send it via the US Postal Service in the first place..?

22-Jan-2014, 12:16
Rememer YOU [meaning B&H] choose the shipping
That's not true. The customer chooses the shipping method and carrier. B&H simply does as requested.

I always have my B&H orders sent via USPS to my PO Box. Never had a problem.

One final and very obvious point, maybe you guys should stop taping your boxes with giant letters that say B&H photo all over the box, and use regular blank tape, it's pretty obvious when you see a B&H package sitting there that it is probably something expensive inside just based on the tape that you guys use, if you didn't have that stupid tape that advertises "hey steal me, I'm valuable" maybe you would have less theft issues...
I must agree with Stone on this one. Anonymity is the best security.

- Leigh

Oren Grad
22-Jan-2014, 17:35
One final and very obvious point, maybe you guys should stop taping your boxes with giant letters that say B&H photo all over the box...

It's been years since packages from B&H have had anything like the full name anywhere on the outside of the box. These days the tape just says "B.H."; there's no "photo" or "video" or "electronics" anywhere. No doubt some have learned to recognize that, but if you don't already know who "B.H." is, it could just as well be kitty litter inside.

Mark Stahlke
22-Jan-2014, 17:56
Oren, I just received a package from B&H yesterday and you are correct. Adorama needs to tone it down on their boxes.

22-Jan-2014, 23:07
It's been years since packages from B&H have had anything like the full name anywhere on the outside of the box. These days the tape just says "B.H."; there's no "photo" or "video" or "electronics" anywhere. No doubt some have learned to recognize that, but if you don't already know who "B.H." is, it could just as well be kitty litter inside.

The tape is pretty obvious....

23-Jan-2014, 10:42
It's been years since packages from B&H have had anything like the full name anywhere on the outside of the box. These days the tape just says "B.H."; there's no "photo" or "video" or "electronics" anywhere. No doubt some have learned to recognize that, but if you don't already know who "B.H." is, it could just as well be kitty litter inside.

Thanks. The tape is tamper resistant and shows tampering readily. That's one reason we ask for photos of the outside of the box when a customer tells us an item is missing.

27-Jan-2014, 12:15
Just FYI received a package from B&H today, it does seem that they have changed their tape that they use on the boxes, it's certainly not read anymore, and it doesn't have the big giant BH photo label on the tape, it's now a standard black tape, it still says BH which if you are in the know and are looking for it, it would still be something that would catch your eye, but it's certainly not as blatantly obvious as the red logo colored tape.


Secondly to note, they left it at my door with no issue, I didn't have to request any kind of special shipping arrangements or anything just left at my doorstep like they always do, I think it may be up to the guy in the truck as far as if they're leaving it or not, my shipment contains a bunch of chemicals.

Anyway just wanted to note it must be up to the driver?

27-Jan-2014, 14:54
The UPS guy and all my nerdy photo/electronics friends know exactly what B.H. is when a box comes wrapped that way. Someone asked me if there was a DSLR in the box.. No just some film...

5-Feb-2014, 16:25
Just FYI received a package from B&H today, it does seem that they have changed their tape that they use on the boxes, it's certainly not read anymore, and it doesn't have the big giant BH photo label on the tape, it's now a standard black tape, it still says BH which if you are in the know and are looking for it, it would still be something that would catch your eye, but it's certainly not as blatantly obvious as the red logo colored tape.


That's the standard tape we've been using for several years now. Nothing new.

5-Feb-2014, 16:58
So Henry, why the same day pick-up restriction? UPS attempted to deliver an order to my home at 9:32 this morning and when I called to arrange a pick-up they said the shipper has a restriction on same day pick-up. I can pick-it up tomorrow.


5-Feb-2014, 23:08
That's the standard tape we've been using for several years now. Nothing new.

BS... I had a bunch of shipments late last year with the maroon test color tape ... Gah, well, it doesn't matter, it's better than it was, but still obvious. Make it blank...

6-Feb-2014, 09:55
So Henry, why the same day pick-up restriction?
To deter piracy. Despite UPS's assurance they demand ID before releasing a package they sometimes do not. If some local pirate spots their easily recognizable "we missed you" tag on your door, they could too easily grab it and grab your package before you even discover the tag was left in the first place.

BS... I had a bunch of shipments late last year with the maroon test color tape ... Gah, well, it doesn't matter, it's better than it was, but still obvious. Make it blank...

If you received a package from B&H with ANY other tape the package was opened and resealed after it left our hands.