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Peter De Smidt
14-Aug-2015, 11:28
Lovely, simple photos, Gandolfi.

14-Aug-2015, 19:26
Just after some simple scenes with my old Rolleiflex.

Birch Point Beach state park. Yes, I go into the ocean with my Rolleiflex and hope not to get it wet.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5664/20368069468_37e0e88698_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/x2RFrw)
img319 (https://flic.kr/p/x2RFrw) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

And at the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5644/20394850040_6c3790bf2b_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/x5dWnw)
img341 (https://flic.kr/p/x5dWnw) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

15-Aug-2015, 18:13
A shot while out getting to know this Fuji GSW690III

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/733/20394891440_c8f6b3378d_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/x5e9Fj)
Skid Marks (https://flic.kr/p/x5e9Fj) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Alan Klein
15-Aug-2015, 20:46
6x7 RB67 Tmax 100

16-Aug-2015, 03:06

Pentax 67II - SMC 55mm - Acros - Red filter - Polarizer

austin granger
16-Aug-2015, 09:13
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5765/20334844408_25b36818a8_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/wYVoME)Portland (https://flic.kr/p/wYVoME) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

17-Aug-2015, 03:44
Some nice work being made here!

Here is a slightly cropped photo from my rolleiflex at the Rockland breakwater lighthouse, tmy2

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5662/20030533313_9df6e386b4_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/ww2HGD)img357 (https://flic.kr/p/ww2HGD) by
Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

17-Aug-2015, 10:58
My first post here :-)

Yllir, (Sambucus) Tree
RB67 Pro-SD, 180mm K/L, TMAX 100, Imacon Flextight precision II

17-Aug-2015, 11:11
Thanks Jonathan. I appreciate that. I enjoyed looking through your stuff on flickr. You are obviously open to seeing the extraordinary in the everyday, and in my opinion, that's half the battle right there. I like the swing remnants especially, but also thought the bobby pins photo was inspired; presented so simply like that, they become loaded with significance, shorthand for a lot of different memories that will be brought by the viewer. Cheers, Austin

Thanks for the kind words. Your work is really something special. Keep it up!

17-Aug-2015, 15:02
Hi Thomas,

Welcome and congrats for the shot, nice,



17-Aug-2015, 16:34
More trials with the GSW690III loaded with 400TMY

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/745/20474949860_e102d6f6e4_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xcitfU)
Float Plane (https://flic.kr/p/xcitfU) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5697/20035139314_7e8d5a36ca_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/wwrjUs)
Snohomish Jump School (https://flic.kr/p/wwrjUs) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

20-Aug-2015, 18:43
For family stuff I either do plain straight up candids or simply posed LF stuff. I've stayed away from the planned and conceptual types of things and generally think poorly of that. But rules of style are meant to be broken. I've got plenty of boring canoe photos so I was trying new things. It was dusk and I knew I could get a wide aperture with the rolleiflex and I knew how that would render. I asked my older daughter traveling alongside in the kayak to get into where she'd be in the upper right of the frame. Then I asked my younger daughter to point and talk about something I don't remember what it was, maybe another boat, maybe where we started. It all lined up, and when my older daughter's paddle was in the right spot, I took the photo with my wife's paddle bisecting that angle. So it has an intentional composition that is more complex than most of my photos from a canoe, but the story/action sort of disguises the composition.

tmy2 in pyrocat hd. Alford Lake, Hope ME.

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/779/20746822435_4426a39f28_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xBjTv6)
img380 (https://flic.kr/p/xBjTv6) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

21-Aug-2015, 01:37
Jason, that's an excellent photo and I admire the way you set up the scene given the circumstances. And also the fact that it is technically perfect, really well done!

21-Aug-2015, 19:32
Thanks. The light was nice (low but gentle) and I was sort of "in the zone" for a handful of nice photos that evening.

Peter De Smidt
21-Aug-2015, 19:51
Tuco, that's the combo I use for travel photography. Fast film, fine grain, good tonality.... Both of your shots are very good, but the first one in particular is terrific!

21-Aug-2015, 20:02
I like Tuco's 2nd shot. Everything from bright sun to real shadows captured well with good tones. It's a nice film for those that put in effort to get the most out of it, and it's affordable for 120 format.

21-Aug-2015, 22:54
Tuco, that's the combo I use for travel photography. Fast film, fine grain, good tonality.... Both of your shots are very good, but the first one in particular is terrific!


I like Tuco's 2nd shot. Everything from bright sun to real shadows captured well with good tones. It's a nice film for those that put in effort to get the most out of it, and it's affordable for 120 format.

Thanks. I shoot TMY so much out of necessity. It is one of the thickest films I've used and will lay flat on my crappy negative carrier. I use to use a glass one and it could handle thin and curly film. But I can't use it anymore. Too many years of cleaning it and now the scratches show through. Even 100ACR gives me trouble. So I've learned to shoot 400TMY at EI 50, 100, 400 and 800.

21-Aug-2015, 22:54
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/722/20763920435_0c0bf18bb8_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xCQw9c)
New Brunswick Hotel (https://flic.kr/p/xCQw9c) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Rick A
22-Aug-2015, 07:31
Three from last week, fog burning off and some flair, 1940's Zeiss Nettar and FP4+




Pali K
23-Aug-2015, 16:51
Took family portraits and had a frame left. Took this and quite happy how it turned out.


Garlic Still
Mamiya RB67 ProS with 90MM F3.5
TMAX 400 in HC110 Dilution B Jobo

- Pali

23-Aug-2015, 19:48
Nice work Rick and Pali

The city of Everett, WA, has 15 pianos located throughout the downtown area for people to just play. It's an annual interactive art project called, Street Tunes.

Who Is The All-Star Player (https://flic.kr/p/wKqu4y) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/594/20182089454_d68f7985be_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/wKqu4y)

25-Aug-2015, 05:55
Sorry for the flood of pictures but here are some shots from a hike last weekend with the GSW690 loaded with some 400TMY. The air was really thick with haze from the raging fires in the central part of the state.

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/570/20834163606_c40d0a088d_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xK3wZm)
Mt Baker Scott-Paul Trail (https://flic.kr/p/xK3wZm) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/773/20846809842_dd42d0c616_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xLamgU)

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5708/20238128404_b7d0523ea9_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/wQnGum)

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/564/20869429411_e166b6cc1d_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xNahht)

Rick A
26-Aug-2015, 09:01
Stunning shots Tuco. I bought a GW690 earlier this year, love the quality and negative size but hated the bulk of the beast hanging around my neck. It's bigger and heavier than my OM-1 with power winder, less versatile. I sold it and picked up the Zeiss Nettar 6x6 folder, I prefer it for a walking around camera, folds small enough to fit in my pocket and I love square negatives. If I want bigger negs, I pack my 4x5.

Zeiss Nettar/FP4+ in Rodinal

26-Aug-2015, 11:52
Stunning shots Tuco. I bought a GW690 earlier this year, love the quality and negative size but hated the bulk of the beast hanging around my neck.

Thanks. I use a long neck strap and wear the camera at my side hip like wearing a travel bag. I found it a piece of cake to carry because there is no load on the neck. Its the shoulder that carries the weight and that camera is nothing. I also sewed up a protective camera case like the leather kind film cameras use to have. I carried it all day no problem. Pulled it out to use it and then stowed it away real fast.

26-Aug-2015, 16:50
I have an older fujica 6x9, killer axe, a really good camera.

26-Aug-2015, 21:55
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5647/20678466418_c11fc3b6ed_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xvhxD5)Americo J Rodriguez-17 (https://flic.kr/p/xvhxD5) by Americo Rodriguez (https://www.flickr.com/photos/arodriguezpixl/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/703/20825244292_0be2e608ba_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xJfPA5)Americo J Rodriguez-15 (https://flic.kr/p/xJfPA5) by Americo Rodriguez (https://www.flickr.com/photos/arodriguezpixl/), on Flickr

26-Aug-2015, 22:07
Shot by Pentacon Six TL through its Zeiss Pentacon 80mm 2.8 Biometer lens, and developed at home using caffenol, I am not in any form, a "pro".

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5612/15009517973_f6043824f2_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oSkGLD)Americo J Rodriguez-30 (https://flic.kr/p/oSkGLD) by Americo Rodriguez (https://www.flickr.com/photos/arodriguezpixl/), on Flickr
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3955/15009018374_fa82d6358b_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oSi9fS)Americo J Rodriguez-22 (https://flic.kr/p/oSi9fS) by Americo Rodriguez (https://www.flickr.com/photos/arodriguezpixl/), on Flickr
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5600/15008938493_6854ee7293_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oShJvB)Americo J Rodriguez-3 (https://flic.kr/p/oShJvB) by Americo Rodriguez (https://www.flickr.com/photos/arodriguezpixl/), on Flickr

28-Aug-2015, 07:54
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/614/20290784563_4a3cb6598b_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/wV2zka)7878-7880 (https://flic.kr/p/wV2zka) by Renato Salles (https://www.flickr.com/photos/sallesrenato/), no Flickr

Farm gate, near Sao Pedro do SUl - RS - Brazil
Sinar F2 6x9 roll film back, Ultragon 9/150mm, Ilford FP4+ with HC-110 dil. "E".

Scott --
28-Aug-2015, 12:23
Hasselblad 500cm, 100mm f3.5 Planar, Fuji Acros

Great capture, and wonderfully rich

28-Aug-2015, 12:58
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/257/20420025786_e25a1237a4_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/x7rYf7)Oxarafoss in Thingvellir (https://flic.kr/p/x7rYf7) by L'Eidolon (https://www.flickr.com/photos/nolarnaud/), on Flickr

Hasselblad and Fuji Acros, from my last trips to Iceland

28-Aug-2015, 14:06
Hasselblad and Fuji Acros, from my last trips to Iceland

That's awesome. I so-bad want to go visit Iceland one of these days.

29-Aug-2015, 11:02
Pentax 645N, 75mm/f2.8, Tri-X @400, HC-110 1:49, Rondinax 60, Nikon 9000:
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/608/20989527491_c5bbf85587_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xYLPg2)
Holly (https://flic.kr/p/xYLPg2) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/629/20795240609_05d5740878_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xFB3xc)
Mary (https://flic.kr/p/xFB3xc) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5639/20793968570_8cb82b4ee6_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xFuwpu)
Emily (https://flic.kr/p/xFuwpu) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5638/20972205802_6b771297e4_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xXf38d)
Janet & Mary (https://flic.kr/p/xXf38d) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


29-Aug-2015, 14:42

Thanks for posting, joy of life, friends, family, it's all that matters, everything else is just... dust in the wind,



Scott --
29-Aug-2015, 14:59
Took my son hiking last weekend, the last he had free this summer. Bronica SQ-A, TMY-2 in Adonal.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5750/20207541674_8ebff18fae.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/wMEW7W)Hawk Mountain (https://flic.kr/p/wMEW7W) by Scott (https://www.flickr.com/photos/scott--/), on Flickr

29-Aug-2015, 16:25
Pentax 645N, 75mm/f2.8, Tri-X @400, HC-110 1:49, Rondinax 60, Nikon 9000:


Great set. Is that at work? I wish I could take my camera to work. I'd have the opportunity for some really cool industrial shots.

29-Aug-2015, 23:36
Travelling through the backwoods of Florida on a field trip with the photo department, we needed some food. We searched the nearest town for our options and after deliberation, the students really wanted to go here, of course because of the silly name.

It was awful.

Rolleiflex w/ 7.5cm Tessar, Tri-X 400, SPUR HRX:

30-Aug-2015, 09:42

It's Katrina's 10th year celebration here in New Orleans. That's a picture of the Katrina monument I took for this event.
Hasselblad and Ilford Hp5+, Lee Big Stopper, Pyrocat HD

Peter De Smidt
30-Aug-2015, 10:53
Terrific photo, Myxine.

30-Aug-2015, 20:53
I love making portraits. People are the most wonderfully interesting and diverse things in the world to me. So many beautiful moments to capture. This is my niece, Sarah, photographed with my Hasselblad with the 150mm f4 on Ilford Delta 3200 metered at 2800 and processed in XTOL 1:1 for 18 minutes at 20 degrees. Light was a single beauty dish using only the modeling light for exposure.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5662/20747177239_30f2ccebaa_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xBmGYp)Sarah – August 2015 (https://flic.kr/p/xBmGYp) by Tim Scott (https://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/), on Flickr

Peter De Smidt
30-Aug-2015, 21:07
Great shot, Tim!

30-Aug-2015, 21:12
It's Katrina's 10th year celebration here in New Orleans. That's a picture of the Katrina monument I took for this event.
Hasselblad and Ilford Hp5+, Lee Big Stopper, Pyrocat HD

Excellent, the clouds are just right.

30-Aug-2015, 21:28
Thanks Peter and Brian! Pure luck on the clouds. Sometimes it happens :)

Ian Gordon Bilson
30-Aug-2015, 22:05
Well Seen. Thanks.

31-Aug-2015, 17:25
I love making portraits. People are the most wonderfully interesting and diverse things in the world to me. So many beautiful moments to capture. This is my niece, Sarah, photographed with my Hasselblad with the 150mm f4 on Ilford Delta 3200 metered at 2800 and processed in XTOL 1:1 for 18 minutes at 20 degrees. Light was a single beauty dish using only the modeling light for exposure.

[/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/xBmGYp]Sarah – August 2015 (https://flic.kr/p/xBmGYp) by Tim Scott (https://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/), on Flickr

Wonderful photograph.

Pali K
31-Aug-2015, 17:39
Tim that is such a beautiful classic portrait. Love it!

31-Aug-2015, 19:58
I love making portraits... Ilford Delta 3200 metered at 2800

Another awesome portrait.

Tin Can
31-Aug-2015, 20:12
I love making portraits. People are the most wonderfully interesting and diverse things in the world to me. So many beautiful moments to capture. This is my niece, Sarah, photographed with my Hasselblad with the 150mm f4 on Ilford Delta 3200 metered at 2800 and processed in XTOL 1:1 for 18 minutes at 20 degrees. Light was a single beauty dish using only the modeling light for exposure.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5662/20747177239_30f2ccebaa_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xBmGYp)Sarah – August 2015 (https://flic.kr/p/xBmGYp) by Tim Scott (https://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/), on Flickr

This is so darn nice, I have to see it again. Love everything about. WOW!

3-Sep-2015, 11:18

One of my favorite places in Iceland. Vestrahorn, with Mamiya 7 and 18m/s wind.

3-Sep-2015, 11:23
I love making portraits. People are the most wonderfully interesting and diverse things in the world to me. So many beautiful moments to capture. This is my niece, Sarah, photographed with my Hasselblad with the 150mm f4 on Ilford Delta 3200 metered at 2800 and processed in XTOL 1:1 for 18 minutes at 20 degrees. Light was a single beauty dish using only the modeling light for exposure.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5662/20747177239_30f2ccebaa_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xBmGYp)Sarah – August 2015 (https://flic.kr/p/xBmGYp) by Tim Scott (https://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/), on Flickr

Wonderful and perfectly executed, Tim.

austin granger
4-Sep-2015, 12:56
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5768/21152765131_96ec32e6e3_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yecs86)Camera Obscura, Ocean Beach, San Francisco (https://flic.kr/p/yecs86) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Roger Thoms
5-Sep-2015, 05:43
Nice one Austin, I live quite close the this Camera Obscura. Hope you went inside. They were going to tear it down when the Cliff House was remodeled, but some people got together and had the Camera Obscura building designated as a historic building.


austin granger
5-Sep-2015, 09:27
Nice one Austin, I live quite close the this Camera Obscura. Hope you went inside. They were going to tear it down when the Cliff House was remodeled, but some people got together and had the Camera Obscura building designated as a historic building.


Thanks Roger. I'm so glad it was saved. I have fond memories of this place from way back (I grew up in Alameda). And yes, I took my kids in and we all stood in the dark and watched the surfers surf the waves on the curved table and also saw the fog roll in. It was as magical as ever.

austin granger
5-Sep-2015, 09:28
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5776/21155440851_5558979848_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yerawc)Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/yerawc) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

austin granger
7-Sep-2015, 09:37
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5673/21189594211_223842ebf5_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yhsd8e)Cranes, Alameda (https://flic.kr/p/yhsd8e) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5828/21157349002_b0489a0e83_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yeAWKm)Untended Shrubs, Alameda (https://flic.kr/p/yeAWKm) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

7-Sep-2015, 16:49
Super Ikonta A, Pan F, Pyrocat



7-Sep-2015, 16:52
Super Ikonta A, Pan F+, Divided Pyrocat
Stafford, TX




8-Sep-2015, 02:55
Ladoga lake.
Ilford Delta 400
Moersch Finol
Rollei Sepia toning.
Camera: Rolleiflex FW
Paper: Ilford ART300

austin granger
9-Sep-2015, 18:52
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5777/21210541482_0d30ed35a7_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yjiz25)Coquille River Lighthouse, Bandon, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/yjiz25) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/780/20575483083_6584b6a15b_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xmbJhk)Camp Reynolds, Angel Island (https://flic.kr/p/xmbJhk) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

9-Sep-2015, 19:24
Daughter in the soft wild grass on Monroe Island off Owls Head. Rolleiflex automat tessar, tmy2 in pyrocat hd.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5776/21097050990_5349467997_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/y9gUfs)
img414 (https://flic.kr/p/y9gUfs) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

9-Sep-2015, 19:44
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5777/21210541482_0d30ed35a7_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yjiz25)Coquille River Lighthouse, Bandon, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/yjiz25) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/780/20575483083_6584b6a15b_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xmbJhk)Camp Reynolds, Angel Island (https://flic.kr/p/xmbJhk) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Wonderful, wonderful work Austin. I'm especially fond of the "Camp Reynolds" photograph. Even with the modern picnic tables and the Golden Gate in the background, this really has a feel of an image from the works of Timothy O'Sullivan or William Henry Jackson.

Daniel Unkefer
10-Sep-2015, 05:38
Plaubel Makina III, 100mm F2.9 @F4, 1/200 sec handheld, FOMA Classic 200, processed in straight Microdol-X in a JOBO film drum on a Unicolor Uniroller, 20 minutes at 20C Straight scan from an Epson 4990 Looks pretty good :)

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5645/21053598032_28fd22a9ec_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/y5rccw)Makina3 #2 (https://flic.kr/p/y5rccw) by Nokton48 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/18134483@N04/), on Flickr

Daniel Unkefer
10-Sep-2015, 06:52
Plaubel Makiflex, 360mm F5.5 Schneider Tele-Arton. FOMA Classic 200 Microdol-X

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5641/21073944691_9b3295aa19_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/y7etxZ)Makiflex Test #4 (https://flic.kr/p/y7etxZ) by Nokton48 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/18134483@N04/), on Flickr

austin granger
10-Sep-2015, 09:07
Wonderful, wonderful work Austin. I'm especially fond of the "Camp Reynolds" photograph. Even with the modern picnic tables and the Golden Gate in the background, this really has a feel of an image from the works of Timothy O'Sullivan or William Henry Jackson.

Thanks Jeff! I love Angel Island. I've been going there since I was a kid, so it was especially rewarding to be able to finally take my own kids there (we were in California for a wedding). It's funny about the picnic tables. When I was working on this picture on the computer, my daughter/critic suggested that I clone them out! I indignantly replied that to clone out anything other than dust spots would be cheating. And besides, the picnic tables sort of invite the viewer to come "into" the picture. I'm not sure if she bought that theory, but I'm sticking with it. :-) Thank again.

austin granger
10-Sep-2015, 09:09
Daughter in the soft wild grass on Monroe Island off Owls Head. Rolleiflex automat tessar, tmy2 in pyrocat hd.

That's a wonderful picture right there.

10-Sep-2015, 12:33
Super Ikonta A, Pan F+, Divided Pyrocat
Stafford, TX

These have something special going on.

10-Sep-2015, 12:43
Daughter in the soft wild grass on Monroe Island off Owls Head. Rolleiflex automat tessar, tmy2 in pyrocat hd.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5776/21097050990_5349467997_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/y9gUfs)
img414 (https://flic.kr/p/y9gUfs) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

Back this one up on many drives in many places. One day her grandchildren will fall in love with this!

10-Sep-2015, 12:44
Thanks Jeff! I love Angel Island. I've been going there since I was a kid, so it was especially rewarding to be able to finally take my own kids there (we were in California for a wedding). It's funny about the picnic tables. When I was working on this picture on the computer, my daughter/critic suggested that I clone them out! I indignantly replied that to clone out anything other than dust spots would be cheating. And besides, the picnic tables sort of invite the viewer to come "into" the picture. I'm not sure if she bought that theory, but I'm sticking with it. :-) Thank again.

Yes, that is a good picture Austin. I've shot Camp Reynolds several times in the past with 6x7 and 4x5 and seeing your image has me thinking about hauling the 8x10 over for a salt print which I'm always on the lookout for.


10-Sep-2015, 12:44
Thank you David,
Shooting between and in the case of the first one during thunderstorms really made the structures sparkle.

10-Sep-2015, 13:21

Another picture from Iceland. On a ledge of Vatnajokull's glacier, looking towards the ocean.
Hasselblad, Fuji acros and Pyrocat HD.

13-Sep-2015, 12:06
Pentax 645N, 120/f4, HP5+, single strobe, HC-110, Rondinax 60, Nikon 9000:

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5645/21378999362_345d81ec67_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yzbXFh)
Like Father, Like Son (https://flic.kr/p/yzbXFh) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/677/21398184501_ca184db5a2_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yAThKx)
Chris 1 (https://flic.kr/p/yAThKx) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5655/21363606336_52f512d347_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yxQ4Sh)
Chris 2 (https://flic.kr/p/yxQ4Sh) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


13-Sep-2015, 18:48
Great shots, Chris, congrats,



14-Sep-2015, 08:05
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5828/21157349002_b0489a0e83_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yeAWKm)Untended Shrubs, Alameda (https://flic.kr/p/yeAWKm) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Love it! Really cool image.

austin granger
14-Sep-2015, 11:50
Yes, that is a good picture Austin. I've shot Camp Reynolds several times in the past with 6x7 and 4x5 and seeing your image has me thinking about hauling the 8x10 over for a salt print which I'm always on the lookout for.


Thanks Thomas. I'd love to go back with more time someday as well. That long row of whitewashed houses at Camp Reynolds has potential. I like them from the backside as well, especially in the afternoon-some interesting geometry going on there. Just don't lose track of time and miss the ferry back! :-)

Love it! Really cool image.
Thanks Adam! I've always wanted to explore there more (it's an old Navy base) but unfortunately I always get kicked out. The perplexing thing is that the whole place is now open to the public, who are free to stroll around and make pictures with their phones to the heart's content, but the minute you break out a tripod, security descends to tell you you can't do that. Argh.

austin granger
14-Sep-2015, 11:52
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5626/20689875993_e180fc20cb_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xwi2iT)Boardwalk, Santa Cruz, Early Morning (https://flic.kr/p/xwi2iT) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5832/21274214882_2ccd925192_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/ypVUUj)Early Morning, Santa Cruz (https://flic.kr/p/ypVUUj) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

austin granger
17-Sep-2015, 21:39
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/673/21283832188_49dac9daf6_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yqMcMW)On a Jetty, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/yqMcMW) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/655/20882896043_378403987c_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xPmirM)On a Plain, Mt. Adams (https://flic.kr/p/xPmirM) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

18-Sep-2015, 06:06
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/655/20882896043_378403987c_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xPmirM)On a Plain, Mt. Adams (https://flic.kr/p/xPmirM) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

This is very nice!

austin granger
18-Sep-2015, 12:47
This is very nice! Thanks. You can't tell from looking at the picture, but the winds here were so fierce I could barely hold my camera.

18-Sep-2015, 16:56
Thanks. You can't tell from looking at the picture, but the winds here were so fierce I could barely hold my camera.

I can relate... I've been on frozen beaches that look similar to your photo, islands of ice with wind textured surround, wind up high can be like a cold wind on the ocean. E.g.

20-Sep-2015, 11:46
Hasselblad 500, Planar 80/2.8, XP2 @200, Rodinal 1+100, Nikon 9000 scan:

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/669/21548653096_b5d77f48ec_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yQbtPE)
Erin (https://flic.kr/p/yQbtPE) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

Hasselblad 500, Sonnar 150/4, XP2 @200, Rodinal 1+100, Nikon 9000 scan:

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5780/21387931349_fbf7f30837_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yzYJR4)
Pippa 2015 #22 (https://flic.kr/p/yzYJR4) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


austin granger
22-Sep-2015, 12:43
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5832/20950722403_91a6f8a0b9_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xVkVRM)Alligator, Brentwood Street, Portland (https://flic.kr/p/xVkVRM) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/642/21622216182_ce6606ee9a_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yWFvyJ)In a Burnt Forest, near Mount Adams (https://flic.kr/p/yWFvyJ) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

22-Sep-2015, 14:59
Austin's recent post reminded me of this one I took a few years back:

Shaniko, OR, Dec. 2012

22-Sep-2015, 16:42
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/642/21622216182_ce6606ee9a_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yWFvyJ)In a Burnt Forest, near Mount Adams (https://flic.kr/p/yWFvyJ) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Love it!

austin granger
24-Sep-2015, 14:28
Austin's recent post reminded me of this one I took a few years back:

Shaniko, OR, Dec. 2012

Really cool photo. Maybe it's because I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and didn't encounter snow until I was an adult, but I've never gotten tired of the way snow transforms things into completely different things. Unfortunately, here in Portland it's fairly rare.

austin granger
24-Sep-2015, 14:29
Love it!

austin granger
24-Sep-2015, 14:33
Sorry I'm posting so much, but I get excited when I have some new stuff. Anyway though, this'll be it for awhile.

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/673/21442009140_99ea29fa79_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yEKUhL)Portland (https://flic.kr/p/yEKUhL) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/728/21548690246_c84d9565b4_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yQbESb)Signs, near Mount St. Helens (https://flic.kr/p/yQbESb) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/755/21531008921_dd96c5b7f4_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yNC3PK)Mount Adams with Climbers (https://flic.kr/p/yNC3PK) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/607/21642520055_564dae2021_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yYtzcv)Old Truck with Morning Glory Vines, Sauvie Island, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/yYtzcv) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

25-Sep-2015, 03:55
Sorry I'm posting so much, ...

Not enough !!!!! Please. Thank you :-)

25-Sep-2015, 08:17
Sorry I'm posting so much, but I get excited when I have some new stuff. Anyway though, this'll be it for awhile.

Keep 'em coming. I may not say it enough but I do enjoy about each and everyone of them.

austin granger
25-Sep-2015, 09:02
Not enough !!!!! Please. Thank you :-)
Thank you. You're too kind.

Keep 'em coming. I may not say it enough but I do enjoy about each and everyone of them.
Thanks Tuco. I enjoy your pictures as well. Unfortunately, it's looking like I'm going to be stuck behind a desk for awhile, but I imagine I'll manage to sneak out here and there. Autumn is my favorite season to roam around in.

25-Sep-2015, 09:30
... Autumn is my favorite season to roam around in.

My Autumn plans were foiled. I had big hiking trip planed to a really cool spot. A place I better get to while I can. But I tore a calf mussel and it's going to be a long and slow healing process.

25-Sep-2015, 10:06
I may not say it enough but I do enjoy about each and everyone of them.


Also, sorry to hear about your torn muscle tuco!

25-Sep-2015, 14:11
Oh, I love that last shot, Austin.

26-Sep-2015, 08:42
Also, sorry to hear about your torn muscle tuco!


27-Sep-2015, 13:09
Pentax 645N, 150-300mm/f4, Fuji Pro400H:

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/650/21752848102_64bde50abd_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/z9e2Td)
Pippa 2015 #26 (https://flic.kr/p/z9e2Td) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/654/21141804544_6b0c746a88_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/ydegVs)
Pippa 2015 #24 (https://flic.kr/p/ydegVs) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


27-Sep-2015, 14:43
What a gorgeous person. Very well done, particularly the last shot.

27-Sep-2015, 16:45
Our 3 Drum Majors

Fujica 690, 105mm f/3.5, Plus-X, Acufine:


I tried not to cut the hands off but the framelines weren't quite as accurate as I had hoped!

28-Sep-2015, 11:34
My portrait project quest continues.

Hasselblad + Acros + XTOL

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/683/21168327994_7f1f437d2e_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yfzdqj)The Originals Project - Jaedon - September 2015 (https://flic.kr/p/yfzdqj) by Tim Scott (https://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/), on Flickr

28-Sep-2015, 14:15
My portrait project quest continues.

Hasselblad + Acros + XTOL

Scott, you've got me waiting anxiously for each new portrait in your "Originals" series. Each image is wonderful and seems to capture the spirit of the individual. Very well done sir. I generally associate low/no grain with Acros; however, I love the "look" of grain in this image. Not quite pronounced as in your image of Sarah, but wonderfully there nonetheless. Did you push the Acros or does XTOL help achieve this "look"?

28-Sep-2015, 17:50
Scott, you've got me waiting anxiously for each new portrait in your "Originals" series. Each image is wonderful and seems to capture the spirit of the individual. Very well done sir. I generally associate low/no grain with Acros; however, I love the "look" of grain in this image. Not quite pronounced as in your image of Sarah, but wonderfully there nonetheless. Did you push the Acros or does XTOL help achieve this "look"?

Thank you Jeff. And I blew the label here. I shot most of her session with Acros. This was, indeed, Ilford 3200 shot at 2800. Nice catch. :)

28-Sep-2015, 18:04

I was thinking to tell you that something went very funny with the development of this roll of Acros!
Terrific shot, one of your best I saw here,



29-Sep-2015, 22:20

I was thinking to tell you that something went very funny with the development of this roll of Acros!
Terrific shot, one of your best I saw here,



Yep. Something went wrong. My brain shut down when labeling the photo. I hate getting old. ..

Thank you for the kind words.

30-Sep-2015, 08:50
... This was, indeed, Ilford 3200 shot at 2800. Nice catch. :)

Yes, that makes more sense now.

30-Sep-2015, 16:41
Sears Island, Searsport Maine. Rolleiflex, tmy2. A mix of the good challenge of converting 3 dimensions into 2, showing some mood, and understanding what to expect for bokeh.

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/680/21660797750_392b9b5753_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/z16fwb)img458 (https://flic.kr/p/z16fwb) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

mike rosenlof
2-Oct-2015, 08:33
Fuji GW690ii Delta 400



3-Oct-2015, 09:51
GSW690, 400TMY, Yellow Filter

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/615/21274131313_444f762cd5_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/ypVu4t)
Hot Air Balloon Departure (https://flic.kr/p/ypVu4t) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

David Lobato
3-Oct-2015, 10:28
My nephew peeling green chiles, taken with a Rolleicord V.


4-Oct-2015, 08:07
Another random ferry scene of an early morning commute

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5807/21891457196_39ab72b84b_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zmtrxb)
Random Ferry Scene #4 (https://flic.kr/p/zmtrxb) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Raymond Bleesz
4-Oct-2015, 09:37
This is the 1st posting to this particular aspect of this forum. I have a gw6x7, which is not used as much as I would like as my eye sight has gotten weaker of recent and it is a clunky unit. In retrospect, I wish I had purchased the folding Fuji.

Anyway, here an image. Raymond140618

4-Oct-2015, 10:08
Anyway, here an image. Raymond

Sweet. My kind of shot too.

4-Oct-2015, 10:45
Back to 6x6 today, with Hasselblad 500, Planar 80mm, Tri-X, HC-110, Nikon 9000 scans:
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5717/21944218405_b2b3b7a505_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zr8RBc)
Emily (https://flic.kr/p/zr8RBc) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5637/21944215575_6015bed5fa_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zr8QLp)
Heather (https://flic.kr/p/zr8QLp) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


4-Oct-2015, 11:04
Back to 6x6 today, with Hasselblad 500, Planar 80mm, Tri-X, HC-110, Nikon 9000 scans:


Are these co-workers? They seem really cooperative.
I wish I could take a camera to work. I think I could get some cool industrial shots.

4-Oct-2015, 13:58
Yes, I annoy the nurses when I do rounds at the weekend. In return they get a print. Only 8 weeks left though, then I retire to use up my freezer of film while I wait to relapse.

4-Oct-2015, 22:01
I took some shots of my girlfriend's nephew Saturday for the family, who is a real rambunctious 4-year-old. Getting him to sit still and not act silly is a feat. Most of the frames were slightly blurry or out of focus a bit, but I got one good frame - however, his posing was a bit off. So I blended another frame with this to get his pose better, and voilà, perfect. I guess I can't make a darkroom print of it though, oh well.

Rolleiflex (1949), 7.5cm Tessar, Tri-X, Acufine:


Raymond Bleesz
5-Oct-2015, 05:45
Please explain how one goes about showing a larger image as in Bryan's image. My image preceding on page 136 of a Nash Healy front grill is so small in comparison ---obviously a teck question I am not familiar with. Raymond

5-Oct-2015, 06:33

austin granger
7-Oct-2015, 21:45
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/632/21842077940_f3e5c65615_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zh7mNG)Portland (https://flic.kr/p/zh7mNG) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

7-Oct-2015, 22:34

You don't fear anything! Great shot,



austin granger
8-Oct-2015, 10:18

You don't fear anything! Great shot,


I'm not quite sure I quite understand your comment, but it made me laugh anyway. Thank you. :)

austin granger
8-Oct-2015, 10:23
Speaking of fear though, there was plenty up on Mt. Adams the other day. This isn't the most exciting photograph in the world, but it kind of goes with my last one (in form I mean), and anyway, it's a follow-up to my last pics made on Mt. Adams, when I didn't quite make the summit. I succeeded this time, but man did it hurt!

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/701/21852161489_36a8089c3d_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zi13hZ)Nearing the Summit of Mt. Adams (https://flic.kr/p/zi13hZ) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr


8-Oct-2015, 12:06
... I succeeded this time, but man did it hurt!

Congrats! That is one mountain I haven't been on in this area.

8-Oct-2015, 12:13
I'm not quite sure I quite understand your comment, but it made me laugh anyway. Thank you. :)

In your place I would think for 3 nights in how to expose the neon sign without the collateral underexposed shadows and sky, BUT what I saw is this: you just took that as it came and made part of the composition, opposing the black diagonal of the shadows with the diagonal of the sign, sort of crossing paths in 3D.

Like it,

BTW, I laugh also after have wrote that,



8-Oct-2015, 12:19

Nice shot that of Mt. Adams. I don't understand why did you choose the vertical format for this one, as it have a ton of empty foreground with the focal of the lens you used.
But even with this remark, I find the perspective, the tones and the filter you (seems to have) used just top notch,



austin granger
8-Oct-2015, 12:26
Congrats! That is one mountain I haven't been on in this area. Thanks. I think I'm done though. No more! Of course, there is Rainier...

austin granger
8-Oct-2015, 12:37
In your place I would think for 3 nights in how to expose the neon sign without the collateral underexposed shadows and sky, BUT what I saw is this: you just took that as it came and made part of the composition, opposing the black diagonal of the shadows with the diagonal of the sign, sort of crossing paths in 3D.

Nice shot that of Mt. Adams. I don't understand why did you choose the vertical format for this one, as it have a ton of empty foreground with the focal of the lens you used.

Renato, Hi. Thanks again for your kind words. As for the above remarks, once I decide that I want to make a picture of something, the next thing that happens is that it becomes, in my mind, a collection of two-dimensional shapes. At that point I just organize everything into something that feels balanced. To my eyes, the white shape of the snow balances out and echoes the shape of the dark rock and sky areas above. I see the whole picture as a kind of yin/yang shape. I know others would choose differently, but I can't help myself-I just do what feels right for me.


https://farm1.staticflickr.com/701/21852161489_36a8089c3d_q.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zi13hZ)Nearing the Summit of Mt. Adams (https://flic.kr/p/zi13hZ) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

8-Oct-2015, 13:40

I see exactly what you meant now. And that works.
Just one thing that happen with my brain is: if you have 2 planes, one near white and other near black the same size, side by side, I see the near white one seems bigger then the other, the darker.
Another sort of movement that I can see - or the impression I have - the white surface comes toward me - out from the canvas in my direction, and the darker plane going opposite. But it can be just my impression, which is a subjective point of view BTW,



austin granger
8-Oct-2015, 20:46
I have noticed those sorts of effects too Renato, and others. They are very interesting to me. Just today I was working on a picture that looks crooked no matter what I do. It has something to do with a diagonal line that runs across the frame. Actually, it looks like the picture it is pinching in on one side, though of course it is perfectly rectangular. Strange stuff.

This is not animated (click on it):

Tin Can
8-Oct-2015, 22:19
Try hanging a picture frame without a level near a sloping roof or stairs.

Amazing how far off you will place 'level' despite being able to easily spot out of level pictures in a normal square space.

Michael R
9-Oct-2015, 07:09
I have noticed those sorts of effects too Renato, and others. They are very interesting to me. Just today I was working on a picture that looks crooked no matter what I do. It has something to do with a diagonal line that runs across the frame. Actually, it looks like the picture it is pinching in on one side, though of course it is perfectly rectangular. Strange stuff.

This is not animated (click on it):

I have a similar situation with a particular photo (a symmetric view straight down the vertical axis of a 40 story staircase) - rectangular composition with plenty of square right angles which can be easily measured to be correct, and can easily be lined up to print it squared up. However because of the nature of receeding diagonals within the composition (railings) it inevitably looks not only slightly crooked, but appears to be an imperfect rectangle, with one of the corners of the paper being pulled/stretched. I don't even print it any more because for me this optical illusion causes the picture to miss. Too bad since it was really difficult to set up and I had to obtain permission from the building etc. Another one of those cases - in my mind's eye it was going to be great, but then...

austin granger
9-Oct-2015, 11:02
Yes, I've given up on a few because of that sort of thing too. One time I had a perfectly square picture with a lot of long vertical lines that kept getting kicked out of a flickr square-themed group for not being square. "I know it doesn't look square, but I'm telling you, it's perfectly square. Measure it!" :)

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5828/22045399815_8827f306f8_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zA5rjg)Portland (https://flic.kr/p/zA5rjg) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Tin Can
9-Oct-2015, 11:37
It sure looks sq to me.

No need to measure.

9-Oct-2015, 13:30
... One time I had a perfectly square picture with a lot of long vertical lines that kept getting kicked out of a flickr square-themed group for not being square. "I know it doesn't look square, but I'm telling you, it's perfectly square. Measure it!" :)

Is this with your Fuji GF670? I'm just guessing but maybe their criteria was square images from a square camera and thought the camera didn't shoot square.

austin granger
9-Oct-2015, 15:51
The picture of the bench above isn't the picture I was talking about. I just posted it while I was here. Sorry for the confusion. This is the "non-square" square:

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7311/16372721671_6dfc309e06_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qWNtJF)Portland (https://flic.kr/p/qWNtJF) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

10-Oct-2015, 14:54
A meter and process check photo.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5757/20775079961_e7d9102262_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xDPHtP)
Process Check (https://flic.kr/p/xDPHtP) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

10-Oct-2015, 15:18

I want to know more detail about it,



10-Oct-2015, 15:40

I want to know more detail about it,

There's not much to know. I'm checking if my low values are being placed where I expect them and how far my highlights reach with the development time I have for 400TMY exposed at EI 100.

10-Oct-2015, 16:12
Hi Tuco,

If E(xposure I(ndex) = ISO there is something interesting indeed, as TMax 400 is box-rated at ISO 400.



10-Oct-2015, 17:01
Hi Tuco,

If E(xposure I(ndex) = ISO there is something interesting indeed, as TMax 400 is box-rated at ISO 400.

Yep that's right.

austin granger
11-Oct-2015, 09:07
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5784/22031005136_0233f71c70_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zyNEh9)Portland (https://flic.kr/p/zyNEh9) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/752/22060977505_a5bd096c72_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zBsh28)Alcove, Abandoned Garrison, Angel Island (https://flic.kr/p/zBsh28) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Dan Quan
11-Oct-2015, 16:42
Looks good to me.

[QUOTE=tuco;1280932]A meter and process check photo.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5757/20775079961_e7d9102262_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xDPHtP)
Process Check (https://flic.kr/p/xDPHtP) by

Let me know if I'm missing something.

[URL=http://s2.photobucket.com/user/DTQ/media/Forum%20Sharing/DQ-MonCal_zps00hk6dpt.jpg.html]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y30/DTQ/Forum%20Sharing/DQ-MonCal_zps00hk6dpt.jpg (https://www.flickr.com, on Flickr[/QUOTE)

11-Oct-2015, 17:38
Looks good to me.

Let me know if I'm missing something.

Yeah, the negative :) On a more serious note, what's that info you got there.

11-Oct-2015, 17:40
Catching up on some of my ferry backlog. More of the same...

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5636/22087268961_21bb83ee5a_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zDM2y6)
Ferry Scene #6 (https://flic.kr/p/zDM2y6) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Dan Quan
11-Oct-2015, 17:50
Yeah, the negative :) On a more serious note, what's that info you got there.

I cannot see the negative, all I can see is what my monitor shows. This is a summary of my NEC monitor calibration with NEC Spyder.

I see no detail in the dark column to the left, but good detail in the gown and décolletage and indeed all highlights, I think, except the actual bulbs.

11-Oct-2015, 18:32
I cannot see the negative, all I can see is what my monitor shows. This is a summary of my NEC monitor calibration with NEC Spyder.

I see no detail in the dark column to the left, but good detail in the gown and décolletage and indeed all highlights, I think, except the actual bulbs.

I see. Evaluating a second generation image and especially after my steep contrast curve adjustment for taste does not reflect what the actual negative looks like, i'd think. But I dunno. And my scanner doesn't reach as far into the blacks as a high-end scanner would. It just kind of truncates some areas to black real fast but the detail is there on the negative typically. And isn't that usually the problem... getting all that is on the negative to the new medium be in a print or a scan?

For reference The front outside window panel was placed 3 stops below the middle gray exposure. For me that usually means just barely visible. But I had some latitude with that tone in the image editor to move it up in value a little if I wanted to meaning I exposed for it with some to spare. And the high values in the scene were ~8+ stops above the middle gray exposure.

Raymond Bleesz
12-Oct-2015, 06:27
I will try the suggested method of "enlarging" my image on this forum140895

I am not seeing the "instructions" on the "how to enlarge one's image"

This image taken with a Fuji 6x7 was on I-70 in the vicinity of Capital Reef, Utah---several years later, the sign was removed---I have forgotten the reason for its removal--perhaps someone has the answer.

Raymond Bleesz
12-Oct-2015, 15:29
I will try the suggested method of "enlarging" my image on this forum140895

I am not seeing the "instructions" on the "how to enlarge one's image"

This image taken with a Fuji 6x7 was on I-70 in the vicinity of Capital Reef, Utah---several years later, the sign was removed---I have forgotten the reason for its removal--perhaps someone has the answer.

I failed to inform the readership about the cross. Someone, perhaps fellow troopers, put up the sign along 1-70 in honor of a Utah State Patrol Trooper who died in the line of duty.

13-Oct-2015, 00:44
This is the story (http://www.utahtrooper.com/roadside-memorials/) of the crosses. They were removed at one time but have been replaced. Their removal (if I remember correctly) was the result of some folks taking issue with what they saw as religious symbols (the crosses, obviously) being displayed on public property.

austin granger
14-Oct-2015, 21:06
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/642/21559137924_8f7f73a1cb_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yR7dAy)In a Maze (https://flic.kr/p/yR7dAy) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

austin granger
17-Oct-2015, 18:03
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/674/21589737423_4f8f179e5d_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yTP3L8)Camera Obscura, Ocean Beach, San Francisco (https://flic.kr/p/yTP3L8) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

19-Oct-2015, 07:28

My little one ... a bit sad ;-)

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5811/21528833484_3a419c77a6_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yNqU9d)
violeta (https://flic.kr/p/yNqU9d) by Antonio Gimeno (https://www.flickr.com/photos/antoniogb/), on Flickr

Bronica ECTL II con Zenzanon 75/2.8
Ilford HP5+ revelado con Perceptol stock durante 11'
Epson V500/ Epson Scan
LR 5.7

Cheers !

22-Oct-2015, 06:54

My little one ... a bit sad ;-)

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5811/21528833484_3a419c77a6_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yNqU9d)
violeta (https://flic.kr/p/yNqU9d) by Antonio Gimeno (https://www.flickr.com/photos/antoniogb/), on Flickr

Bronica ECTL II con Zenzanon 75/2.8
Ilford HP5+ revelado con Perceptol stock durante 11'
Epson V500/ Epson Scan
LR 5.7

Cheers !

Great shot of a beautiful child, you should be doubly proud.

austin granger
22-Oct-2015, 09:30
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5726/22090445258_bfd88c45f2_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zE4iKQ)Dead Tree, near Mount Adams (https://flic.kr/p/zE4iKQ) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5785/22273794211_de807fc123_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zWg21F)Piker's Peak, Mount Adams (https://flic.kr/p/zWg21F) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

22-Oct-2015, 09:31
Rolleiflex 3.5E Planar - HP5+

22-Oct-2015, 10:14
I really like that, SCM. It looks like a giant snake wriggled through the mud and the mud took on the snake's skin texture.:)

22-Oct-2015, 15:52
Hi, here are some MF photos, all TriX 400
6x6 with Hassy 500C/M
6x9 with Ferrania Falco S

141267 141268 141269

22-Oct-2015, 16:53
Rolleiflex 3.5E Planar - HP5+

I posted this earlier today but I guess that DropBox links aren't good for long term use, so here it is agian

22-Oct-2015, 21:21
Nice one scm, like the curves.

I went to one of the largest agriculture expos in the south today. Lots of huge tractors and machinery and they also had shows/demonstrations involving all kinds of farm "culture." Here's a shot fresh off the scanner. Got a lot more to scan and develop.

Pentax 67ii, 400mm f/4, Tri-X, Acufine:


23-Oct-2015, 06:25

Pentax 67II - 105mm - TMY2 - XTOL

23-Oct-2015, 06:27

Pentax 67II - 105mm - TMY2 - XTOL

23-Oct-2015, 08:39
Tom, fantastic portrait the one with the little girl, actually I like both but that one is THE one for me,



23-Oct-2015, 09:01
Tom, fantastic portrait the one with the little girl, actually I like both but that one is THE one for me,



Thanks Renato! The key was candy :-)

23-Oct-2015, 10:43
Tom, fantastic portrait the one with the little girl, actually I like both but that one is THE one for me,



Big +1 from me, Tom; well done.
You're making me miss that P67/105mm combination very much.

23-Oct-2015, 11:47
Big +1 from me, Tom; well done.
You're making me miss that P67/105mm combination very much.

Thank you Ari!

24-Oct-2015, 23:53
So we had some action here this morning...there was a "rally" against Muslims (specifically refugees). Only a few people showed up - but much larger was a protest against this rally from many of the university students and faculty, among others. The best part of this whole thing was the organizer hilariously misspelled Muslim as "Muslin" on all the signs for the rally, which incited mass social media hysterics of "Save the Cotton" and such.

No politics here, I just shot photos......

Pentax 67ii, 35mm Fisheye, Plus-X, Acufine:



I shot 5 rolls of film, lots more to scan tomorrow.

Daniel Unkefer
25-Oct-2015, 06:36
Plaubel Makina III 100mm Anticomar wide-open Ilford FP4+ cut film 6.5cmx9cm Microdol-X straight (replenished) Epson 4490

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5626/22251659358_d610423ea5_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zUiz6h)Plaubel Makina III Ilford HP4+ #2 (https://flic.kr/p/zUiz6h) by Nokton48 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/18134483@N04/), on Flickr

Daniel Unkefer
25-Oct-2015, 06:39
Plaubel Makina III 100mm Anticomar wide-open Ilford FP4+ 6.5cmx9cm cut film Microdol-X straight (replenished) Epson 4490

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5803/22250777430_2f06321733_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zUe3VC)Plaubel Makina III Ilford FP4+ (https://flic.kr/p/zUe3VC) by Nokton48 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/18134483@N04/), on Flickr

Daniel Unkefer
25-Oct-2015, 07:15
Plaubel Makina III 100mm F2.9 Anticomar wide-open Efke PL100 cut film 6.5cmx9cm Microdol-X straight (replenished) Epson 4490

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5619/22275236100_4bcf57f0b7_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zWopCQ)Makina III Efke PL100 #1 (https://flic.kr/p/zWopCQ) by Nokton48 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/18134483@N04/), on Flickr

austin granger
25-Oct-2015, 08:45
I like that second photo a lot Bryan. Really good use of what I'm sure is a tricky to use lens. The juxtaposition of the flag with the man's camo shirt and the way you can see through the flag is visually very interesting.

austin granger
25-Oct-2015, 08:46
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/701/22413761135_186cc38d77_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/A9Coiv)Portland (https://flic.kr/p/A9Coiv) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/668/22410023181_5afe59d3e1_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/A9ie92)Nativity Scene, Portland (https://flic.kr/p/A9ie92) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

25-Oct-2015, 08:51
Thank you Austin! Gotta get real close with that lens. I followed him around for about a minute trying to get things just so, about a foot away - good thing he didn't turn around!

Ken Lee
25-Oct-2015, 09:16
Oxford England, 2006
Mamiya 7, 150mm

25-Oct-2015, 12:15
Rollieflex 3.5E Planar - HP5+

Scott --
26-Oct-2015, 12:57
Playing with the Bronica. I love this camera.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5619/22312353438_2593460c72_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zZEDjW)img430a (https://flic.kr/p/zZEDjW) by Scott (https://www.flickr.com/photos/scott--/), on Flickr

Acros in Adonal 1:50

austin granger
28-Oct-2015, 07:59
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5624/22347609420_d0ac5d9d81_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/A3MkGG)Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/A3MkGG) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

austin granger
29-Oct-2015, 09:22
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5731/21939771013_424d9b9a69_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zqK4y2)In a Hop Field, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/zqK4y2) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Rick A
29-Oct-2015, 15:18

McAuley Falls
Zeiss Ikon Nettar/Acros 100
scan of print

Daniel Unkefer
30-Oct-2015, 22:25
Plaubel Makiflex, 150mm F5.6 Schneider Symmar-S, Efke PL100 6.5cmx9cm cut film, Microdol-X straight (replenished) Epson 4490

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/586/22451256972_d5573753bb_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/AcWyvs)Makiflex PL100 cut film 6x9 (https://flic.kr/p/AcWyvs) by Nokton48 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/18134483@N04/), on Flickr

Daniel Unkefer
31-Oct-2015, 05:37
Plaubel Makina III 100mm F2.9 Anticomar wide-open, Ilford FP4+ 6.5cmx9cm cut film, Microdol-X straight (replenished) Epson 4490

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5666/22452417002_bd8edc7ab0_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Ad3vkY)Plaubel Makina III Ilford FP4+ (https://flic.kr/p/Ad3vkY) by Nokton48 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/18134483@N04/), on Flickr

Daniel Unkefer
31-Oct-2015, 05:40
Plaubel Makina III 100mm F2.9 Anticomar wide-open Ilford FP4+ 6.5cmx9cm cut film Microdol-X straight (replenished) Epson 4490

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5758/22278932019_c582742ddc_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zWHmiz)Plaubel Makina III Ilford HP4+ #2 (https://flic.kr/p/zWHmiz) by Nokton48 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/18134483@N04/), on Flickr

Daniel Unkefer
31-Oct-2015, 05:44
Plaubel Makina III 100mm F2.9 Anticomar wide-open Efke PL100 6.5cmx9cm cut film Microdol-X straight (replenished) Epson 4490

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/640/22278411949_71a0c76ef2_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zWEFGR)Makina III Foma 200 6x9 cut film (https://flic.kr/p/zWEFGR) by Nokton48 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/18134483@N04/), on Flickr

31-Oct-2015, 09:43
XP2 in HC-110:
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/698/22019295244_df466a57d5_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zxLDks)
Holly (https://flic.kr/p/zxLDks) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5790/22616048036_dce687d3b7_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Asva9G)
Brenda (https://flic.kr/p/Asva9G) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


2-Nov-2015, 19:50

Exterior and interior of The Chapel of St. Basil in Houston.

2-Nov-2015, 22:23
Rolleiflex 3.5E - HP5+

austin granger
2-Nov-2015, 23:40
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5666/22094234414_03d912cc1b_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zEoJ97)Greenhouse, Oregon (1/5) (https://flic.kr/p/zEoJ97) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/640/22101823024_6038231ef1_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zF4BYd)Greenhouse, Oregon (2/5) (https://flic.kr/p/zF4BYd) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5682/22108563444_068bba60b8_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zFEaEm)Greenhouse, Oregon (3/5) (https://flic.kr/p/zFEaEm) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

austin granger
2-Nov-2015, 23:40
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5795/22747338041_a5f45df290_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/AE746t)Greenhouse, Oregon (4/5) (https://flic.kr/p/AE746t) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/780/22710297966_cfc8ac7d06_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/AAQdnu)Greenhouse, Oregon (5/5) (https://flic.kr/p/AAQdnu) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

3-Nov-2015, 20:09
I was at a car show and it was getting gray and cold, but there were some bicycles outside which are normally displayed inside. Gray weather is, for me, God's softbox. I could see the shapes simply and without much distraction. I knew how my camera would render the focus at that distance and detail and aperture, so I shot away. I got to the end of the roll and took it out of the camera. Damn, it was color film and I thought I was shooting B&W. I put a roll of tmy2 in and shot four frames. Here are two.

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/723/22766610415_69037808b2_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/AFNQ6M)
img486 (https://flic.kr/p/AFNQ6M) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5642/22578679040_16557945b1_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/ApcCDE)
img487 (https://flic.kr/p/ApcCDE) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

4-Nov-2015, 02:33
Zürich Stadelhofen.
First experience with the ALPA SWA
Lens: 35mm Apo-grandagon
Film: 6x9 Fuji Acros
Paper: ADOX MCC110
Rise 15mm.


4-Nov-2015, 02:37
Zürich. Kunsthaus.
First experience with the ALPA SWA
Lens: 35mm Apo-grandagon
Film: 6x9 Fuji Acros
Paper: ADOX MCC110
Rise 10mm.


austin granger
4-Nov-2015, 23:21
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5672/22173418564_16429799a7_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zMoyQ5)Intersection, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/zMoyQ5) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Rick A
6-Nov-2015, 09:20

Letchworth SP
Mamiya 645 Super/TMax 100

austin granger
6-Nov-2015, 23:43
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5772/22411896128_2570114c00_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/A9sPUd)Nativity Scene, Portland (https://flic.kr/p/A9sPUd) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

7-Nov-2015, 04:50
Blueberry field at Spruce Mountain, Rockport Maine.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5628/22420754178_74d491a1fd_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Aafe6d)
img503 (https://flic.kr/p/Aafe6d) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

Birch Point Beach State Park, Owls Head Maine.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5752/22802242622_7c0bccc2d0_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/AJXsjb)
img497 (https://flic.kr/p/AJXsjb) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

Rick A
7-Nov-2015, 10:55

Letchworth SP
Mamiya 645 Super/TMax 100

austin granger
12-Nov-2015, 12:10
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/746/22440357069_b5b5f449f9_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/AbYGm6)Greenhouses, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/AbYGm6) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5829/22346339593_6220bc457e_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/A3EQe8)Portland (https://flic.kr/p/A3EQe8) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

13-Nov-2015, 05:33
I'm new here and haven't even posted in the Introductions forum yet. I've been looking through the different forums, going back through time. I really enjoy your photographs, Austin. They definitely connect, at least they do with me.
I notice you never get into technical details, but are you shooting most of these b&w medium format images with your Yashicamat? Not that it matters a whole lot, because you have definitely a signature and it would be the same with any camera.
Thanks for the body of work over the years!

austin granger
13-Nov-2015, 09:55

Thank you for your very kind words. Sometimes I wonder how much I'm really getting across with my pictures, so the fact that you said they connect with you is heartening.

As far as technical stuff goes, yeah, I generally don't talk about it too much. It's not because I want to be secretive or anything, it's just that I think it can put the emphasis in the wrong place. I mean to say, while equipment obviously does effect the way our pictures look, as far as the factors that make a picture "good" or not, I would say that stuff's not even in the top ten. Plus honestly, if you're looking to compare this lens or that lens, or this film or that film, I don't think a whole lot can be gleaned from a computer screen. Anyway though, that's the end of my rant. I'm an open book. Generally speaking, for the last few years, I've been using a Fuji GF670, with either FP4 125 or Tri-X 400. I play around with a Noblex occasionally too. I kind of go back and forth between medium format and large format and I haven't hauled out the big camera much lately, but I've been feeling the pull so who knows? I think it's good to try and stay flexible.

Thanks again, and welcome to the forum.

Best Regards, Austin

Peter Langham
13-Nov-2015, 11:02
My favorite thing about an Austin Granger photo is that it always looks like an Austin Granger photo. (and I happen to really like that look)

13-Nov-2015, 17:33
Trent, I bet if you look through the picture sharing threads, going back many, many pages, you will soon notice that you can recognize Austins images before you look to see who posted them. I haven't visited this thread in at least a month, and as I was scrolling down this page just now and got to the green houses and the chair / caution cone image, I knew they were Austins before I looked left. I don't think he could hide if he wanted to.
I agree with Peter.

13-Nov-2015, 18:01
Randy and Peter,
Absolutely! I can see it is Austin in a second. That's why I kind of downplayed the equipment/gear thing. Give him a Hasselblad or a Yashicamat, and you get those intriguing photos that are signature.
Also, Austin, your tones and graphic elements are beautiful. Beautiful control over the B&W process. Man, you were born with The Gift.

Pali K
14-Nov-2015, 05:51
I too am a fan of Austin but then again, who isn't? +1 for everything that Trent, Peter, and Randy already mentioned.


14-Nov-2015, 07:33
Also an Austin fan, have to say your most recent on this page (simply titled "Portland") is probably my favorite so far. Beautifully formal, delightfully absurd, a true slice of life and yet seeming as though it must have been put there just for the purpose of making this image!

14-Nov-2015, 08:11
Messrs. Granger's images have been gnawing away at me for several years. His way of seeing through a lens absolutely speaks to something inside me. Even worse, the particular format Austin employs doesn't seem to make any difference in the way he communicates his vision. It is impossible for me to pick a single favorite image from Austin's expansive portfolio; however, here are three that are very special in my humble opinion.




The bastard :)

austin granger
14-Nov-2015, 23:13
When I checked this thread tonight I was amazed (and honestly, a little embarrassed) to see the above comments. You guys are very kind, and no doubt give me too much credit. But I do want to thank you, and also say that I'm going to file away your words so that they might shore me up the next time I falter in my photography (which will probably be tomorrow-I'm constantly faltering). Seriously, thank you.

15-Nov-2015, 07:19
(which will probably be tomorrow-I'm constantly faltering).

That's why you are so good though.

15-Nov-2015, 10:24
Brownie Hawkeye Flash with #13 closeup attachment.
Acros 100 souped in XTol 1+1 x 10min

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5818/23026551532_5bd3b50f52_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/B5M6xb)
BHF-Acros100-004 (https://flic.kr/p/B5M6xb) by James Harr (https://www.flickr.com/photos/harrlequin/), on Flickr

16-Nov-2015, 04:52
Waxahachie Re-Enactment Super Ikonta 521C, Ilford HP5+ Microphen
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5817/22634401057_bd4893ec3e_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Au8dS6)Wax 15-20 (https://flic.kr/p/Au8dS6) by Alan Butler (https://www.flickr.com/photos/43210263@N04/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/683/22632271118_515314d2e1_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/AtWiH1)Wax 15-14 (https://flic.kr/p/AtWiH1) by Alan Butler (https://www.flickr.com/photos/43210263@N04/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/577/22632167528_dabb756a66_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/AtVLUY)Wax 15-13 (https://flic.kr/p/AtVLUY) by Alan Butler (https://www.flickr.com/photos/43210263@N04/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/563/23051580065_154e472cc2_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/B7ZnDB)Wax 15-15 (https://flic.kr/p/B7ZnDB) by Alan Butler (https://www.flickr.com/photos/43210263@N04/), on Flickr

austin granger
16-Nov-2015, 20:04
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5815/22603764557_6163a2c9a9_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/ArqcGz)On a Farm, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/ArqcGz) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

16-Nov-2015, 20:47
Hancock, MI Bronica ETRS
http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp25/bruceolson/PhotoForums/Hancock-015.jpg (http://s394.photobucket.com/user/bruceolson/media/PhotoForums/Hancock-015.jpg.html)

17-Nov-2015, 00:19
Trying something a little different...

Pentax 67ii, 55-100mm f/4.5, Tri-X 320, Rodinal:


17-Nov-2015, 11:34
Here's another one.
I'd love to hear what anyone thinks of these.


austin granger
18-Nov-2015, 14:22
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5715/22947789336_ea7c09e89e_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/AXPqhh)At a Truck Stop, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/AXPqhh) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5696/22962469656_976acdab8a_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/AZ7Eef)Wrecked Car, near Donald, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/AZ7Eef) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Rick A
19-Nov-2015, 12:38
More from Letchworth SP
Mamiya M 645 Super/55-110 zoom
T Max 100/D-76 1+1
scan of prints

austin granger
20-Nov-2015, 09:53
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/664/23110416602_4c2ac50f81_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/BdbVGE)Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/BdbVGE) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

20-Nov-2015, 15:45
Austin, this is my favorite image of your many fine posts here. Bravo! and thanks for sharing.

austin granger
20-Nov-2015, 19:33
Austin, this is my favorite image of your many fine posts here. Bravo! and thanks for sharing.
Thanks Alan. I appreciate your saying that. It's funny, this one is from a few years ago but I held it back for some reason. I guess for certain pictures there's a right time.

20-Nov-2015, 19:40
Feeling very introspective today so I'll post this little experiment, similar to the others on the previous page.

Self-Portrait in Landscape
Pentax 67ii, 55-100mm f/4.5, Plus-X, Rodinal:


Pali K
20-Nov-2015, 20:46
Feeling very introspective today so I'll post this little experiment, similar to the others on the previous page.

Self-Portrait in Landscape
Pentax 67ii, 55-100mm f/4.5, Plus-X, Rodinal:


I am really enjoying this new series of yours but I have to admit that I am confused with what really is happening here.

Are you using mirrors or is this a result of something else?


20-Nov-2015, 21:07
I've been a bit coy about it. Don't want to ruin the mystery! It's all optical. Just a tiny bit of Photoshop.

Also, thanks! :)

21-Nov-2015, 12:26
SWC, Delta 3200, HC-110 1+31, X1 scans:

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5694/23183950945_e12317f641_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/BjFNUa)
Mike (https://flic.kr/p/BjFNUa) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/688/22789802277_1fd36700b1_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/AHRGet)
Pippa 2015 #30 (https://flic.kr/p/AHRGet) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/659/22555451504_248afddaa6_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/An9zUU)
Pippa 2015 #31 (https://flic.kr/p/An9zUU) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

I can see that this will be better with slower films and lots of outdoor light.


22-Nov-2015, 21:12
Balda Juwella, Fomapan 100, Pyrocat M, Contact print Fomatone 131 in LQN.

25-Nov-2015, 09:37
Paris. Palais royal.
ALPA SWA camera
Lens: 35mm Apo-grandagon
Rise 20mm
Film: 6x9 Ilford Delta 400 as 640
No tripod.
Paper: Ilford ART 300


26-Nov-2015, 00:29
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5772/22938192109_9e687e6ffb_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/AWYemR)
H.M. Σίμωνος Πέτρας (https://flic.kr/p/AWYemR) by Andrej (https://www.flickr.com/photos/andreios/), on Flickr

Fresh from the darkroom, taken last week.
Lith print on old Kodak Bromesko paper.

Peter Lewin
26-Nov-2015, 05:54
Andreios: That's spectacular! Can you translate the location name from the Greek (?) - it almost looks like a Tibetan monastery, but I suspect it is a lot closer to your home.

26-Nov-2015, 06:01
Thanks Peter. It's in greek, I.M.Simonos Petras (I.M. meaning Iera Moni = Holy Monastery), one of the monasteries on Mount Athos in Greece.

austin granger
26-Nov-2015, 06:40
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5707/22448691574_46f9b90ac5_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/AcHpUs)Overpass, The Dalles, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/AcHpUs) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

27-Nov-2015, 04:29
Fergie tractor - Rolleiflex 3.5f, Rollei Retro 80S, Rodinal


27-Nov-2015, 11:17
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5772/22938192109_9e687e6ffb_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/AWYemR)
H.M. Σίμωνος Πέτρας (https://flic.kr/p/AWYemR) by Andrej (https://www.flickr.com/photos/andreios/), on Flickr

Fresh from the darkroom, taken last week.
Lith print on old Kodak Bromesko paper.

Nice print. And it looks like the rock is growing up the stone wall like ivy, I wonder if the builders intended that.

27-Nov-2015, 11:19
Here's another one.
I'd love to hear what anyone thinks of these.


This one I like a lot. I assume you are actually using a mirror and not insetting digitally?

27-Nov-2015, 11:32
My portrait project quest continues.

Hasselblad + Acros + XTOL

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/683/21168327994_7f1f437d2e_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/yfzdqj)The Originals Project - Jaedon - September 2015 (https://flic.kr/p/yfzdqj) by Tim Scott (https://www.flickr.com/photos/themdidit/), on Flickr

Very nice photo. Tones, light, composition, and grain all come together in this one. I really like the "Made with film" comment.

27-Nov-2015, 12:45
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5772/22938192109_9e687e6ffb_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/awyemr)
h.m. Σίμωνος Πέτρας (https://flic.kr/p/awyemr) by andrej (https://www.flickr.com/photos/andreios/), on flickr

fresh from the darkroom, taken last week.
Lith print on old kodak bromesko paper.


1-Dec-2015, 02:46
https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/780/23359288391_b9b3c3c170_b.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/captain_andy/23359288391/in/photostream/)

Downtown Vancouver, summer evening
Efke IR820 in HC-110
Minolta Autocord

Scott --
2-Dec-2015, 04:12
Ryan Library, the Hill School, Pottstown PA. Bronica SQ-A, HP5+ in Adonal 1:50.

2-Dec-2015, 08:14
Hi everyone, fairly new to this forum and the first time I've flicked through this thread... WOW.... some absolutely wonderful images.

I have shot MF for about 5 years and recently got a large format camera which comes out occasionally but the cost means that my trusty Rolleiflex, Mamiya C330f and my Ross Ensign 820 still get lots of use. Here's one from each camera.

This a local folly called Mow Cop, Ross Ensign 820 on Fuji Acros 100, devved in Ilford LC39.
https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2950/15348302246_5719ebd75f_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/poh4wN)Mow-Cop1 (https://flic.kr/p/poh4wN) by Andy (https://www.flickr.com/photos/andysnapper1/), on Flickr

Mamiya C330f with 55mm lens on Acros 100
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5597/15466875527_d8019dd31c_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pyKMeH)White-Rose-b&w (https://flic.kr/p/pyKMeH) by Andy (https://www.flickr.com/photos/andysnapper1/), on Flickr

Rolleiflex Automat on Kodak Portra 400, Wastwater in the English Lake District with Great Gable in the distance.
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7584/16966298395_2c3f655530_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/rRfHq8)Wastwater-RA-Ekt100 (https://flic.kr/p/rRfHq8) by Andy (https://www.flickr.com/photos/andysnapper1/), on Flickr


2-Dec-2015, 08:23
Ryan Library, the Hill School, Pottstown PA. Bronica SQ-A, HP5+ in Adonal 1:50.

Simply beautiful !!

Tin Can
2-Dec-2015, 08:45
I haven't seen that building since 1966 when I said goodbye to it and the home of KIWI polish. At that time I stood in front of it, gazed deeply and told myself I would never see it again. A habit I started that day.

Imagine my surprise this morning!

Thanks for the memory.

Nice image.

Ryan Library, the Hill School, Pottstown PA. Bronica SQ-A, HP5+ in Adonal 1:50.

Rick A
2-Dec-2015, 16:48
Driftwood Branch of the Sinnemahoning Creek


Mamiya M 645 Super-80/2.8
T-Max 100/PMK Pyro
scan of 5x7 print

Scott --
3-Dec-2015, 08:19
Simply beautiful !!

I haven't seen that building since 1966 when I said goodbye to it and the home of KIWI polish. At that time I stood in front of it, gazed deeply and told myself I would never see it again. A habit I started that day.

Imagine my surprise this morning!

Thanks for the memory.

Nice image.
Thank you both!

Kyle M.
3-Dec-2015, 09:19
Kodak Medalist I, 100mm F3.5, Kodak Tri-X


Mamiya RB67, 90mm F3.8C, Kodak Tri-X

Mamiya 645 Super, 55mm F2.8, Kodak T-Max 400

Martin Aislabie
3-Dec-2015, 09:24
Rolleiflex Automat on Kodak Portra 400, Wastwater in the English Lake District with Great Gable in the distance.
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7584/16966298395_2c3f655530_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/rRfHq8)Wastwater-RA-Ekt100 (https://flic.kr/p/rRfHq8) by Andy (https://www.flickr.com/photos/andysnapper1/), on Flickr


Lovely shot of Wastwater and lucky with the weather too - you don't often get Great Gable to clearly


3-Dec-2015, 12:28
Lovely shot of Wastwater and lucky with the weather too - you don't often get Great Gable to clearly


Thank you Martin. Yes, very lucky indeed and it stayed like this all day.


austin granger
4-Dec-2015, 12:27
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/615/23521501245_b892b155d7_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/BQvQQV)Collapsed Barn, Washington (https://flic.kr/p/BQvQQV) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Drew Wiley
4-Dec-2015, 17:09
That's got some interesting angle to it, Austin. I always enjoy your perspective on the Northwest. Of course, it's perfectly obviously that the building wasn't here
in California, or else there would be a day old real estate sign on it, "Bargain Fixer Upper, One Million Dollars", with a "Sold" stapled over that.

Sirius Glass
4-Dec-2015, 17:16
"Cozy place needs TLC, a fixer upper, great views"

austin granger
4-Dec-2015, 17:44
That's got some interesting angle to it, Austin. I always enjoy your perspective on the Northwest. Of course, it's perfectly obviously that the building wasn't here
in California, or else there would be a day old real estate sign on it, "Bargain Fixer Upper, One Million Dollars", with a "Sold" stapled over that.

Thanks Drew. We left California for Oregon in 2006. It sometimes still makes me a little sad, as I loved it there, and also because I was a forth-generation Californian, but in any case, we couldn't afford to go back now even if we wanted to. Recently I was in Santa Cruz and I walked past the tiny, humble beach shack (more of a hut really) I lived in while going to school there. It was for sale for half a million dollars.

austin granger
5-Dec-2015, 11:36
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/659/23504639706_0d4eefea42_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/BP2quJ)Tractor, Washington (https://flic.kr/p/BP2quJ) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Peter Gomena
5-Dec-2015, 13:28
Noblex at work, Austin? Outstanding swooping lines here along with your usual fabulously spare imagery.

5-Dec-2015, 15:48
SWC, XP2, HC-110, X1:

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/677/23179041539_6321b494d4_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/BjfDve)

Bridge in snow (https://flic.kr/p/BjfDve) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5657/22918751834_dca8e38b8e_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/AVfArG)

Caboose (https://flic.kr/p/AVfArG) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/593/23546991595_b380b7bd6e_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/BSLueH)

Willow (https://flic.kr/p/BSLueH) by chrism229 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrism229/), on Flickr


austin granger
5-Dec-2015, 18:09
Noblex at work, Austin? Outstanding swooping lines here along with your usual fabulously spare imagery.
Thanks Peter. Yes, it's from the Noblex. Eastern Washington's wide open landscapes seemed well suited to it. Unfortunately, the camera has developed a banding problem with slow shutter speeds. My solution is to stack short exposures on top of each other. The picture above is sixteen (!) exposures. According to the mighty internet, that's a sexdecuple exposure!:-)

6-Dec-2015, 01:00
chrism, nice shots - I'm jealous of the SWC.

Here's a couple of shots from a local Christmas Parade.
Pentax 67ii, 165mm f/2.8, Tri-X 400, developed in T-Max developer @ 1:4



6-Dec-2015, 11:53
A few more from me. This time taken in Chester, originally a Roman town on the border of England and Wales. If the Roman invasion of Scotland had gone to plan Chester would have probably been the capital of England, there are an almost complete set of encircling walls and the remains of a once impressive amphitheatre.
Taken on a Voigtlander Baby Bessa from 1938 and Fomapan 100 film.

Smoke through the trees, Chester Cathedral
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5628/22018944744_4991cae9a3_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/zxJR9m)Smoke-through-the-trees (https://flic.kr/p/zxJR9m) by Andy (https://www.flickr.com/photos/andysnapper1/), on Flickr

The Watergate, part of the walls which used to guard the port.
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5785/22453792060_1cabf15bbc_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Aday6S)Watergate-Chester (https://flic.kr/p/Aday6S) by Andy (https://www.flickr.com/photos/andysnapper1/), on Flickr

And one of my few attempts at Street Photography.
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5791/22615699676_8ba3d2de31_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/AstnAu)Chester-from-The-Rows2 (https://flic.kr/p/AstnAu) by Andy (https://www.flickr.com/photos/andysnapper1/), on Flickr

6-Dec-2015, 12:18
Two negatives from Maui in October...trying to think warm thoughts here in the NW!

Rolleicord. Out-of-date Tri-X. Developed in HC-110. These negs were re-photographed on a light table, then inverted in PhotoShop. Destined to be platinum/palladium prints.

Jim Jones
6-Dec-2015, 13:35
Andysnap -- Impressive subjects and impressive capture.