View Full Version : MF (6x4.5,6x6,6x7,6x9,6x12) B&W film images sharing

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7-Aug-2023, 00:12
Did you take a long time (i.e. weeks/months) after exposing the rolls before developing them? This can exacerbate the problem, and when I have seen it with Ilford films in the past it was always due to this scenario.

Not at all, I developed the films two or three weeks after exposing them.

7-Aug-2023, 00:29
This thread on photrio discusses a similar/identical issue:
with this post showng a good example:

Statements by Ilford:

7-Aug-2023, 01:15
This thread on photrio discusses a similar/identical issue:
with this post showng a good example:

Statements by Ilford:

Thank you, Bernard!

7-Aug-2023, 01:20
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53095624918_d710faa494_c.jpg (https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53095624918_d710faa494_c.jpg

Stream 01 by notorius1, on Flickr)
Stream 01 (https://flic.kr/p/2oTSXsW) by notorius1 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/notorius1/), on Flickr
Mamiya C330F, Sekor 80/2.8, orange filter; Ilford FP4+

7-Aug-2023, 09:21
This thread on photrio discusses a similar/identical issue:
with this post showng a good example:

Statements by Ilford:

I sent the pictures to Ilford and their response was nearly instaneous! They confirmed the mottling problem and apologized for lost pictures. Fresh films will be sent to my adress.
The bad batch (nr.4602) was manufactured before those statements mentioned in links above.
Thanks to all for help!

8-Aug-2023, 14:11

Photographed on Rollei RPX100 film (probably closely related to Kentmere 100) using my Kodak Six-20 Special (made between 1`937 and 1939) with the Anastigmat Special lens, bought a couple years ago for $25. (See: <a href="https://flic.kr/p/2mHW4G3" rel="noreferrer nofollow">flic.kr/p/2mHW4G3</a>)
Exposure was 15 seconds at f22. This old Kodak lens is an excellent performer, really.

Rollei RPX developed in PMK (Pyro), 1:2:100 for 10 minutes. Excellent negatives.

austin granger
9-Aug-2023, 07:06
Regarding the Ilford mottling, I experienced the same problem. It was so frustrating, I just about gave up using FP4. I'm glad Ilford is aware of the issue and will give it another chance. FP4 is such a great film.

austin granger
9-Aug-2023, 07:07
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53102493224_2cf9c61fcb_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oUuab1)At a Baseball Game, Hillsboro, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/2oUuab1) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

9-Aug-2023, 07:13
I've only had the mottling issue on films that were either past their expiry date, or been stored in a warm location for months before being exposed and developed. Now, I use film up before its expiration date and keep it in the fridge until I need it.

9-Aug-2023, 23:52
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53095624918_d710faa494_c.jpg (https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53095624918_d710faa494_c.jpg

Stream 01 by notorius1, on Flickr)
Stream 01 (https://flic.kr/p/2oTSXsW) by notorius1 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/notorius1/), on Flickr
Mamiya C330F, Sekor 80/2.8, orange filter; Ilford FP4+

I like the "glowing" tonality in the rocks. And am curious how you obtained it. Is it the orange filter (seems strange as there is no sky or colored objects in the picture)? Or is it the combination of diffused lighting plus higher-than-normal contrast in negative development and/or enlargement or scanning?

Martin Aislabie
10-Aug-2023, 08:08
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53095624918_d710faa494_c.jpg (https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53095624918_d710faa494_c.jpg

Stream 01 by notorius1, on Flickr)
Stream 01 (https://flic.kr/p/2oTSXsW) by notorius1 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/notorius1/), on Flickr
Mamiya C330F, Sekor 80/2.8, orange filter; Ilford FP4+

Really nice tones in this shot.

MultiFormat Shooter
12-Aug-2023, 10:41
Exposure was 15 seconds at f22. This old Kodak lens is an excellent performer, really. Rollei RPX developed in PMK (Pyro), 1:2:100 for 10 minutes. Excellent negatives.

I absolutely love the tonality and overall composition!

12-Aug-2023, 10:51
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53111253126_23212cddf1_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oVg4bN)

Resting Place (https://flic.kr/p/2oVg4bN) by Kevin Pihlaja (https://www.flickr.com/photos/kevinpihlajaphotography/), on Flickr

Bronica SQ-Ai on Delta 100.

12-Aug-2023, 11:37
Kevin, an admirable composition and treatment.

12-Aug-2023, 13:22
Kevin, an admirable composition and treatment.

Thanks! I thought about going back and shooting it on 4x5 but the square format seems to work fine.

13-Aug-2023, 09:44
Is gear discussion permitted in this thread?

Edit: Well, I'll give it a try. Apologies in advance if this is not the right thread.

What do people use for 6x9 (and occasionally 6x12) when multiple focal lengths (65 mm up to 350 mm) are desired? I love the GW690, but I occasionally need shorter and longer lenses. I tried the G690 with 65 mm and 180 mm lenses, but the 65 mm died within 2 rolls of film. Some people rave about the Horseman VH-R because it is so light, and because it has some good native lenses. Other lenses can be adapted, though not all LF lenses work (https://jonathangazeley.com/2012/04/15/horseman-6x9-lenses/). But how do people pick an LF lens for 6x9 and 6x12 without giving up resolution on the smaller format? Would it be overly naive to just go through this list (https://www.largeformatphotography.info/lenses/LF6x12cm.html) and restrict myself to those with the least amount of excess coverage? I don't plan on using movement and tilt.

The thing that bothers me about the VH-R is that it is not that readily available. In addition, I don't buy the weight argument as the Toho 45 FX is lighter than the VH-R. In addition, the Toho is more readily available and I have more freedom in picking lenses.

To summarize: What is a light 6x9/6x12 system that has lenses from 65 to 350 mm (I am thinking ~65/100/200/350) and is easy to acquire/maintain. I have zero interest in shooting sheet film. Movements/tilt are not required.

14-Aug-2023, 00:08
I like the "glowing" tonality in the rocks. And am curious how you obtained it. Is it the orange filter (seems strange as there is no sky or colored objects in the picture)? Or is it the combination of diffused lighting plus higher-than-normal contrast in negative development and/or enlargement or scanning?

Actually some of the rocks were orange/brown/beige in color. I used the orange filter to emphasize the difference between those and the other rocks. There was very diffused light indeed and I pushed the contrast in post process additionally.

14-Aug-2023, 00:10
I absolutely love the tonality and overall composition!

Thank you very much!

14-Aug-2023, 06:05
Is gear discussion permitted in this thread?

Edit: Well, I'll give it a try. Apologies in advance if this is not the right thread.

What do people use for 6x9 (and occasionally 6x12) when multiple focal lengths (65 mm up to 350 mm) are desired? I love the GW690, but I occasionally need shorter and longer lenses. I tried the G690 with 65 mm and 180 mm lenses, but the 65 mm died within 2 rolls of film. Some people rave about the Horseman VH-R because it is so light, and because it has some good native lenses. Other lenses can be adapted, though not all LF lenses work (https://jonathangazeley.com/2012/04/15/horseman-6x9-lenses/). But how do people pick an LF lens for 6x9 and 6x12 without giving up resolution on the smaller format? Would it be overly naive to just go through this list (https://www.largeformatphotography.info/lenses/LF6x12cm.html) and restrict myself to those with the least amount of excess coverage? I don't plan on using movement and tilt.

The thing that bothers me about the VH-R is that it is not that readily available. In addition, I don't buy the weight argument as the Toho 45 FX is lighter than the VH-R. In addition, the Toho is more readily available and I have more freedom in picking lenses.

To summarize: What is a light 6x9/6x12 system that has lenses from 65 to 350 mm (I am thinking ~65/100/200/350) and is easy to acquire/maintain. I have zero interest in shooting sheet film. Movements/tilt are not required.

Why not use a 2 by 3 (baby) Crown Graphic with a roll film back? I don't know if it will take a 350 mm (the bellows draw is only about 160 cm), but I use a 47, 65, 90, and 101 mm on mine. It's a relatively cheap, light choice for medium format. Lens boards are easy to make, too. They don't have to have the rimmed edges to seal the light. Flat steel is good enough.

John Olsen
14-Aug-2023, 08:56
On Mill Creek Road I found "Buck." It's a plastic hunting trophy, so no animals were harmed to get this picture. It hasn't been used as target practice yet; perhaps it's recently installed. These Wisconsin farmers are a hoot. TriX w. yellow filter, 500c/m, 80mm lens, scanned from film.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53116154079_c65242e24d_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oVGb4Z)R1N1 BuckLFF (https://flic.kr/p/2oVGb4Z) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

14-Aug-2023, 18:49
Why not use a 2 by 3 (baby) Crown Graphic with a roll film back? I don't know if it will take a 350 mm (the bellows draw is only about 160 cm), but I use a 47, 65, 90, and 101 mm on mine. It's a relatively cheap, light choice for medium format. Lens boards are easy to make, too. They don't have to have the rimmed edges to seal the light. Flat steel is good enough.

Can it shoot 6x12? Both 6x12 and a 350 mm lens are a hard must. I am willing to compromise on overall cost and on the image quality of the 350 mm on 120 roll film.

14-Aug-2023, 19:14
No it won't. Sounds like what you want is a 4x5 camera and a couple of 120 roll film backs in your preferred sizes. Everything you ask for will require some compromises and difficulty in certain aspects. If cost is not a factor, call up Chamonix and ask for a custom camera...

I shoot 6x12 occasionally on various 4x5 cameras. Never 6x9 on the bigger camera, that involves too much trouble. Instead a dedicated 6x9 camera (I also like the Century Graphic) is preferred.

14-Aug-2023, 20:05
To summarize: What is a light 6x9/6x12 system that has lenses from 65 to 350 mm (I am thinking ~65/100/200/350) and is easy to acquire/maintain. I have zero interest in shooting sheet film. Movements/tilt are not required.

Let me know if you find a medium format camera that takes a 6x12 film magazine and 65-350mm lenses because that equation is large.
The lightest weight would be a pancake style with lens cones, except with all those lenses you want, now the weight (and cost) is more than a 4x5 field camera.

You are looking for a 4x5. Do what Bryan (Corran) suggests.
Best to you!

15-Aug-2023, 06:29
Thanks folks!

austin granger
15-Aug-2023, 07:36
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53105058493_a7a13fe6a6_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oUHiJM)In an Abandoned Schoolhouse, Washington (https://flic.kr/p/2oUHiJM) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

15-Aug-2023, 18:03
Alright, then I'll make the first compromise: forget about 6x9, the fuji is great at it anyway, and focus on 6x12. What is a (relatively) light 4x5 camera without it being flimsy/cheap? And how do I pick lenses that will actually deliver a high image quality at the smaller format? Do I just pick the lens with the least amount of excess coverage from this list (https://www.largeformatphotography.info/lenses/LF6x12cm.html)?

15-Aug-2023, 20:25
Alright, then I'll make the first compromise: forget about 6x9, the fuji is great at it anyway, and focus on 6x12. What is a (relatively) light 4x5 camera without it being flimsy/cheap? And how do I pick lenses that will actually deliver a high image quality at the smaller format? Do I just pick the lens with the least amount of excess coverage from this list (https://www.largeformatphotography.info/lenses/LF6x12cm.html)?

At this point, I would start a seperate post with the above statement and similar title. You will get more answers as this thread is for image posting.

16-Aug-2023, 06:24
At this point, I would start a seperate post with the above statement and similar title. You will get more answers as this thread is for image posting.

Will do, thanks.

austin granger
19-Aug-2023, 10:21
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53126821017_0bd325444a_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oWCQYH)Under the Boardwalk, Eureka, California (https://flic.kr/p/2oWCQYH) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

20-Aug-2023, 15:41
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53129482612_db48e0bfc2_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oWSubh)

Misty Morning (https://flic.kr/p/2oWSubh) by Kevin Pihlaja (https://www.flickr.com/photos/kevinpihlajaphotography/), on Flickr

Bronica SQ-Ai on Delta 100.

20-Aug-2023, 15:56
^^^ Nice! :)

20-Aug-2023, 18:03

20-Aug-2023, 21:04
Nice shots Kevin and Austin.

Some older pictures that I rescanned

Alvord Desert, Oregon
Fuji GSW690III, 400TMY, PMK

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/36547751690_83279f7ecd_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/XFAMgQ)
Alvord Sunset Chairs (https://flic.kr/p/XFAMgQ) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/35683164282_36a70156df_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Wncxyo)
Alvord Sunset Bush (https://flic.kr/p/Wncxyo) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

John Olsen
21-Aug-2023, 08:51
Austin: I liked the "Under the Boardwalk" a lot.

On Felsenfeld Road, sealed up but decorated. Wonder what the story is on that. 500c/m, TriX, 60mm lens, scanned from film.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53116154139_a9278259c9_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oVGb62)R1N5 Shed II LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2oVGb62) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

21-Aug-2023, 09:21
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53131560892_87da5a4e36_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oX48YG)
Mountain View 02 (https://flic.kr/p/2oX48YG) by notorius1 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/notorius1/), on Flickr
Mamiya C330F + Sekor 80/2.8 + Orange filter
Ilford FP4+@100
Barry Thornton 2 bath 4+4 min. 22°C

austin granger
22-Aug-2023, 07:10
Thanks, John, Tuco.
Tuco, It's always good to see your photos of Alvord. I'm going on a photo trip in October and on the way home, I plan to meet some friends there for the "Ring of Fire" eclipse on the 14th. Just in case you're in the neighborhood, we should be camped on the east side of the playa, near the "notch." :-)

Martin Aislabie
22-Aug-2023, 08:08
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53131560892_87da5a4e36_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oX48YG)
Mountain View 02 (https://flic.kr/p/2oX48YG) by notorius1 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/notorius1/), on Flickr
Mamiya C330F + Sekor 80/2.8 + Orange filter
Ilford FP4+@100
Barry Thornton 2 bath 4+4 min. 22°C

I'm curious - what are the spots/snow in the upper part of the picture ?

22-Aug-2023, 09:49
I'm curious - what are the spots/snow in the upper part of the picture ?

Looks like the dreaded backing paper/humidity interaction with the film.

22-Aug-2023, 15:14
I'm curious - what are the spots/snow in the upper part of the picture ?
Dreaded mottling from the backing paper, unfortunately. you can see more info in the pages(s)/posts before. I received fresh films as a compensation from Ilford just today.

John Olsen
22-Aug-2023, 16:03
Dreaded mottling from the backing paper, unfortunately. you can see more info in the pages(s)/posts before. I received fresh films as a compensation from Ilford just today.

Getting replacement film is nice, but the shooting opportunity wasted must really hurt. Condolences.

22-Aug-2023, 17:46
Dreaded mottling from the backing paper, unfortunately. you can see more info in the pages(s)/posts before. I received fresh films as a compensation from Ilford just today.

I have not experienced these marks on Ilford films unless the roll is either expired and/or been stored at room temperature (or above) for months as it approaches expiration. This doesn't happen on fresh film, stored correctly and used before its stale date.

22-Aug-2023, 17:56
I've said this before, but I've gotten that on fresh film taken into very humid conditions but not shot until a later outing. Perhaps a symptom of condensation or other negative effects of those conditions. Only certain films, most notably SFX200 and PanF+, when shot in south GA or FL. Haven't had any issues in years, but I don't shoot PanF+ anymore and I live in a less humid place now (well, normally!).

22-Aug-2023, 23:50
Getting replacement film is nice, but the shooting opportunity wasted must really hurt. Condolences.

It does hurt, thank you. Anyway life goes on and there are far more important things.

23-Aug-2023, 00:00
I've said this before, but I've gotten that on fresh film taken into very humid conditions but not shot until a later outing. Perhaps a symptom of condensation or other negative effects of those conditions. Only certain films, most notably SFX200 and PanF+, when shot in south GA or FL. Haven't had any issues in years, but I don't shoot PanF+ anymore and I live in a less humid place now (well, normally!).

Thank you for your input. My films were replaced according to the batch number which Ilford admited was bad. Your suggestion does make sense anyway. And it applies to the above post by paulbarden too. I am going to change the purchase/storage/usage habits AND/OR intervals to minimize the risk of this happening in the future. Ilford is still my rollfilm choice number one for being reasonably priced and classic looking emulsions(FP4+ and HP5+). I still trust their QC, much more than Foma, which sadly is from my country.

John Olsen
23-Aug-2023, 07:07
On Sinbad Road, phalanxes of corn marching over the rolling fields. 500c/m. 80mm, TriX w. yellow filter.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53115358362_2bd78c8384_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oVC6wJ)R1N6 Corn LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2oVC6wJ) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

Chuck Pere
23-Aug-2023, 07:18
Great image John.

23-Aug-2023, 21:06
Thanks, John, Tuco.
Tuco, It's always good to see your photos of Alvord. I'm going on a photo trip in October and on the way home, I plan to meet some friends there for the "Ring of Fire" eclipse on the 14th. Just in case you're in the neighborhood, we should be camped on the east side of the playa, near the "notch." :-)

Yeah it is time for another trip to the Alvord there that is for sure. I have a friend who lives in eastern Oregon. Maybe I need to talk him into going.

24-Aug-2023, 04:06
John, nice image!

austin granger
24-Aug-2023, 07:53
A recent pinhole:
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53138984460_be73639c9f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oXHbKf)Coquille River Lighthouse, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/2oXHbKf) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

24-Aug-2023, 17:47

hasselblad 501cm
cfe 80
fuji acros ii
510 pyro


film gone wrong :rolleyes:

24-Aug-2023, 23:22

hasselblad 501cm
cfe 80
fuji acros ii
510 pyro


film gone wrong :rolleyes:

Very nice!
I can clearly see it something went wrong with that film, but do you know what was the cause ?

25-Aug-2023, 06:57
Very nice!
I can clearly see it something went wrong with that film, but do you know what was the cause ?

Thank you!
I placed the film in a prewash and then got distracted and walked away to take care of something else. The film sat still in a prewash for 10-15 minutes.
I like the effect in this image but have no plans of repeating it. :rolleyes:

John Olsen
25-Aug-2023, 08:43
FrancisR and Chuck: Thanks, it's just so Wisconsin.

On Mt. Hope Road: TriX and 80mm

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53115358367_6cce8d1a5c_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oVC6wP)R1N8 MtHope LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2oVC6wP) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

Tin Can
26-Aug-2023, 13:06
Art Deco fenders!

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53017296099_7fb22d1f27_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oLXv34)Coffin Trolley, Portland (https://flic.kr/p/2oLXv34) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

27-Aug-2023, 04:14
Dreaded mottling from the backing paper, unfortunately. you can see more info in the pages(s)/posts before. I received fresh films as a compensation from Ilford just today.

Me too !

27-Aug-2023, 04:20


Rolleiflex 3,5F
HP5+ HC110

28-Aug-2023, 09:08
Barn_01 (https://flic.kr/p/2oYxdYx) by notorius1, on Flickr

Mamiya C330F + Sekor 65 3.5 green filter
Ilford FP4+ @100 in Barry Thornton 2 bath

I should have trimmed the roof, works better for me. What is your opinion?

28-Aug-2023, 12:16
Barn_01 (https://flic.kr/p/2oYxdYx) by notorius1, on Flickr

Mamiya C330F + Sekor 65 3.5 green filter
Ilford FP4+ @100 in Barry Thornton 2 bath

I should have trimmed the roof, works better for me. What is your opinion?

Fine image, notorius. Yes, I would trim the roof, as you did on Flickr.

I like the Cesta/Path very much.

29-Aug-2023, 11:03
Barn 02 (https://flic.kr/p/2oYLApX) by notorius1 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/notorius1/), on Flickr

Mamiya C330F + Sekor 80 2.8
Ilford FP4+ @100
Barry Thornton 2 bath dev

29-Aug-2023, 11:10
Fine image, notorius. Yes, I would trim the roof, as you did on Flickr.

I like the Cesta/Path very much.

Thank you, Philip!

29-Aug-2023, 13:06
Barn_01 (https://flic.kr/p/2oYxdYx) by notorius1, on Flickr

Mamiya C330F + Sekor 65 3.5 green filter
Ilford FP4+ @100 in Barry Thornton 2 bath

I should have trimmed the roof, works better for me. What is your opinion?

I would leave it as is. Roof works fine for me.

John Olsen
30-Aug-2023, 08:16
Main Street, Avoca, WI. Avoca is named after the famous whiskey town of Ireland, so I'm tripodded in front of the Whiskey Row Tavern. 500c/m, 60mm, TriX plus yellow filter.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53116154109_819d1d9260_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oVGb5v)R1N10 Avoca I LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2oVGb5v) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

30-Aug-2023, 10:04
Main Street, Avoca, WI. Avoca is named after the famous whiskey town of Ireland, so I'm tripodded in front of the Whiskey Row Tavern. 500c/m, 60mm, TriX plus yellow filter.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53116154109_819d1d9260_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oVGb5v)R1N10 Avoca I LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2oVGb5v) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

Nice! I like the contrast between lower part and the sky.

1-Sep-2023, 08:58

Gambrill Mansion at Monocacy National Battlefield, Maryland

Horseman SW612 w/45mm Apo-Grandagon

1-Sep-2023, 09:01
Barn 02 (https://flic.kr/p/2oYLApX) by notorius1 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/notorius1/), on Flickr

Mamiya C330F + Sekor 80 2.8
Ilford FP4+ @100
Barry Thornton 2 bath dev


1-Sep-2023, 09:01
Main Street, Avoca, WI. Avoca is named after the famous whiskey town of Ireland, so I'm tripodded in front of the Whiskey Row Tavern. 500c/m, 60mm, TriX plus yellow filter.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53116154109_819d1d9260_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oVGb5v)R1N10 Avoca I LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2oVGb5v) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

Very nice!

1-Sep-2023, 09:02

Gambrill Mansion at Monocacy National Battlefield, Maryland

Horseman SW612 w/45mm Apo-Grandagon


1-Sep-2023, 09:11

Lockkeeper's House, Lock 29, C&O Canal, Maryland

Horseman SW612 w/45mm Apo-Grandagon

1-Sep-2023, 09:34

Lime Kiln Equipment, Fountain Rock Park, Maryland

Horseman SW612 w/45mm Apo-Grandagon

3-Sep-2023, 13:56

River Studies 2023, No. 16a
Photographed on Ilford Delta 100, processed in PMK
Camera: Kodak Medalist II

austin granger
7-Sep-2023, 21:04
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53172440015_c841533a40_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p1EDVa)Raymond, Washington (https://flic.kr/p/2p1EDVa) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

8-Sep-2023, 01:11
A stroll in my city for a first trial with a new camera...


Silvestri SLV 6x9 + Super-Angulon 47mm + Center Filter, vertical shift on tripod, F1:22 (for max. image circle) on Hp5+ 400ASA in X-Tol 1+1 14min 20°C.

John Olsen
8-Sep-2023, 07:56
A stroll in my city for a first trial with a new camera...


Silvestri SLV 6x9 + Super-Angulon 47mm + Center Filter, vertical shift on tripod, F1:22 (for max. image circle) on Hp5+ 400ASA in X-Tol 1+1 14min 20°C.

It looks like you've got the right camera. The first one is a very nice use of the format.

John Olsen
8-Sep-2023, 08:01
Darr and Notorius: Thanks for your comments.

Here's another from Avoca:

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53116363565_b65a5bff76_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oVHfkP)R2N2 Avoca IV LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2oVHfkP) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

8-Sep-2023, 22:28
thank you for the encouraging comment, John

8-Sep-2023, 22:52
Darr and Notorius: Thanks for your comments.

Here's another from Avoca:

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53116363565_b65a5bff76_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oVHfkP)R2N2 Avoca IV LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2oVHfkP) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

Do allow me to ask you a rather technical question about that photograph.
On the left side I see a darkish band along the side of the black border.
I happen to have the same occurring not only on the left but on the right side, and sometimes on both too, but not always.
Strangely enough this happens not that frequently while traditional printing yet most of the time when scanning, wether wet- ore dry scanning.
I don't have a clue what causes this, do you?

9-Sep-2023, 06:32
Do allow me to ask you a rather technical question about that photograph.
On the left side I see a darkish band along the side of the black border.
I happen to have the same occurring not only on the left but on the right side, and sometimes on both too, but not always.
Strangely enough this happens not that frequently while traditional printing yet most of the time when scanning, wether wet- ore dry scanning.
I don't have a clue what causes this, do you?

I’m betting you’re using an Epson scanner, yes?

John Olsen
9-Sep-2023, 06:58
I’m betting you’re using an Epson scanner, yes?

Paulbarden and phdgent: Thanks for your observations.

You caught me. It's a V850. Is there an explanation there? I'm using the Epson film holder and doing dry scans. Looking at the film with a loupe just now, I think the band shows on the film, although much fainter than on the final scanned image.

I was thinking the problem was from the film being about 1mm off-center in the JOBO 1520 reel. In that case the exposed part of the emulsion can overlap the reel edge so that circulation of chemistry would be restricted at the edge. A lighter band of developed emulsion, then making a darker band on the scanned image.

Maybe I'm agitating too vigorously, or not vigorously enough? I expect this will unleash a long series of opinions describing correct wrist action during agitation.

9-Sep-2023, 22:43
Paulbarden and phdgent: Thanks for your observations.

You caught me. It's a V850. Is there an explanation there? I'm using the Epson film holder and doing dry scans. Looking at the film with a loupe just now, I think the band shows on the film, although much fainter than on the final scanned image.

I was thinking the problem was from the film being about 1mm off-center in the JOBO 1520 reel. In that case the exposed part of the emulsion can overlap the reel edge so that circulation of chemistry would be restricted at the edge. A lighter band of developed emulsion, then making a darker band on the scanned image.

Maybe I'm agitating too vigorously, or not vigorously enough? I expect this will unleash a long series of opinions describing correct wrist action during agitation.

To Paulbarden, yes mine is an Epson V750 and regardless dry- ore wet scanning, that band, which isn't sowing on the negative, is rather consistent.

Some time a go I had, on many occasions, a very thin black, somewhat ragged, line along the edge of the entire roll.

I thought that the Hasselblad film back was the cause. But after some trying and searching, I realised it didn't match the shape of the film back, as it was a little too far away from the film's edge.
Then I figure out that it must happen somewhere during one or other step of the developing procedure, as that line was showing when using the Horseman 6x9 and the Linhof Rapid Rollex 6x7 film backs too.

So I searched in that direction, and after a lot of trial and error I found that it happend during the loading on the reel.
I was using JOBO 2500 series reels then, and when I switched to the LPL SS reels, that line occurred then too...

When holding the roll of film, stripped off the backing paper, one must be very careful not to scratch the emulsion with the edge of that roll. When unrolling while loading on the reel, the film's edge can 'slide' over the emulsion and 'draw' a line on it...
Here, to my regret, my much limited knowledge of English doesn't allow me to describe this in more detailed and comprehensive wording what I am trying to say (and Google Trans couldn't help), sorry...

Anyway, the culprit is hiding in the handling of the undeveloped film during loading it on the reel, wether it's plastic or SS, and regardless it's Hp5+, Fp4+ or Tri-X...

PS: I'm am talking about 120 roll film, not 35mm nor sheets.

10-Sep-2023, 07:30
phdgent: I have the Epson V750 that's about 10 years old now, and early on I discovered darker bands of density would appear on some negatives when scanned. This band was NOT on the negatives. I contacted Epson to ask about it and they acknowledged that the scanner had "a software fault" that introduced this banding, but they had a modified film holder they could send me that fixed the problem. (They did send me the new film holders and they did mostly fix the issue)
Apparently what happens is that if there is a high density area on the negatives at the beginning of the scan, at either outer edge of the scan bed, it will "compensate" for the density and darken that area, but this creates a visible band. I posted an extreme example on Flickr years ago: https://flic.kr/p/rHRi9S

If you're scanning directly on the glass, you can avoid this problem most of the time by making sure the first edge of the negative the scanner sees does NOT have a lot of density.

10-Sep-2023, 07:55
I had the problem with my 750, too. I found a comment online blaming the scanner software. I solved it by using the wet scanning holder, putting a piece of anti-glare picture frame glass on top, and scanning dry.

10-Sep-2023, 09:04
Note that I communicated directly with Epson about the problem and they admitted there was a software issue that caused this effect under specific circumstances. It's not speculation, or rumor - Epson expressed this to me directly. I have the official PDF document Epson sent me that describes the issue, which I have attached a copy of.

John Olsen
10-Sep-2023, 11:27
To Paulbarden, yes mine is an Epson V750 and regardless dry- ore wet scanning, that band, which isn't sowing on the negative, is rather consistent.

Some time a go I had, on many occasions, a very thin black, somewhat ragged, line along the edge of the entire roll.

I thought that the Hasselblad film back was the cause. But after some trying and searching, I realised it didn't match the shape of the film back, as it was a little too far away from the film's edge.
Then I figure out that it must happen somewhere during one or other step of the developing procedure, as that line was showing when using the Horseman 6x9 and the Linhof Rapid Rollex 6x7 film backs too.

So I searched in that direction, and after a lot of trial and error I found that it happend during the loading on the reel.
I was using JOBO 2500 series reels then, and when I switched to the LPL SS reels, that line occurred then too...

When holding the roll of film, stripped off the backing paper, one must be very careful not to scratch the emulsion with the edge of that roll. When unrolling while loading on the reel, the film's edge can 'slide' over the emulsion and 'draw' a line on it...
Here, to my regret, my much limited knowledge of English doesn't allow me to describe this in more detailed and comprehensive wording what I am trying to say (and Google Trans couldn't help), sorry...

Anyway, the culprit is hiding in the handling of the undeveloped film during loading it on the reel, wether it's plastic or SS, and regardless it's Hp5+, Fp4+ or Tri-X...

PS: I'm am talking about 120 roll film, not 35mm nor sheets.

I carefully louped two rolls of TriX 120 from this shoot and I can barely make out slightly lighter bands along the left side of several negatives. In fact, they were done with two different plastic reels, one 30 years old and one only ten or so years old. Thanks for your suggestion about the cause of the artifact. It looks unavoidable, but with some attention in Photoshop I can edit it out.

Daniel Unkefer
10-Sep-2023, 13:20
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51936025286_c409d0418a_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2n8pGTQ)500 ELM 100mm Planar YG FP4 Plus D23 (https://flic.kr/p/2n8pGTQ) by Nokton48 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/18134483@N04/), on Flickr

Hasselblad 500 EL/M 100mm F3.5 T* Planar YG filter FP4+ D23 Omega DII Omegalite Aristo #2 RC paper Multigrade dev

Daniel Unkefer
10-Sep-2023, 13:42
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51934923850_6418196643_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2n8j4ty)Makiflex TMX100 Kodak Readyload 545 D23 (https://flic.kr/p/2n8j4ty) by Nokton48 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/18134483@N04/), on Flickr

TMAX100 4x5 Readyload 545 Back Makiflex D23. Omega DII with Omegalite laser aligned Arista RC #2 paper Multigrade dev. Digital background shot by Tim Layton and enlarged at Cosco. Studio overhead lighting. 150mm f5.6 chrome barrel Schneider Xenar. Great lens I bought for fifty bucks.

austin granger
10-Sep-2023, 20:12
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53175416940_24ddb81dce_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p1VURs)The Ena, South Bend, Washington (https://flic.kr/p/2p1VURs) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53179234894_4aa92dff34_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p2gtNf)Container, South Bend, Washington (https://flic.kr/p/2p2gtNf) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

11-Sep-2023, 22:36
phdgent: I have the Epson V750 that's about 10 years old now, and early on I discovered darker bands of density would appear on some negatives when scanned. This band was NOT on the negatives. I contacted Epson to ask about it and they acknowledged that the scanner had "a software fault" that introduced this banding, but they had a modified film holder they could send me that fixed the problem. (They did send me the new film holders and they did mostly fix the issue)
Apparently what happens is that if there is a high density area on the negatives at the beginning of the scan, at either outer edge of the scan bed, it will "compensate" for the density and darken that area, but this creates a visible band. I posted an extreme example on Flickr years ago: https://flic.kr/p/rHRi9S

If you're scanning directly on the glass, you can avoid this problem most of the time by making sure the first edge of the negative the scanner sees does NOT have a lot of density.

I mostly scan with the Epson's wet scanning holder, wet ofcourse, and with an acetate foil over the whole lot of two negative strips of three 6x6 negatives, and still see these bands showing up.
But I will try Simmons's method next time.

PS: I wonder why they couldn't solve that "software fault"...

12-Sep-2023, 03:30
I use Vuescan and saw the problem, so I don't think its Epson scan that's the problem. Is there software in the scanner itself?

12-Sep-2023, 18:38
I use Vuescan and saw the problem, so I don't think its Epson scan that's the problem. Is there software in the scanner itself?

One can only imagine what's going on between the scanner and the receiving end (computer). Thinking about it, it's easy to figure that there's probably some programmed chips n the scanner that capture the signal and turn it into something that the computer software can read and interpret. Wouldn't be surprised if this were a practical concern, being as raw luminance signal data could be just too big to send and keep the scanner scanning at the same time.

Meanwhile, it's probably a good idea to have some blank film at the end that starts the scan. Or, try leaving a little space at the end before the start of the image.

I've never used the V750, but plenty of other scanners I have used have a blank calibration area, and they warn you not to let the film intrude into that area.

13-Sep-2023, 03:25
I was scanning single sheets of 4x5 so there was no intrusion into the calibration area. The internet post I found said that light bends around the film edge and is picked up by the scanner causing the dark line. Who knows what the truth is?

13-Sep-2023, 11:20
With a flatbed for optimal results one has to always mask the scanned frame around the edges.

John Olsen
13-Sep-2023, 11:37
On County Road I I. TriX, 80mm lens w. yellow filter. Scanned with V850 in dry film holder. With respect to the preceeding discussion on scanning, there was no dark line along the left side on this frame. I lean toward scratching in the plastic reel as my problem, but there could be more than one cause of erratic dark lines.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53116154049_6522d431c9_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oVGb4t)R2N7 CtyRd I I b LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2oVGb4t) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

austin granger
14-Sep-2023, 18:57
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53181714200_0c609ffd4f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p2ubNU)Raymond, Washington (https://flic.kr/p/2p2ubNU) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

John Olsen
16-Sep-2023, 08:07
On County Road Q. TriX w. yellow filter, 80mm, 500c/m

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53115358277_42ae156cae_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oVC6vg)R2N8 CtyRd Q LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2oVC6vg) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

16-Sep-2023, 08:31
^^ Love it, John!

John Olsen
23-Sep-2023, 08:55
Thanks Darr

When I shot this last winter I didn't get close to it, not wanting to leave tell-tale tracks in the snow. Recently I returned and worked all around the cabin. Here's a view in both TriX and Rollei infrared. 500c/m, 60mm lens.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53159795508_7d8dc90dff_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oZxR9q)RTX N7 Cabin III LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2oZxR9q) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53159303151_d51a2987c9_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oZvjMv)RRR f6 Cabin VII LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2oZvjMv) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

23-Sep-2023, 09:49
A strip of 120 negatives. Rolleicord, Delta 100 in Ilford Universal PQ developer. Platinum/palladium print.

The Kelpies, Scotland, 2023

These are 100 foot tall sculptures representing Kelpies -- shape-shifting water creatures. Scan of the print, so the paper texture shows a bit more than I like.

John Olsen
26-Sep-2023, 12:19
Farm on Pinnacle Road. 500c/m, 80mm, TriX

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53159511789_4b3b37b0a8_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oZwoNH)RTX N3 Pinnacle LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2oZwoNH) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

27-Sep-2023, 00:50
Farm on Pinnacle Road. 500c/m, 80mm, TriX

[/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/2oZwoNH]RTX N3 Pinnacle LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2oZwoNH) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

Excellent composition, IMO. Congratulations

27-Sep-2023, 01:10

Rolleiflex 3,5F
HP5+ HC110

austin granger
27-Sep-2023, 06:29
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53213750174_c5dafe1d32_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5jnZh)Volvo, Portland (https://flic.kr/p/2p5jnZh) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53214245787_9bd19fe7a0_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5mVjk)Seizure Palace, Portland (https://flic.kr/p/2p5mVjk) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Roger Thoms
27-Sep-2023, 07:40
Austin, that Volvo shot is hilarious.


John Layton
27-Sep-2023, 09:51
...run over a "bump" sign - or is that a (very appropriate labeled) DIY skid plate?

austin granger
27-Sep-2023, 12:21
Austin, that Volvo shot is hilarious.


...run over a "bump" sign - or is that a (very appropriate labeled) DIY skid plate?

I can't pass up a good mutant vehicle, and there are many of them running around Portland.
The "BUMP" sign is a skid plate. It's hard to tell from this angle, but in addition to burly tires, this Volvo had a pretty serious lift.

John Olsen
27-Sep-2023, 14:26
The Volvo is lots of fun.

Here's some craziness from my locale, a UFO on County Rd. D. It has a battery charger attached at the front, so I suppose the ETs are just stopping to get refueled.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53215742126_3526860128_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5uA8h)RTX N9 UFO LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5uA8h) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

27-Sep-2023, 19:23

John Olsen
28-Sep-2023, 07:17

Great shot in a most interesting location. What is the story? Is this the interior from your previous post?

austin granger
28-Sep-2023, 07:34
That UFO is great, I would be excited to come across that. Iga, your follow-up picture is perfect as the two photos seem, at least to my brain, connected. Maybe that's the alien base. :-)

28-Sep-2023, 14:20

29-Sep-2023, 02:24
That UFO is great, I would be excited to come across that. Iga, your follow-up picture is perfect as the two photos seem, at least to my brain, connected. Maybe that's the alien base. :-)

Yeah, that was my first impression - aliens, lost civilisation...

John Olsen
30-Sep-2023, 14:30
This abandoned farm house on Sandhill Road was well marked with "no trespassing signs" so I had to use my 150mm lens. The Rollei infrared gave definition to the foliage much better than the TriX exposure.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53216249425_a3d240f46b_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5xbVP)RR f4 Farm LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5xbVP) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

Thad Gerheim
1-Oct-2023, 13:48
Rollei sl 66 TMY 400 #25 filter
In the Wind River Mts Wyoming
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53227085351_282070f31f_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p6uJ58)Untitled-1 (https://flic.kr/p/2p6uJ58) by Thad Gerheim (https://www.flickr.com/photos/164331465@N05/), on Flickr

Thad Gerheim
1-Oct-2023, 14:15
Rollei sl66 TMY400 #25 filter
Osborn Cabin Wind River Lakes
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53227150966_7cbed8cb03_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p6v4zq)wr cabin-2 copy (https://flic.kr/p/2p6v4zq) by Thad Gerheim (https://www.flickr.com/photos/164331465@N05/), on Flickr

John Olsen
1-Oct-2023, 17:03
Thad: Really like the cabin shot. That's a keeper! However, it looks like the red filter darkened the trees too much in Wind River scene without adding drama to the sky. Or was there no sun on the trees?

Thad Gerheim
1-Oct-2023, 17:29
Thanks, John. I may have underexposed the film a little. Then I bumped up the highlights too much, and thought that it gave the photo more of an ethereal or an older photo with washed out sky look to it. There wasn't any sun on the trees also.

2-Oct-2023, 08:31

I've been look at these Oaks up the road from us for months, thinking I should get up here and make a photograph. So, being such a beautiful first day of October, I loaded a roll of Ilford Delta 100 into my 1930s Kodak Special Six-20 folding camera. The Anastigmat Special lens is really quite spectacular for the era (the camera was made between 1937 and 1939), especially when closed down to f16 or f22. This exposure was 1/5th of a second at f22. Every time I take this camera out to make some photos, I am impressed with it all over again.

The Delta 100 was developed in Thornton 2-Bath developer with the idea that it would deliver maximum shadow detail but restrain the bright highlights. There's a full range of tones from deep shadow to the brightest whites, and every value in between.

John Olsen
5-Oct-2023, 08:46
It's harvest time and the corn is doing its thing here in Wisconsin. I got lucky on the lighting, I think. Rollei infrared, 80mm lens.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53215742216_07e4277f8d_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5uA9Q)RR f8 Corn LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5uA9Q) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

Greg Y
7-Oct-2023, 22:47
242986. Voigtlander Perkeo ll/ Kodak TMY-2/ Yellow filter. Test print on Ultrafine Silver Eagle. Final prints on Ilford Cooltone & Fomatone MG 131.

Kerosene Hat
13-Oct-2023, 18:30
Fuji GW690III Kodak TMY-2; D76 1:1

John Olsen
16-Oct-2023, 08:04
Nothing left but the porch.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53216050148_871bd1c1f8_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5waG1)RTX N10 Porch LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5waG1) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

Kerosene Hat: great pose

Kerosene Hat
16-Oct-2023, 15:03
Thank you, John. It helps to work with a good model.

John Olsen
20-Oct-2023, 15:02
Got barns? We seem to have plenty.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53215742131_a43b42ae8d_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5uA8n)RTX N11 Barn LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5uA8n) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

20-Oct-2023, 15:21
Rollei sl66 TMY400 #25 filter
Osborn Cabin Wind River Lakes
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53227150966_7cbed8cb03_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p6v4zq)wr cabin-2 copy (https://flic.kr/p/2p6v4zq) by Thad Gerheim (https://www.flickr.com/photos/164331465@N05/), on Flickr

Very nice, Thad!

Martin Aislabie
21-Oct-2023, 08:07
It's harvest time and the corn is doing its thing here in Wisconsin. I got lucky on the lighting, I think. Rollei infrared, 80mm lens.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53215742216_07e4277f8d_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5uA9Q)RR f8 Corn LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5uA9Q) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

Very nice.


John Olsen
23-Oct-2023, 11:01
Thanks, Martin. That one may be a favorite for me too.

It strikes me that we haven't had a motorcycle shot for a while. Here's a 1915 Indian from last week's expedition to the northern edge of Wisconsin.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53280202216_7b7ee6fdee_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pbbXS9)R3 N8 IndHend LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2pbbXS9) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

24-Oct-2023, 15:09
Me and user Kerosene Hat climbed to the top of Stone Mountain near Atlanta to photograph the sunset behind the Atlanta skyline. Haven't developed my 4x5 film yet, but did develop the 120 I shot with my 6x12 back and a 500mm lens.

Shen-Hao 4x5, Nikkor-T 500mm f/8, Rollei IR400 + R25 filter, Pyrocat


I brought my Rolleiflex along and also shot this while he worked on his photo:


24-Oct-2023, 17:07
Corran, Might let him know that putting a lens pouch or something under the middle of the bellows can prevent so much sagging and will save an image one of these days.

25-Oct-2023, 12:44
An Aeronca Chief warms up while a Cessna 152 comes in from a landing.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53284463352_a1ad634381_h.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/gp/yo_tuco/9686j11FjP)
Harvey Field (https://www.flickr.com/gp/yo_tuco/9686j11FjP) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

GSW690III, 400TMY, D-23

25-Oct-2023, 17:04
I had Fototech in Warsaw, Poland fix my GA-645Zi (the shipping costs were a killer) so it needed a good test upon return.

Kodak TXT, EI 400, Pyrocat-HD 1.5:1:200, EMA processed for 60min with 3 agitations. Scan of silver print.


26-Oct-2023, 03:35
Camera 6x14, Nikkor-SW 65mm 1:4, F/11, ILFORD DELTA 400, ILFOSOL 3, 1+14, 8 min, temperature 25 Celsius.



26-Oct-2023, 03:43
Camera 6x14, Nikkor-SW 65mm 1:4, F/11, ILFORD DELTA 400, ILFOSOL 3, 1+14, 8 min, temperature 25 Celsius.



Very nice. The composition of the second is especially good IMO.

26-Oct-2023, 23:02
Camera 6x14, Nikkor-SW 65mm 1:4, F/11, ILFORD DELTA 400, ILFOSOL 3, 1+14, 8 min, temperature 25 Celsius.

6x14... What camera is that? If not commercial, can you please post a picture (of the camera). Thank you.
In my eyes, 6x14 looks like the best compromise panoramic format, between 6x12 (not enough different from 16:9) and 617, a bit extreme and delicate to use properly.

26-Oct-2023, 23:50
6x14... What camera is that? If not commercial, can you please post a picture (of the camera). Thank you.
In my eyes, 6x14 looks like the best compromise panoramic format, between 6x12 (not enough different from 16:9) and 617, a bit extreme and delicate to use properly.


austin granger
27-Oct-2023, 15:29
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53291116340_23c4714652_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pc9UfG)Valiant, Deeth, Nevada (https://flic.kr/p/2pc9UfG) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

27-Oct-2023, 15:46
Camera 6x14, Nikkor-SW 65mm 1:4, F/11, ILFORD DELTA 400, ILFOSOL 3, 1+14, 8 min, temperature 25 Celsius.



Very nice images!
Where were the cows in the beautiful landscape photographed?

27-Oct-2023, 15:56
Bronica ETRSi
Zenzanon 150mm f/3.5 MC
Ilford HP5+
Ilfotec DD-X 1+4 @ 20° 9mins

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53217479315_14707b6695_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5DuwP)
Watching the world go by (https://flic.kr/p/2p5DuwP) by fishyfish_arcade (https://www.flickr.com/photos/fishyfish/), on Flickr

27-Oct-2023, 16:08
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53291116340_23c4714652_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pc9UfG)Valiant, Deeth, Nevada (https://flic.kr/p/2pc9UfG) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

I love it, Austin!
The tall grass against the car is stunning!

27-Oct-2023, 16:09
Bronica ETRSi
Zenzanon 150mm f/3.5 MC
Ilford HP5+
Ilfotec DD-X 1+4 @ 20° 9mins

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53217479315_14707b6695_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5DuwP)
Watching the world go by (https://flic.kr/p/2p5DuwP) by fishyfish_arcade (https://www.flickr.com/photos/fishyfish/), on Flickr

Lovely image!

MultiFormat Shooter
28-Oct-2023, 07:22
Me and user Kerosene Hat climbed to the top of Stone Mountain near Atlanta to photograph the sunset behind the Atlanta skyline. Haven't developed my 4x5 film yet, but did develop the 120 I shot with my 6x12 back and a 500mm lens.

Shen-Hao 4x5, Nikkor-T 500mm f/8, Rollei IR400 + R25 filter, Pyrocat

A very interesting perspective that we (or least I) don't normally see. How far away is the Atlanta skyline, from where you took the photograph?

28-Oct-2023, 17:18
I checked Google Maps and the straight-line distance measurement is about 14 miles. It feels a lot longer driving ;).

MultiFormat Shooter
28-Oct-2023, 20:20
I checked Google Maps and the straight-line distance measurement is about 14 miles. It feels a lot longer driving ;).


29-Oct-2023, 02:05
Very nice images!
Where were the cows in the beautiful landscape photographed?

Grindelwald, Switzerland

Mark J
29-Oct-2023, 06:24
Grindelwald is such a spectacular place, I stayed there once in October 1995.

John Olsen
29-Oct-2023, 10:13
Truss Bridge on the Upper Iowa River. The older bridge I was looking for had been replaced by a concrete monstrosity, so I worked with this one instead. FP4, scanned.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53219410512_00fdda689b_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5PoBj)R1 N6 Bridge I LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5PoBj) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

austin granger
29-Oct-2023, 12:35
I love it, Austin!
The tall grass against the car is stunning!

29-Oct-2023, 16:29
I was photographing at the Sautee Nacoochee Indian Mound (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nacoochee_Mound) Saturday morning before my gallery reception, and through the fog an entire herd of cows came up to the barb wire fence. They were very curious about the camera and tried to lick it!

Hasselblad 503CX / 80mm / TMX / Pyrocat


29-Oct-2023, 16:34
I was photographing at the Sautee Nacoochee Indian Mound (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nacoochee_Mound) Saturday morning before my gallery reception, and through the fog an entire herd of cows came up to the barb wire fence. They were very curious about the camera and tried to lick it!

Hasselblad 503CX / 80mm / TMX / Pyrocat


Congratulations on your gallery show, Bryan!
Always enjoy seeing what you are up to.

Now, those cows are adorable, but a camera cannot possibly taste good!
As always, great work!!

29-Oct-2023, 16:53
Thank you darr! I'm sure they would have preferred a carrot or something. Maybe next time I should bring them a few :).

Actually I went back this morning and they paid me no mind and stayed very far away in the field. I think the sound of the Hassy shutter made them curious the first time!

29-Oct-2023, 17:07

31-Oct-2023, 13:23
Yes, how tall this Fall now. A rescan for the season.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/14983788514_f62613c4dc_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oQ4Qih)
How Tall This Fall? (https://flic.kr/p/oQ4Qih) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Pentax 67, 67 55mm + Yellow Filter, 400TMY, PMK Pyro

31-Oct-2023, 13:45
Wonderful image!

31-Oct-2023, 19:22
Wonderful image!


31-Oct-2023, 19:49
How tall is she now, 9 years later?

1-Nov-2023, 08:30
How tall is she now, 9 years later?

To the height of the Pumpkin's hand.

John Olsen
1-Nov-2023, 09:51
First Congregational Church, Fort Atkinson, Iowa. Steps are new, but the rest is from 1872. 500c/m, 60mm, FP4, scanned from film.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53220667979_e2b6b3613a_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5VQpM)R1 N10 CongCh LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5VQpM) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

austin granger
1-Nov-2023, 15:55
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53293462268_651b12c0cc_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pcmVBJ)Utah (https://flic.kr/p/2pcmVBJ) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53299338007_de08c1fd47_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pcT3gz)Hollow Mountain, Hanksville, Utah (https://flic.kr/p/2pcT3gz) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53302786948_a8c5813c84_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pdbHw5)Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah (https://flic.kr/p/2pdbHw5) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

John Olsen
2-Nov-2023, 13:57
Austin: This whole string of images from Utah has been great. Keep them coming.

2-Nov-2023, 15:02
Austin: This whole string of images from Utah has been great. Keep them coming.


austin granger
3-Nov-2023, 08:41
Thanks, John, darr!

Below are a couple more. I vowed to try and be a little braver this trip and actually speak to other humans, and I'm glad I did. I'll always remember the people I met out there.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53292130291_5b7d6e97da_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pcf6EB)Joe White Buffalo, McDermitt, Nevada (https://flic.kr/p/2pcf6EB) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53307405359_56361d3936_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pdAopR)Painter, Grand Wash, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah (https://flic.kr/p/2pdAopR) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Martin Aislabie
3-Nov-2023, 09:40
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53302786948_a8c5813c84_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pdbHw5)Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah (https://flic.kr/p/2pdbHw5) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

A real mecca for petrolheads.

austin granger
3-Nov-2023, 10:52
Thanks, Martin. Yes, so much racing history here. Unfortunately, the flats were flooded and so I had to cancel my planned Subaru Outback top speed test.

Tin Can
3-Nov-2023, 11:35
I drove my 1970 new bug on the flats

It would go exactly 81 MPH on pavement

But only 60 on the thick salt

It was fun

Same car also floated

Just like the advertisement

At 100K it saved my life

Totaled after 2 years

A real mecca for petrolheads.

John Olsen
3-Nov-2023, 12:58
"Oink Like You Mean It" That's the graffiti on the Waucoma Iowa Masonic Hall.
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53220593918_d3cef1ffc3_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5VsoS)R2 N3 Masonic LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5VsoS) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

The Waucoma Hotel is still in business...

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53220667954_cc2cf749f6_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5VQpm)R2 N2 Hotel LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5VQpm) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

and the local bar was open at 9 a.m, or maybe just airing out?

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53295282828_e87b614b2a_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pcwfNG)R2 N1 Bar Cropped LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2pcwfNG) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

All 500c/m, 60mm, Ilford FP4+, scanned from film

4-Nov-2023, 10:17
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53308447959_131063b8ed_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pdFJkH)
Siuslaw River Bridge, Florence, OR (https://flic.kr/p/2pdFJkH) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Pentax 67, 67 55mm, Acros, PMK

Martin Aislabie
6-Nov-2023, 10:51
I drove my 1970 new bug on the flats

It would go exactly 81 MPH on pavement

But only 60 on the thick salt

It was fun

Same car also floated

Just like the advertisement

At 100K it saved my life

Totaled after 2 years

There is a lot of rolling resistance on the salt unless it is rock hard.


7-Nov-2023, 07:11
Thanks darr.

7-Nov-2023, 07:14
Yashicamat 124G
JCH Streetpan 400
Ilfotec DD-X 1+4 9mins @ 20°

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53148147390_42e2f23885_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oYw9yN)
Blackpool Tower (https://flic.kr/p/2oYw9yN) by fishyfish_arcade (https://www.flickr.com/photos/fishyfish/), on Flickr

austin granger
7-Nov-2023, 07:49
Cool photo, fishy fish_arcade! Some of my ancestors were from Blackpool. I'd like to visit someday and roam around with my camera.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53316440285_5e0b0be930_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2peoGbr)Deeth, Nevada (https://flic.kr/p/2peoGbr) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

7-Nov-2023, 10:33
Yet another version of this scene with yet another camera.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53315389483_fc41dbd984_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2peiiPa)
Day Island Fireworks (https://flic.kr/p/2peiiPa) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Pentax 67, 67 55mm, 400TMY, PMK

8-Nov-2023, 11:41
Cool photo, fishy fish_arcade! Some of my ancestors were from Blackpool. I'd like to visit someday and roam around with my camera.

It's a great place to find photos, although it's lost a lot of it's glamour over the years, in the same way a lot of British seaside resorts did when European package holidays became affordable. There's still a run down charm about the place though and, to be fair, the local council have spent a lot of money on the seafront area.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53316440285_5e0b0be930_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2peoGbr)Deeth, Nevada (https://flic.kr/p/2peoGbr) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Really great tonality here. Excellent subject too.

8-Nov-2023, 11:43
Bronica ETRSi
Zenzanon 75mm f/2.8 PE
Fujifilm Acros
Ilfotec DD-X 1+9 @ 20° 14mins 45secs

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53074912655_bb77d4281d_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2oS3NqX)
Engines and engine folk (https://flic.kr/p/2oS3NqX) by fishyfish_arcade (https://www.flickr.com/photos/fishyfish/), on Flickr

John Olsen
8-Nov-2023, 15:43
The Winneshiek County Historical Society is in the old jail, along with the emergency management offices. Nobody was in the building so I roamed around until I saw these docket books in a storeroom. Upstairs the cells were full of old files, but I could only peek in through the spy holes. 500c/m, 60mm, Ilford FP4, f8, 16s.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53220593893_da4f6a94a2_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5Vsor)R2 N4 Books LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5Vsor) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

John Olsen
8-Nov-2023, 15:52
Across the street from the old jail and courthouse were a couple of classic churches. Both welcomed my interest in their interiors and at the Congregational United Church of Christ the staff suggested climbing the ladder into the attic. I never would have thought of that! Apparently, the local theater group had shot promotional stills there for their production of the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Great idea. 500c/m, 60mm, FP4 film.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53220593738_22aa0d771b_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5VskL)R2 N9 CongCh LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5VskL) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53220593723_d1b2ca1681_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5Vskv)R3 N1 Quasi LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5Vskv) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

8-Nov-2023, 21:00
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53220593723_d1b2ca1681_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5Vskv)R3 N1 Quasi LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5Vskv) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

This one especially is fantastic - the light pouring over the shoulder of the imagined figure seated there.

austin granger
9-Nov-2023, 08:55
Those are great, John. You must have been thrilled to find that scene in the attic, wow.

austin granger
9-Nov-2023, 08:59
It's a great place to find photos, although it's lost a lot of it's glamour over the years, in the same way a lot of British seaside resorts did when European package holidays became affordable. There's still a run down charm about the place though and, to be fair, the local council have spent a lot of money on the seafront area.

Really great tonality here. Excellent subject too.
Thank you. I've heard that Blackpool is a bit gritty, but I rather like gritty seaside towns, and there are plenty of them here in Oregon.

John Olsen
9-Nov-2023, 19:01
Those are great, John. You must have been thrilled to find that scene in the attic, wow.

Thanks, Austin and Paul

Every now and then you get a shot that you're excited about all the way home to the darkroom. This was one of those rarities.

9-Nov-2023, 19:33
Every now and then you get a shot that you're excited ...

Inspirational shots John.

John Olsen
10-Nov-2023, 12:26
Thanks Tuco.

These shots are for Austin who has found several old schoolhouses out in Eastern WA. One-room schoolhouse near Brewer IA on Route 3. I went inside but the interior was too trashed to photograph. 500c/m, 60mm, FP4

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53220593868_7f8dbef5ca_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5Vso1)R3 N5 School LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5Vso1) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

Curtains might be 100 years old

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53219410597_d8e4028278_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5PoCM)R3 N8 Window LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5PoCM) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

10-Nov-2023, 23:27
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53322939327_6e5ac60f69_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2peY17T)
Fall Season (https://flic.kr/p/2peY17T) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

GSW690III, Yellow Filter, HP5+, D-23

11-Nov-2023, 02:36
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53324048306_57e02e4f9d_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pf4FMd)
Fall Season (https://flic.kr/p/2pf4FMd) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

GSW690III, HP5+, D-23

austin granger
11-Nov-2023, 09:17
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53323739667_a72802c7ea_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pf372R)Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado (https://flic.kr/p/2pf372R) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Jim Peterson
11-Nov-2023, 11:55
Nice composition. All of your recent SW photos are really great. Thanks for sharing!

11-Nov-2023, 12:17
Palm Leaves, Maui

austin granger
11-Nov-2023, 15:01
Nice composition. All of your recent SW photos are really great. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, Jim, that's kind of you to say.
Here's another one from the same site:
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53325745405_e4f5c71ed2_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pfdogx)Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado (https://flic.kr/p/2pfdogx) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

John Olsen
11-Nov-2023, 15:18
Palm Leaves, Maui

I like the 3rd one especially.

John Olsen
11-Nov-2023, 15:21
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53322939327_6e5ac60f69_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2peY17T)
Fall Season (https://flic.kr/p/2peY17T) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

GSW690III, Yellow Filter, HP5+, D-23

This one is really inviting. The depth of field helps a lot - what's the focal length on your lens?

11-Nov-2023, 16:06
... - what's the focal length on your lens?

It's a 65mm (equivalent to 28mm FOV on a 35mm camera). The GSW690 has a fixed 65mm lens and the GW690 has a fixed 90mm.

12-Nov-2023, 00:18
Palm Leaves, Maui

John Olsen
I like the 3rd one especially.

Me too. Congratulations.

John Olsen
13-Nov-2023, 08:14
Iowa seems to be full of abandoned elevators: 60mm lens, FP4 film

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53220790645_2d4652ae80_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5WsSH)R3 N10 Elev LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5WsSH) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53220284436_2b28146770_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5TSoY)R4 N2 OldElev III LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5TSoY) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

Martin Aislabie
13-Nov-2023, 10:23
Iowa seems to be full of abandoned elevators: 60mm lens, FP4 film

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53220790645_2d4652ae80_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5WsSH)R3 N10 Elev LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5WsSH) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53220284436_2b28146770_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5TSoY)R4 N2 OldElev III LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5TSoY) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

John, you are a lucky chap.

So much material to spend your days shooting.


John Olsen
13-Nov-2023, 13:40
John, you are a lucky chap.

So much material to spend your days shooting.


Thanks, rural Iowa and Wisconsin were never in my long-range plans, but since I'm here and not elsewhere, I'm finding new things to get interested in photographing.

14-Nov-2023, 18:14
Thanks, rural Iowa and Wisconsin were never in my long-range plans, but since I'm here and not elsewhere, I'm finding new things to get interested in photographing.

Hope you will favor us with some images when you visit John Wayne's home town - also the location for the movie Bridges of Madison County.
Then there is the old home that Grant Woods painted, American Gothic.
A lot of stuff around Iowa. Enough to keep you busy for decades.

austin granger
15-Nov-2023, 08:29
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53333832806_a2b8796220_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pfVQnu)Along the Waterfront, San Francisco (https://flic.kr/p/2pfVQnu) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

John Olsen
15-Nov-2023, 14:23
Hope you will favor us with some images when you visit John Wayne's home town - also the location for the movie Bridges of Madison County.
Then there is the old home that Grant Woods painted, American Gothic.
A lot of stuff around Iowa. Enough to keep you busy for decades.

I'm saving Winterset IA for the winter, wanting some snow on the ground. Stay tuned, please.

15-Nov-2023, 17:14
I'm saving Winterset IA for the winter, wanting some snow on the ground. Stay tuned, please.

In case some are confused, the house in the painting American Gothic is near Eldon, Iowa. About 110 miles East of Winterset. An interesting place to visit.

John Olsen
18-Nov-2023, 15:23
Corn crib on US 69, North of Iowa 3: This one was empty and unfenced so I could really explore it. 60mm lens and FP4 film.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53220284421_a14cb3fc7a_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5TSoH)R4 N5 Crib I LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5TSoH) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53220667739_6d7c23d6ef_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5VQkD)R4 N7 Crib III LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5VQkD) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

Mark J
18-Nov-2023, 15:29
Cisco ghost town, Western Utah, Sept 1999.
Horseman VH, 6x9 FP4+ in PMK. Probably a 120 Symmar-S lens.
Print scan

https://i.ibb.co/RDHPxGc/MJ-05.jpg (https://ibb.co/2kKPD0d)

18-Nov-2023, 19:16
Owls Head Light state park. Feb 2023 with the Rolleiflex and catlabs 320 film. Just got around to developing/scanning it.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53340394891_d36b271a32_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pgvt3T)
img202112118a (https://flic.kr/p/2pgvt3T) by Jason Philbrook (https://www.flickr.com/photos/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

18-Nov-2023, 22:22
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53341346273_64eb4a59ea_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pgAkS2)
Street View, Seattle (https://flic.kr/p/2pgAkS2) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

500C/M, CB 60mm + Yellow, 400TMY

18-Nov-2023, 22:30
Wonderful 'Street View'!

19-Nov-2023, 05:15
Very dynamic image tuco.

Jim Jones
19-Nov-2023, 08:51
It certainly is better than the traditional for-the-record shot with everything in perfectly academic perspective.

19-Nov-2023, 08:59
Wonderful 'Street View'!

Very dynamic image tuco.

It certainly is better than the traditional for-the-record shot with everything in perfectly academic perspective.


John Olsen
19-Nov-2023, 09:14
Cisco ghost town, Western Utah, Sept 1999.
Horseman VH, 6x9 FP4+ in PMK. Probably a 120 Symmar-S lens.
Print scan

https://i.ibb.co/RDHPxGc/MJ-05.jpg (https://ibb.co/2kKPD0d)

Very nice.

19-Nov-2023, 09:30

Photograph made with Kodak Tmax 400 film, rated at 200 ASA and developed in FA-1027
Hasselblad 500C/M with 150mm Sonnar lens.

Daniel Unkefer
19-Nov-2023, 09:58
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53342496694_7425029d3c_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pgGeQS)Digitized Test 1 (https://flic.kr/p/2pgGeQS) by Nokton48 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/18134483@N04/), on Flickr

Minolta SRT Copy Stand Sony Nex-5 30mm Nex Macro. First test of digitizing B&W prints. I have been scanning everything for years, I think I like this result better. 120 roll Makina Back Plaubel Peco Junior View Broncolor Octobox 150 frosted bulb supplemental diffusion. One Pop Broncolor C200 Monolight 1600J. 8x10 RC Arista Print Ilford Multigrade Developer, Omega DII 105mm black Rodagon laser aligned. Copy light does need to be a bit more even but getting there.

Mark J
19-Nov-2023, 12:40
Very nice.
Thanks John. Some excellent pics on your website, I just bookmarked it.

Another one from the archives -
Cleavage, Dinorwig slate quarry, N.Wales, Aug 2001
TP6415 in Technidol. Horseman VH, probably 120mm, lots of front tilt !

https://i.ibb.co/6ySnRsD/MJ-04.jpg (https://ibb.co/yNCfnsg)

austin granger
19-Nov-2023, 14:02
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53342338834_9173126045_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pgFqV9)Dancers, San Francisco (https://flic.kr/p/2pgFqV9) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53343188945_c59970b5b3_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pgKMCe)In Chinatown, San Francisco (https://flic.kr/p/2pgKMCe) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

20-Nov-2023, 12:12
Paul, an especially lovely image.

20-Nov-2023, 13:43
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53342338834_9173126045_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pgFqV9)Dancers, San Francisco (https://flic.kr/p/2pgFqV9) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53343188945_c59970b5b3_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pgKMCe)In Chinatown, San Francisco (https://flic.kr/p/2pgKMCe) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

That shot with dancers is so good.

20-Nov-2023, 14:40
Paul, an especially lovely image.

Thanks very much, Philip!

John Olsen
20-Nov-2023, 15:56
Austin: 'Dancers" is fascinating.

Here are the woods eating up a shed in Chickasaw County: 500c/m, 60mm lens, FP4 w. yellow filter

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53236876040_4b31776e6a_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p7mUv7)R6 N9 Shed PMW (https://flic.kr/p/2p7mUv7) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

austin granger
20-Nov-2023, 18:33
That shot with dancers is so good.
Thank you. I was just walking around and came across them. I wish my luck was always so good!

21-Nov-2023, 16:02
Iowa seems to be full of abandoned elevators: 60mm lens, FP4 film

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53220790645_2d4652ae80_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5WsSH)R3 N10 Elev LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5WsSH) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53220284436_2b28146770_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p5TSoY)R4 N2 OldElev III LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2p5TSoY) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

John, these images are wonderful!

21-Nov-2023, 16:03
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53333832806_a2b8796220_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pfVQnu)Along the Waterfront, San Francisco (https://flic.kr/p/2pfVQnu) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

Lovely geometric feel!

21-Nov-2023, 16:05
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53341346273_64eb4a59ea_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pgAkS2)
Street View, Seattle (https://flic.kr/p/2pgAkS2) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

500C/M, CB 60mm + Yellow, 400TMY

I feel like I am looking up!
Nice perspective. :)

21-Nov-2023, 16:07

Photograph made with Kodak Tmax 400 film, rated at 200 ASA and developed in FA-1027
Hasselblad 500C/M with 150mm Sonnar lens.

Such a beautiful and soft capture!

21-Nov-2023, 16:10
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53342338834_9173126045_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pgFqV9)Dancers, San Francisco (https://flic.kr/p/2pgFqV9) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

As many have already commented, this image is stunning.
Nice work, Austin!

21-Nov-2023, 16:23

Hasselblad 501cm + 60 cfi + acros ii + 510 pyro

21-Nov-2023, 17:48
Where did you find goals with the nets still on them?

21-Nov-2023, 20:52
I feel like I am looking up!
Nice perspective. :)

Thanks Darr. I used the top of my foot as a tripod with a cable release in an attempt to get the camera low to the ground.
I think it's a rare sight to see hoops with their nets in public spaces too.

John Olsen
22-Nov-2023, 08:29
One-room schoolhouse in Iowa, Chickasaw County. I was going for a closer view but, just as I was sliding my metal tripod through the fence, I noticed that it was electrified. 500c/m, 80mm, FP4.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53236876025_3c74e686e6_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p7mUuR)R6 N12 School PMW (https://flic.kr/p/2p7mUuR) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

22-Nov-2023, 09:34
Where did you find goals with the nets still on them?

Hey John,
That is at the Myron B. Hodge City Park & Campground, Sopchoppy, FL.
Nestled on the banks of the Sopchoppy River, it is a 35-acre park with a beautiful setting for camping if you ever get down this way again.
Not far from the Forgotten Coast, just down the road a few more miles.

22-Nov-2023, 09:42
Thanks Darr. I used the top of my foot as a tripod with a cable release in an attempt to get the camera low to the ground.
I think it's a rare sight to see hoops with their nets in public spaces too.

Well, Tuco,
That's some next-level photography innovation right there!
Who needs a fancy tripod when you've got a trusty foot-pod?
It's the latest trend in avant-garde photography: "Sole-ful Composition." 😄
Lovely image and great footwork!

The basketball hoops with nets, which I know very little about (baseball fan), are located in Sopchoppy, FL.
At the Myron B. Hodge City Park & Campground, which to me is misleading because it is a *very* small town!
Best to you!

22-Nov-2023, 09:45


hasselblad 501cm + 60 cfi + acros ii/510 pyro
another image from Sopchoppy, Florida

22-Nov-2023, 09:56
One-room schoolhouse in Iowa, Chickasaw County. I was going for a closer view but, just as I was sliding my metal tripod through the fence, I noticed that it was electrified. 500c/m, 80mm, FP4.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53236876025_3c74e686e6_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2p7mUuR)R6 N12 School PMW (https://flic.kr/p/2p7mUuR) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

Thank goodness you did notice!!
I love checking out places like you have in your incredibly meaningful image.
Just think about all the lessons, stories, and friendships that must have blossomed in that tiny corner of the world!
Great photo!

austin granger
22-Nov-2023, 10:49
Regarding the "Dancers" picture, thanks John and darr!

austin granger
22-Nov-2023, 11:08
On a whim, I threw my Holga in a camera bag before heading out on a recent trip. Sometimes it's fun taking pictures with no expectations. :-)

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53340055894_574234a5c4_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pgtJh7)Stephen Viewing the Eclipse, Alvord Desert, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/2pgtJh7) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53347112319_357aecd4a4_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2ph6TUB)Factory Butte, Utah (https://flic.kr/p/2ph6TUB) by Austin Granger (https://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/), on Flickr

John Olsen
22-Nov-2023, 13:07
Darr: Thanks for your comments. Your last two from Sopchoppy (I've got to Google that) were very interesting too.

Austin: The Holga was perfect for the photo of Stephen - really made the other-worldliness of the image.

22-Nov-2023, 20:49
Those last two images of yours are splendid, Darr!

26-Nov-2023, 05:50
Reminds me that I need to shoot my Holga again. I agree, there's something freeing about using it, and it always produces pictures I like.

Holga 120N
Ilford HP5+ (@800)

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50900266643_11a8748bc6_h.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2kxTaWc)
Distant figure on a snowy trail (https://flic.kr/p/2kxTaWc) by fishyfish_arcade (https://www.flickr.com/photos/fishyfish/), on Flickr

26-Nov-2023, 22:01

Photographed on Ilford FP4+, developed in Thornton 2-Bath 4.5 + 4.5 minutes.
Camera: Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta 531/2

29-Nov-2023, 22:01
500C/M, CF 50mm FLE, FP4+, D-23

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53364514892_f0649d9325_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2piD65Y)
Autzen Office (https://flic.kr/p/2piD65Y) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53365917125_e6d05a2213_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2piLgVp)
After The Event Tent (https://flic.kr/p/2piLgVp) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

30-Nov-2023, 00:00
Finishing off a roll
500C/M, CF 120mm Makro-Planar + 10mm Ext Tube + Pentax YG Filter, FP4+, D-23

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53364698897_dc965752b9_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2piE2Mt)
Colored Dice (https://flic.kr/p/2piE2Mt) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

John Layton
30-Nov-2023, 06:52
...should do a triptych of those dice with three different filters.

John Olsen
30-Nov-2023, 08:21
Tuco: The Autzen Office composition really grabs my attention and the tone control is impressive. Congrats.

Here's a 1936 Knucklehead, supposedly #2 off the production line. 500c/m, 80mm, TriX, scanned from film.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53280552544_1b9b19f174_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pbdL1h)R3 N2 H-D Knu LFF (https://flic.kr/p/2pbdL1h) by John Olsen (https://www.flickr.com/photos/153201054@N08/), on Flickr

30-Nov-2023, 11:40
...should do a triptych of those dice with three different filters.
That would be a useful reference. I can do a diptych. I took one without a filter.

Tuco: The Autzen Office composition really grabs my attention and the tone control is impressive. Congrats.
Thanks John.

1-Dec-2023, 11:28
This was from a test roll of Ilford's XP2 Super. (Not sure if this counts as true B/W by some, haha)

Taken on a RB67 Pro SD and the 210 APO lens.


1-Dec-2023, 23:16
This was from a test roll of Ilford's XP2 Super. (Not sure if this counts as true B/W by some, haha)

Taken on a RB67 Pro SD and the 210 APO lens.


The cloudlet makes the picture. Did you reserve it in advance through internet?

Jim Peterson
2-Dec-2023, 18:33
Pretty cool place, Cornerstone Sonoma 244437gardens, Mamiya 7ii, XP2

3-Dec-2023, 00:26
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53371079527_4ecb4dff13_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pjdJwk)
Sharpshooter Pinball (https://flic.kr/p/2pjdJwk) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

500C/M, CB 60mm, Delta 100, D-23

3-Dec-2023, 02:07
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53370420779_bed24c7fbf_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pjamGB)
Hakata Mimasu Figurine (https://flic.kr/p/2pjamGB) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

500C/M, CF 100mm + 10mm Ext Tube, Delta 100, D-23

3-Dec-2023, 04:34
Very natural lighting on the figurine Tuco. Is this flash, or incandescent?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

3-Dec-2023, 09:11
Found on an undeveloped roll of TMY dated December 2020, processed a few days ago, using Thornton 2-Bath 4.5 + 4.5 minutes. Probably the Minolta Autocord used.


3-Dec-2023, 09:38
Found on an undeveloped roll of TMY dated December 2020, processed a few days ago, using Thornton 2-Bath 4.5 + 4.5 minutes. Probably the Minolta Autocord used.


I very much like this one!

3-Dec-2023, 10:19
I very much like this one!

Thank you Folker!

3-Dec-2023, 11:38
Hasselblad 501CM, Planar 3.5/100 CFi, Agfa Copex Rapid, SPUR Dokuspeed SL-N.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53372177842_7cb297660e_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pjjn1N)--- (https://flic.kr/p/2pjjn1N) by atomstitcher (https://www.flickr.com/photos/atomstitcher/), on Flickr

3-Dec-2023, 13:20
Very natural lighting on the figurine Tuco. Is this flash, or incandescent?

Thanks. I used a LED panel light with a softbox.

Nice find Paul.
I like the cemetery scene, Gabe

3-Dec-2023, 13:38
I like the cemetery scene, Gabe
