View Full Version : New Android app for learning about your camera's controls and usefull calculations

9-Nov-2013, 06:15
First of all, i want to congratulate you all for the beautifull forum and welcome myself here!
I would like to inform you of the release of a new, free app for android phones/ tablets, which helps you understand in simple terms, how the settings of your camera (hardware setup & exposure settings) affect the photos you take. The changes in the photo are visualized with every change in settings, while simultaneously useful values, such as the depth of field , view angles etc, are calculated. It is an important tool for novice and advanced photographers!
You can find the app in Android Market (Google Play) here:
or by searching "KnowYourCamera" at the Market.
Waiting for your comments! If you like our effort, you are welcome to leave positive feedback at the Market! Thank you!

http://imageshack.us/a/img9/7461/hbi2.png http://imageshack.us/a/img850/8484/cz0i.png http://imageshack.us/a/img15/1365/rzqz.png

9-Nov-2013, 08:13
I will be switching back to Android in a couple of weeks, I'll give this a try. I'm using an iphone for the first time for now, and finding that all my 'free' Android apps cost $$$ on the iphone.

Since you're advertising here, I'm assuming the app allows for 'sensor size' up to 8x10, and user-configurable lenses?

9-Nov-2013, 12:16
That sounds like a useful tool -quitecurious on how it calculates DoF?

9-Nov-2013, 12:55
this is funny

9-Nov-2013, 17:34
Hi everyone and thank you for your comments!

Jody, unfortunatelly the sensor/film size goes up to ~2.7x2.1in.. The project started for educational purposes, so for version 1 the effects of proportionanal changes of the sensor/film size seemed enough. Maybe in version 2 ;)

analoguey, for the calculations these equations are used:

Dakotah Jackson, in the app you can observe the effects of Scheimpflug principle by the differences between the three movable objects in the scene. No, there are no reciprocity tables, the adjustable value that covers it, is the ISO/ASA. I didn't get the question about the batteries :confused: