View Full Version : Camera Wiz?

2-Oct-2013, 05:10
Any idea what is going on at Camera WIZ?

I've been trying to reach Frank for a few days and nothing by a busy signal many times each day. Does he have an alternate number or an eamil/website that I can access?

Many thanks.


2-Oct-2013, 06:01
I'd like to know also.

I sent him a lens a few months ago after recommendations and his service was fantastic. Got the lens back in less than a week after a CLA.

But I emailed him a bit later for another service inquiry and never heard back at all. I hope he's alright.

Steve Goldstein
2-Oct-2013, 06:20
Frank has closed the shop and now works from his home. He has limited the type of work he takes on now, but just did a shutter for me a few weeks ago. You can find his contact info on APUG, just search on his name. It's best to call before you send him anything.

2-Oct-2013, 09:36