View Full Version : Hello from Toronto

Karl A
3-Sep-2013, 21:03
Hi there, I have been a lurker here for a while and have learned a lot from everyone here.

I've been shooting 4x5 for over a year now, and am going to be trying 8x10 over the next little while to see if I like it.

I shoot mostly landscapes in the area around where I live (southern Ontario).

My current preferred film is Tri-X 320, however I have also used Ektar 100 and Velvia 100 for colour.

Looking forward to continued learnings from this site! Cheers


Andrew O'Neill
3-Sep-2013, 21:57
Welcome to the forum, Karl. I'll try to overlook you're from Toronto...;)

bob carnie
4-Sep-2013, 10:47
I will overlook your remark Andrew, it must be the west coast air affecting your brain.

Welcome to the forum, Karl. I'll try to overlook you're from Toronto...;)

Karl A
4-Sep-2013, 12:54
Hi Bob!

Forgot to mention I took a course with Steve Sherman and Tim Jones at Elevator in the spring, with a section on toning by Bob.

I highly recommend Elevator's work also!


PS I was born in Calgary and I lived in Montreal for 2 years, so I'm aware there is stuff beyond what you can see from the CN Tower... :)

Andrew O'Neill
4-Sep-2013, 17:04
I will overlook your remark Andrew, it must be the west coast air affecting your brain.

No, it's from breathing in too much acetone in the darkroom. Got to get out there and breath in more of that clean, fresh, west coast air!! :)

4-Sep-2013, 18:30
Hi Karl, there's a bunch of us Canucks around here, eh?

4-Sep-2013, 18:41
Welcome Karl
what darkroom do you use in Toronto, is it your own or a facility like Gallery 44?
I also spend time in Toronto

Karl A
4-Sep-2013, 18:52
Hi Frank, I am hoping to do some enlargements from 4x5 this fall at Gallery 44, unfortunately they have been closed all summer for renovations. At home I only have a medium format enlarger, which is good for my older stuff. Otherwise, I only contact print from the bigger negs at home. Living in a condo has its disadvantages...

On the other hand, a little while ago, I considered buying an 8x10 enlarger, but then I realized that was a bit crazy since it would be in my living room all the time :D

4-Sep-2013, 20:47
Welcome aboard...