View Full Version : HELP needed to re-attach counterweight on FOBA Camera Stand

cindy k
3-Sep-2013, 09:44
My studio is being moved and the camera stand was moved without my knowledge. The top piece was knocked off and the counter balance became disengaged. Can anyone tell me how to re-attach the counter balance? The only information I could find was a diagram of the unit. It is a FOBA Asaba Stand.
Many Thanks,

Bob Salomon
3-Sep-2013, 10:14
Why not call FotoCare in Manhattan. They are experienced in Foba. 212 741-2990

cindy k
3-Sep-2013, 10:31
Thanks, but I was hoping to get it resolved today. Have you had any experience with this?

Bob Salomon
3-Sep-2013, 10:37
No, only with Linhof ones. But if you call them you should be able to resolve it with the call.

cindy k
3-Sep-2013, 10:43
OK Thanks

3-Sep-2013, 14:38
The top piece is not bolted in and can fall off (I've moved my ASABA stand several times) The rope (cord) usually comes off the pulley. Did the weight become untied from the rope? If not just tip the stand down to get some slack in the rope and re-align it to the pulley.

Tin Can
3-Sep-2013, 15:34
Like Brian says, most stands with a weight and cable system are only fixed while laying sideways on the ground. Not sure on that stand, but be real careful standing it back up. Let the weight slide slowly to the bottom as you raise and watch the, WATCH the cable get tighter with the weight. I repeat watch as I mean watch and keep fingers out, you do not want a finger trapped by the cable.

I know the danger, but I have very quick reflexes so I still have 10 fingers. I got lucky.

Actually simple once you know how.

The top piece is not bolted in and can fall off (I've moved my ASABA stand several times) The rope (cord) usually comes off the pulley. Did the weight become untied from the rope? If not just tip the stand down to get some slack in the rope and re-align it to the pulley.

Jim C.
3-Sep-2013, 20:01
I second what Randy Moe said, It's not a Foba stand but the principles are the same, I have a Arkay studio stand
that I moved from one studio to another by myself but I did it differently,
I raised the camera support arm up, tipped the stand and dragged the weight out with the cable,
reassembling the stand rather than let the weight free slide down the column, I hooked the cable back onto
the support arm ( arm was 1/3 way up the column ) and used a long wooden dowel to push the weight
as far into the column as possible while it was horizontal, till there was little to no slack,
tipped the stand upright, easy peasy, no worries of getting digits caught between the pulley
and cable or a sudden drop of the weight.

3-Sep-2013, 22:29
I have a Union Brothers studio stand. I believe they were/are made in Las Vegas. Anyway, the counterweight mechanism is very simple. As others have said you have a weight attached to a rope, cord or (in my case) a strap that is attached to the camera arm. The cord goes up and over a pulley then down to the counterweight. Very simple.

As others have said, if you are not sure what you are doing, put the stand on it's side to make any adjustments.

Easy peasy.

4-Sep-2013, 10:40
Get someone to help and tip the stand on its side, pull on the top piece to get some slack and stand it up slightly and jiggle the cable. Stand it up some more and the cable should fall back into place properly.

It became disengaged when they moved the unit in the same manner you use to fix it.