View Full Version : Bag for Korona 12x20 camera

Jeff Bannow
27-Aug-2013, 09:40
I need some kind of a case for my Korona 12x20 camera (20" x 25" for the camera back) and 4 holders. Soft sided would be OK, provided it has some sort of padding built in. I've looked at baby joggers and that isn't the answer for me right now.

I've also looked at Pelican cases and the one smallest one that is large enough to fit the camera won't fit into my trunk. Maybe the Lightware V4300 case? Seems a bit small but it might stretch.

Anyone have a good solution before I spend a weekend building something from plywood?

David Vickery
27-Aug-2013, 10:41
I use an Eagle Creek brand, large sorta flat duffel bag. I ad lexan to protect the ground glass (also lexan) and sleeping bag pads cut to fit for padding. If I need to carry it for some distance I then strap it to a backpack frame. The bag has enough room for the camera, film holders and a couple of lenses.

David A. Goldfarb
27-Aug-2013, 14:18
Look into Tenba cases for Mac G4 tower computers. I use one for my 11x14" camera--not sure if it's big enough for a 12x20". There was one model with wheels and one without.

These cases were made for road warriors going to trade shows with a desktop computer, and can be checked on a plane. I don't think anyone in their right mind would be shlepping a desktop computer to a trade show any more, so they show up on eBay for reasonable prices. New, they were around $650 or so.

Jon Shiu
27-Aug-2013, 15:30
how about some type of large Samsonite suitcase?


27-Aug-2013, 17:12
Good call - I bought a Samsonite suitcase from Goodwill for $6 - 12x20 and two or three film holders (in padded sleeves) fit like it was made for them. -Chris
PS: & it doesn't shout "Expensive gear within!" while setting in the back of your SUV.

how about some type of large Samsonite suitcase?


Jeff Bannow
27-Aug-2013, 19:08
Thanks for all the great suggestions everyone!

John Kasaian
27-Aug-2013, 19:19

27-Aug-2013, 23:54

A discussion about 12x20 cases (http://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/showthread.php?87662-Camera-Cases-Options-Revisited) last year.

I was lucky enough to have bought the Korona with an original fiberboard case; room for the camera and one holder. Not too ergonomic, however - you won't carry the case too far with that old style leather/metal handle dead center in the top. I used to keep the Korona in a Pelican 1630, but now that I've downsized my life (traded the diesel Suburban in for a Honda CRV), the fiberboard case gets all the use.

You might look at Calzone (http://www.calzoneandanvil.com) cases. They'll build a custom case for you. Not cheap, as you'd expect. I had them make a 'dorff V8 case for me, back when I had a niece working there. $100, even with the discount.

I never liked any of the Samsonites at Goodwill. I did score a wonderful $3 stiff-sided nylon bag there, though. Fits 4 holders with 2 film boxes perfectly. Good hunting!


28-Aug-2013, 02:16
I need some kind of a case for my Korona 12x20 camera (20" x 25" for the camera back) and ......?

Wow, I wish I had this "problem".....

28-Aug-2013, 03:27

Although this is listed at 19lbs, I think it might be a little lighter than that- 19lbs is also listed as the shipping weight-

Size should be good for camera and holders, and it has little wheels, should be ok for some surfaces.

I got an 18x22 Gator soft case for my 11x17, and it worked out well, was lighter than its listed weight-

If you do end up making something, perhaps multiwall polycarbonate might be a lighter alternative to plywood...

Tri Tran
28-Aug-2013, 11:57
Jeff, please keep an eye on your front door for the case. Congrats to your new Korona.