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View Full Version : Pictures of SHen Hao XPO 45

16-Jul-2013, 07:57
I am considering getting one of these. I am a little bit worried about the size compared to other light field camera.
Would any happy owner of one have the ability to post pictures of one beside a filed camera like a a Chamonix or Wista or Tachihara....?

Thank you in advance.



Ken Lee
16-Jul-2013, 08:28
See https://www.badgergraphic.com/store/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=3420

16-Jul-2013, 09:41
Hello ken,

I have seen every pictures you can get with a Google search. What I was asking about is a picture of the XPO side by side with a Chamonix or another small field 4x5 to help get a better sense of teh bulk.



Lachlan 717
16-Jul-2013, 13:44

I can't help you with the photos; however, having seen my XPO next to a Chamonix, I can tell you that the noticeable difference is in the depth of the cameras.

The XPO is thicker. I'd estimate around 20mm.

If you're considering the XPO, then you obviously understand that it was never intended as a lightweight camera. It was always a multi-function camera that offered the ability to use long lenses and Sinar products. For me, these are more important than weight/volume, but remember, I mainly shoot 7x17, so this is a Featherweight category in comparison!!

16-Jul-2013, 14:51

I can't help you with the photos; however, having seen my XPO next to a Chamonix, I can tell you that the noticeable difference is in the depth of the cameras.

The XPO is thicker. I'd estimate around 20mm.

If you're considering the XPO, then you obviously understand that it was never intended as a lightweight camera. It was always a multi-function camera that offered the ability to use long lenses and Sinar products. For me, these are more important than weight/volume, but remember, I mainly shoot 7x17, so this is a Featherweight category in comparison!!

Hello Lachlan,

Understood. I do not need the Sinar capability but other than that specific attribute the camera is very attractive (non-folding, below draw, back tilt and swing, stiff). I actually emailed Mr. Zhang at Shen-hao but he indicated that either a XPO toned down to Technika spec or a TFC bolstered to XPO spec would not see any significantly smaller dimensions. The 26cm long is the one I am wondering about. The 45N2 folded is about 18cm by 18cm.



Ken Lee
16-Jul-2013, 16:38
Perhaps you can use the measurements and make boxes of equivalent size, out of cardboard or other available material.

16-Jul-2013, 17:06
Perhaps you can use the measurements and make boxes of equivalent size, out of cardboard or other available material.

Thanks Ken.
I made one with the measurement of the XPO but it seems really huge compared to the Wista or the Chamonix.
Somewhere I am thinking that the visual effect does not really fully register in teh brain just with a box.



22-Jul-2013, 17:55
Well I just ordered one through Rob at Big Camera Workshop here in Canada.
If everything goes well and I really like the camera which I hope, it will replace both my Wista and my Chamonix 45n2.

Ease of setup keeping a lens mounted at all time (Wista 45DX)
Bellow draw, center tilt and added rigidity (45n2)

I just will have to carry the extra weight :-) and sell these two


25-Jul-2013, 20:44
Mr. Zhang kindly sent me these: