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View Full Version : What can we use this for?????

Jim Graves
4-Jul-2013, 19:51
This looks like an amazing product. Knowing my tinker tendency, my son got me some for my birthday.

It's silicone-like, bonds to most everything, is hand-formable, is removable, is waterproof, heat and cold resistant, electrically insulating, UV resistant ... in fact, I don't know what it doesn't do.

It keeps, before use, for 6 months without refrigeration and about 18 mos if refrigerated.

There have to be some uses with cameras, lenses, etc.

Watch the videos on this link ... what would you use it for? I have a couple of ideas but I'm sure there are more: LINK (http://sugru.com/about)

David R Munson
4-Jul-2013, 19:56
I'm sure I'd find plenty of uses for it once I had it, but it's the sort of thing I haven't bought yet mostly because I don't yet have a specific need. Cool stuff, though.

Tin Can
4-Jul-2013, 20:08
reverse flubber

or gum for your enemies

Vincent Pidone
5-Jul-2013, 05:12
This from their web site:


Very interesting though.

Jim, thanks to your son for finding this.

5-Jul-2013, 05:45
Not quite new, I've already gone through a dozen packs. It is far from a cure all for LF repairs, hardening to a tire rubber like consistency, while most plastics parts that fail on ageing LF cameras are from hard plastics (and better replaced with knobs cast from filler reinforced epoxy, polyester or acrylate). But there are a few cameras with rubber covered knobs and levers, and it does nicely as a re-covering material for these. It is most useful in video/cine, where the need for personalized ergonomic grips and handles is far more common than in (usually not handheld) LF.

5-Jul-2013, 06:33
i could use some of this to fix my car/key ring

Racer X 69
11-Jul-2013, 21:05
This tidbit I found the most amazing about Sugru:

TIME Magazine listed sugru alongside the iPad as one of the top 50 inventions of 2010.

The iPad was number 34, sugru was number 22.

Better than the iPad.
