View Full Version : Student Photographer here moving into Large Format!

19-May-2013, 17:38
Hello all,

Glad to have arrived onboard at this site. Looks like it will be useful considering that I'm making the leap from 35mm to Large format photography. It looks like it's going to be a wild ride full of fun and lots of cups of coffee. Hope everyone likes questions as I will be asking a lot of them.


Kirk Gittings
19-May-2013, 17:40
Welcome. We are all students here!

19-May-2013, 17:43
LOL. That is somehow very comforting. Going to need all the humor I can get in the following semesters at school. That and a lot more black coffee.


Kirk Gittings
19-May-2013, 17:44
Where are you going to school?

19-May-2013, 17:55
SFCC Photography Program. Decided I might as well get the formal training and I'm glad I did as it is a good use of education benefits. Ultimately I would like to specialize in Large Format Platinum printing with regard to Landscape and Historical site preservation. That is the idea as it stands in my mind. Not a big fan of the Digital stuff that is being pushed by the industry and most of the colleges. That's just my opinion so don't mind me. LOL.


Kirk Gittings
19-May-2013, 18:01
Good for you. I'm not familiar with that program, but that doesn't mean much. I teach at three universities. It can be a good experience if you are self motivated and it sounds like you are.

19-May-2013, 18:07
Good for you. I'm not familiar with that program, but that doesn't mean much. I teach at three universities. It can be a good experience if you are self motivated and it sounds like you are.

Your schedule must be hectic! Three different Universities. I can only imagine what finals must be like for you when it comes to grading. You have my sympathies there. As for the motivation. Not an issue. You get one shot with the GI Bill and that is they say that. As long as they keep the coffee brewed at the Vet Lounge at school everything should go smoothly. LOL

Thanks for the encouragement by the way. Every little bit is always appreciated.


Kirk Gittings
19-May-2013, 18:15
LOL! I would want to clone myself if that was the situation. I don't teach them all at the same time as they are in three different cities-Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Chicago. Right now in Santa Fe next year at Chicago in the summer and Albuquerque (an online class).

19-May-2013, 18:48
LOL! I would want to clone myself if that was the situation. I don't teach them all at the same time as they are in three different cities-Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Chicago. Right now in Santa Fe next year at Chicago in the summer and Albuquerque (an online class).

Oh. Teaching all three simultaneously would pose a bit of a problem. Reminds me of a movie a few years back with the clone bit. Didn't seem to work out well. lol.
