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View Full Version : Linhof Master Kardan 8x10 Backstandard

5-May-2013, 16:14
I have recently purchased a Linhof Kardan Master TL 4x5. Does anybody know where to get an 8x10 back standard with groundglass etc? I have seen replacement bellows on ebay, but not the actual back standard. Thank you for your help.

Bob Salomon
5-May-2013, 16:58
You also need the longer telescoping rail for the TL when converting to 810.

Jim Andrada
5-May-2013, 18:26
Is the front standard the right height for this? I'm not that familiar with this camera but on the Kardan Bi the front standard also has to be lengthened going from 4 x 5 to 8 x 10? Just wondering...

Bob Salomon
6-May-2013, 06:35
Is the front standard the right height for this? I'm not that familiar with this camera but on the Kardan Bi the front standard also has to be lengthened going from 4 x 5 to 8 x 10? Just wondering...

Yes, unlike the U shaped standards on the B, SC, re and other Linhofs that accept the accessory 3.3" rise extenders the L shaped TL 45 and the currenrt Master GTL 5" of front rise built-in. When converted to 810 the front standard gave 2.75" of front rise.
The front standard of the 45 version has 2.75" of front fal;l while the 810 version has 5". In total, the front standard of the TL had 7.75" of total rise/fall on the 45/57 and 810 models.

The U shaped standards on the Linhof B and later cameras have 3.3" of total rise/fall. Hence the optional 3.3" rise extenders.

The complete conversion kit fro a 45 TE into an 810TE was catalog # 002701. It consisted of thw 001674 rear L support, 001671 Kardan 810 groundglass back, 002696 Kardan 810 bellows and the 054955 8x10 DOF indicator ring.

The standard rail on a 45/57/810 TL telescopes from 18 to 28". Most of the ones we sold went with the longer telescoping section, 002709, which telescoped from 29.5 to 36.5".

Of the items listed above currently Linhof only offers the 810 bellows.

Jim Andrada
6-May-2013, 08:40
Thanks Bob

I have another question but I think I should put it in a new thread.

6-May-2013, 13:19
Thank's Bob, the challenge will be to find one... I guess ;)