View Full Version : Xray Film help

8-Apr-2013, 02:34
Hi guys, looking to shoot some xray film

can any kind forum member share recommendations for

1. film type green vs blue etc (mostly for portraits)
2. Exposure
3. Development (if scanning the film what to do in relation to double emulsion type films)

apols if this is covered elsewhere, links to appropriate threads also appreciated along with supplier websites

ta in advance


8-Apr-2013, 04:48
There was a new thread started last week about this:http://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/showthread.php?101853-Beginning-X-Ray-film-a-few-questions&highlight=ray+film
and there's this one: http://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/showthread.php?48099-X-ray-Film-example-and-comparison with examples

Andrew O'Neill
8-Apr-2013, 14:20

That's the best thread. Full of lots of info. Having one thread maybe would make it easier?

8-Apr-2013, 15:37
That's the best thread. Full of lots of info. Having one thread maybe would make it easier?

thankd for the replies I'll check out those threads