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View Full Version : Shen-Hao 5x7 Video...paying it forward

Mark Carstens
28-Mar-2013, 08:14
Last night, in my search for wooden field camera "reviews," I came across this Youtube video of the Shen Hao 5x7. I wouldn't call this video a straight review or how-to, it's more like a how-to/review hybrid.

In particular, I found it helpful when comparing the Shen-Hao and Chamonix based on something more tangible than spec sheets and older videos of the Shen 4x5 and Chamonix 8x10 (with a necessarily mutable music track). Maybe this will spark someone on the forum to shoot their own video of the current Chamonix 5x7 or better, the 8x10. ;)

I have no affilitation with the video maker, but if I did, I'd tell him he did an admirable job of showing the camera from mounting to the tripod through setup and focus. And BONUS! No annoying music track or superfulous commentary to mute out. What little audio there is seems useful.

The video's a bit over 10 minutes long...check it out. :)


Carl J
28-Mar-2013, 08:42
Just took a peek. Looks good. Thanks, Mark!

Mark Carstens
28-Mar-2013, 08:57
You're welcome, Carl.

Whether it was his attention or not, the video maker did a great job of showing the camera in operation without fluff or sales pitch. It's too bad he lost his audio the last 4 minutes, but the apparent ease of interchanging bellows and reducer backs pretty much speaks for itself.

All in all, a quality effort. I have a new appreciation for the Shen-Hao. ;)


28-Mar-2013, 14:31
A very deliberate presentation, but does a good job of demonstrating a very nice camera.
How's it going, Mark? I sold our Berlebach unfortunately...

Mark Carstens
28-Mar-2013, 14:42
Hey, John,

Things are great! Hope life is treating you well too.

That Berlebach was a nice little 4x5 tripod, but my Sinar 5x7 dwarfed it. :p

As for the video, "deliberate" is the right word for it. No embellishments or superlatives to speak of. But sometimes, that's okay.

1-Apr-2013, 08:41
Thanks for posting. I just picked up one of these FCL57-A, thanks in part to the ability to watch this video, but it hasn't arrived yet.

Does anyone know generally what 4x5 reducing backs are compatible for the Shen Hao 5x7 cameras? (i think both the HZX57-IIAT and the FCL57-A use the same reducing back)

As I was looking to pick up one used at a discount to retail, I see a variety for sale that are made for Deardorff, Wisner, Ebony (too expensive), and one generic used one listed as "Not sure of the brand name, will fit wooden camera that accepts pins near the corner to hold it in place."

Any insight as to what would be compatible with the Shen Hao 5x7's?

1-Apr-2013, 09:08
Mark, I was gonna email this to you in case you hadn't seen it -

Here's another video with some details of the FCL810A, admittedly not the 5x7, but the video a reasonable job of showing off some of the details of the camera while he goes through the (very basic) steps of "How to set up and make a picture with an 8x10".


FWIW - This video was helpful to me during the process of deciding between the Chamonix and Shen Hao 8x10s. Not sure you'll learn much here if you've ever used a view camera before though! :)

1-Apr-2013, 09:16
To add one more thing - There seems to be quite a few threads discussing the lack of reviews, photos and user experiences with the larger format Shen Hao and Chamonix cameras. There isn't too much online either; info on the 4x5 models is fairly plentiful.

I don't actually have my Shen Hao FCL810A at the moment as it's "in the shop" for an upgrade, but I was thinking we Shen Hao / Chamonix owners oughtta start a post with a repository of info about the 5x7, 8x10 and ULF Chamonixs and Shen Haos we own. Seems like that would be helpful to a lot of folks looking at getting one of these great modern field cameras. I'd be willing to contribute a little review with some photos once I get my camera back in hand, but....anyway, just a thought.

If somebody happens to own a Wilderness 8x10 I'm sure some info about that would be a welcome addition too. The "Wilderness" 8x10 is another (slightly more obscure) but somewhat promising looking Phillips derivative design coming out of China.

Mark Carstens
1-Apr-2013, 17:39
...I was thinking we Shen Hao / Chamonix owners oughtta start a post with a repository of info about the 5x7, 8x10 and ULF Chamonixs and Shen Haos we own. Seems like that would be helpful to a lot of folks looking at getting one of these great modern field cameras. I'd be willing to contribute a little review with some photos once I get my camera back in hand, but....anyway, just a thought.

If somebody happens to own a Wilderness 8x10 I'm sure some info about that would be a welcome addition too. The "Wilderness" 8x10 is another (slightly more obscure) but somewhat promising looking Phillips derivative design coming out of China.

Great idea, Phil! Speaking for myself, and possibly for others as well, while well-written and detailed reviews are nice, there's nothing like seeing the gear in action to accentuate a point or even diagnose a problem. Either Youtube or Vimeo would make great places to upload bits and pieces of this LF video "repository."


Michael Alpert
1-Apr-2013, 19:15
The Shen Hao video is a very good demonstration and show-and-tell. But, in fact, all top-quality cameras produced today are sufficiently solid and easy to set-up, so the same demonstration could be made for any of them. I like the video, but I like the following youtube video even more because it goes beyond matters of technique to present an individual photographer's creative practice. The photographer is young and has confused the terms "processing" and "developing," but her sense of large-format photography as a vibrant artistic medium is admirable. Here is the url:


1-Apr-2013, 22:01
Speaking for myself, the Shen Hao video was one I watched several times during my decision process to get one. There are limited reviews with good photos - save the 'Vulpes Diary' - that I'm sure everyone contemplating this camera has seen and read. I never got the opportunity to actually look at and handle the camera before buying (the local Ritz/Wolf Camera was strangely "out of stock" on this particular model!) Ditto Best Buy. Strange. But I digress...

The video of the guy showing how he takes a picture with an 8x10, and which just happened to be the camera I was interested in, was the only way I could get a good look, albeit vicariously, at the FCL810A before finally pulling the trigger with John at Badger Graphics. If you're anything like me - and I'm talking to anyone reading this! - you will read and digest every word and every photo and every tidbit you can find about a camera you want.

That's kinda the point of wanting to start a thread related to these two particular (desirable) cameras, to try to add a bit to the existing dearth of good experience info on the Internet at Large.

So there! I've managed to say a good bit about the Shen Hao, without really saying much at all! :) Cheers! Oh, and by the way, the FCL810A really is a great camera and I would get it again if I had it to do all over.