View Full Version : Photographing multi collored print on a page.

Drew Bedo
28-Mar-2013, 07:25
I am trying to photograph the pages of a large book. Of course there are problems with DOF, composition and the devide between pages . . .all interesting LF problems.

Some of the pages have passages in red letters, and I’m having trouble dealing with the different color response and contrast of the colored letters. I am using both color and B&W films.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Doremus Scudder
28-Mar-2013, 11:02

This is straightforward copy work. I'm assuming that you are pointing the camera straight down with the book lying flat. (A copy stand would really help here, or maybe if you could mount your camera to an enlarger frame...).

If the pages are really curved, you can use a glass sheet to flatten them somewhat. Just make sure that you don't get any unwanted reflections from the lighting.

As far as color rendition goes: with color film, just make sure you have the right film or filter for the light source. For B&W you can use regular contrast filters to darken/lighten different colors (a blue sky in a color photograph responds similarly to a real blue sky...). If the red text is being rendered too light, then use a green filter.

Other than that, simply make sure you have the focus right, adequate DoF and go for it.

