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View Full Version : Schneider 47mm 5.6 XL Question

25-Mar-2013, 06:14
I just bought a copy of this lens in very nice condition for $1000. The first shots I took have pretty substantial light fall off on 6x12. Do I have to buy a center filter or can I "fix" them after scanning the negatives? Is there a way to fix them during printing in the darkroom or will the contrast still not match?

25-Mar-2013, 06:17
I would say buy a center filter! Because than your source "negative or slide" has the best possible quality!

25-Mar-2013, 09:41
I would also sugest you buy the center filter.

Bob Salomon
25-Mar-2013, 10:04
If you are shooting interiors you can overlight the edges to even out the lighting.
If you are shooting negatives you can dodge and burn. Of course you would have to do that whenever you have fall-off and whenever you print.
If you are shooting chromes you can't do much of anything unless you can control the lighting.

Or you can buy the proper center filter. For a center filter to work you will need to be stopped down at least two stops.

Just think of how much time you could waste by trying to fix them in the computer. Time that you could be out taking more images.

26-Mar-2013, 03:22
Thank you for your replies. I guess I need one.

Any way to get one a bit cheaper than the huge retail asking price?

26-Mar-2013, 06:29
I wish to find a new center filter at a reasonable price, is it only one brand that have a center filter at that high price?

Nathan Potter
26-Mar-2013, 07:00
Be careful with center filters for the 47 XL. The angle of view is so extreme that some non Schneider filters will vignette. You got the lens for the full view angle so you should not compromise that. Try to find a used Schneider filter.

Nate Potter, Austin TX.