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View Full Version : Diaphram ( iris ) for Protar 14cm lense lost by machinests Jim Gavlin

John Wagoner
12-Mar-2013, 16:18
Years ago, apparently a few years before Jim Gavlin died, I had him mount A Carl Zeiss Jena Protar 14 cm lens in a copal shutter, In the hope that someday I might be able to do some photography with the lens. At the time I did not closely inspect his work. Now, years after his death, I have discovered he did not incorporate an iris into the lens mount. He did not return any spare parts either.

My question is, is there any one who could mount an iris in this lens? Is there a viable work around such as an iris mounted in back or in front of the lens ? Or will I have to search for a similar lens with lousy optics for parts ? The serial number is 78416. Or should I just give up and not spend any more money on this project ?

12-Mar-2013, 17:53
Weird that you just noticed the missing iris. Normally, the iris is part of the shutter. If you got a Copal without an iris for some weird reason, the lens cells might easily screw into a new Copal shutter (with iris). Protars are valuable lenses, so it makes sense to put this right.

13-Mar-2013, 11:11
I'm confused by this one too. John- did he front mount the Protar lens to the shutter or mount both front and rear cells to the Copal? If he front mounted the whole lens without an iris then I could see that being an issue since the iris wouldn't be at the nodal point of the lens as it should be.