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  1. I need an extra wide lens
  2. Compatibility of Compur Shutter Lenses
  3. Improve sharpness of a magic lantern lens?
  4. Fujinon CM/W 450mm f8
  5. How to Clean a Vintage Lens with a Huge Fungus Infection
  6. Curtis Bros Brass Lens
  7. Copal 0 contact time?
  8. Zeiss apochromat planar 206mm 6,3
  9. How to fit these lenses to an Intrepid 810 (Sinar board)?
  10. Polishing coating off a lens
  11. Resolving Power of Nineteenth Century Lenses?
  12. Fujinon 105 f/8 rear barrel diameters
  13. Aperture disks or rings of Voigtlander Orthoskop No.3
  14. Anti-rotation Screw Size
  15. How to Mount View Camera Lenses to Lensboards
  16. 90mm Lens Choice Paralysis
  17. Fujinon SWD 75mm f5.6 with white dots
  18. DIY Perscheid lens
  19. Dr. Staeble Polyplast casket set IV 10x15cm
  20. Ibn Al-Haytham: Father of Modern Optics
  21. Using Rosco sheets in place of Wratten gel filters?
  22. Fallowfield petzval=dallmeyer 2B?
  23. Best practices for soft focus lenses?
  24. Carl Werner Zuellichau lens info
  25. [Asking for advices] The very first 150 mm lens to buy
  26. Petzval Lens - Any idea where it might come from?
  27. RB graflex lens
  28. Betax no.4
  29. Chrome Compound Shutter... looking for information on them
  30. Recommended lens for Chamonix 8x10 for portrait/landscape
  31. Schneideritis or not ?
  32. A Question for Lens Designers
  33. Specs for 7"x17"
  34. 135 Planar 3.5
  35. Bausch and Lomb lens for 1909 world's largest camera ???
  36. ICA aplanat Helios 260 mm F8 Vergrossenung
  37. Voigtlander lenses for 4x5 Format?
  38. 11x14 Lens Options?
  39. Good equivalent of the now pricey Aero Ektar 178 2.5?
  40. Problems focusing with 14" lens
  41. Need help with lens and shutter selection for a DIY camera
  42. retaining ring too tight
  43. barrel and other lenses and thead size
  44. How have you shopped for lenses over the years?
  45. 5x7 1:5 to 1:1, 150 G-Claron vs. "Macro" Lens?
  46. Actual weight of 105mm Fujinon-SW vs. 105mm Fujinon-NSW?
  47. Do Current Heliopan Polarizers Have Front Threads?
  48. grease inside a lens
  49. Question about Verito Lenses
  50. Filter Systems: trying to standardize
  51. Lens, board, and shim: how critical is spacing?
  52. Standard or extended lens board for Schneider 300tele-xenar?
  53. Need recommendations on f/4.5 lens of about 150mm
  54. DB board and copal shutters
  55. Black COMPUR #1 and flash
  56. Unscrewing super-old lens cells
  57. Any Schneider 210XL owners here?
  58. Rodenstock Sironar 210 on a Copal 1 Nikkor W 180 5,6 shutter
  59. C. Zeiss Tessar 105/3.5
  60. Any Real Reason To Favor One Particular Lens Line?
  61. Dagor Type G Claron 210mm f9 Filter Size ?
  62. Mystery lenses
  63. Gundlach 11x14 wide angle brass lens info needed.
  64. Schneider 47mm XL centre filter exposure correction?
  65. Derogy Petzval lens
  66. Adapting 35mm lens.
  67. I need some advice on choosing my first two large format lenses.
  68. Where to find information about the manufacturing date for a Zeiss Tessar?
  69. Schneider Tele-Xenar 240mm f5.5 shutter question
  70. Arrow mark on lens barrel
  71. Emil Busch unknown lens
  72. Buyer beware of 3D printed lens boards
  73. crappiest camera and lens what did you do with it?
  74. Schneider-Kreuznach APO-Tele-Xenar HM 600/8 800/11
  75. Obsession?
  76. Rodenstock Grandagon 115 vs Schneider Super Symmar 110 XL
  77. Goerz red dot Artar Reduction/Enlargement
  78. Copal buzzing sound cocking with preview open
  79. Kodak 10 Inch f/6.3 Commercial Ektar - Help
  80. Just bought a Fujinon 135/5.6 W ( first type )
  81. anti rotation screw
  82. Rodenstock APO Ronar CL 1:9 f/300mm
  83. Cooke Series II 4.1 Inch Eq Focus????
  85. Aero Ektar 343mm / 13.5" / F3.5 Info
  86. Wollensak Ex. WA 159mm f12.5 - Flange Focal distance ?
  87. Any info on Apromat Lenses
  88. Copal 1 shutter problem: T mode behaves like B mode
  89. Weitwinke euryscop VII no7 confusion??
  90. My first Lens. Symmar-S 6,8 /360 in a Copal 3 shutter. What next?
  91. extra wide angle lens for 8x10
  92. Early Zeiss Serial numbers... Mysteriously nothing before 1912...
  93. Is Fujinon SWD 90mm f5.6 suitable for linhof master technica?
  94. No brand lens question...
  95. Antique Fair find
  96. Old scratched lenses, coatings, etc.
  97. Best lens for ultra closeup…portraits!
  98. Shutter Repair for Copal 1?
  99. New Lens Scale: How To Convert Milliseconds To Standard Camera Fractions?
  100. Rear element stuck on lens, need some ideas to get it off
  101. Emil Busch Petzval generation transition history: sampling needed to testify & modify
  102. Polarizer [as in filter]
  103. Komuranon 90mm f/6.3 Lens
  104. Universal Heliar - how to
  105. A history behind the Dallmeyer Archive records of lenses sent to “Philadelphia.”
  106. Acme Synchro Shutter flash sync question
  107. odd lens mount
  108. Plaubel Suprocomar 100mm F2.9 Compur Shutter
  109. Rodenstock 360mm f4.5 eurygon from 1945-1951
  110. Best Way to Store My Large Format Lenses
  111. How does barrel lens shutter placement affect the image?
  112. Rodenstock Portrait Anastigmat Eurygon.
  113. Pacific Optical 18" F4
  114. Schneider Lens filter help please.
  115. 4x5 lenses
  116. Xenotar 150mm f:2,8 at 1/60s in Copal 3
  117. Fujinon W 180 & 8x10
  118. 65mm & 90mm 4x5
  119. 19" Wollensak f:4 Varium
  120. 6 inch, f9 CP Goerz Apochromatic Red Dot Artar on 4x5?
  121. Who can help identify this brass lens?
  122. Macro Lens for Sinar F
  123. Ilex Acme Synchro #3 shutter disassembly
  124. Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 135mm f4.5
  125. Info on Scientific Lens Co.
  126. Fast large format Lenses.
  127. Achromatic doublets off Ali Express?
  128. Copal shutter replacement
  129. Nikkor 120mm f5.6 AM ED Macro: Optimal Range, vs. Optimal Magnification
  130. Schneider 355mm f9 g-claron issue
  131. Lever Stops on Darlot Hemisperique
  132. Difference between Copal 0 model 44 and model 45?
  133. What are the best lenses for wet plate studio portraits 14X17 format ?
  134. Zeiss Tessar with 5 fl/aperture scalesÂ… Casket set lens?
  135. Schneider 150mm f/5.6 Symmar Convertible in Linhof
  136. Balsam Separation
  137. Is there a master list somewhere of the coverages of re-purposed lenses?
  138. Mystery Brass Lens Identification
  139. A Question About Shutters
  140. Sinaron lenes ???
  141. Questions about "fast lenses"
  142. Lens CLA / shutter CLA
  143. Dagor 9 1/2 inch f6.8
  144. Separation Anxiety
  145. Flashy advertisement, but is it credible?
  146. Pinhole diameter and format size ??
  147. Voigtlander Skopar 360mm f/4.5
  148. Gundlach Emil W.A. 8x10
  149. Newbee question about internal issue with newly purchased LF lens
  150. Putting in a Waterhouse Stop
  151. Komura 500mm F/7
  152. Help with Berthiot/Hermagis Eidoscope n,2 375mm flange
  153. best single lens or doublet for f=300mm and viewing angle of 47 degrees
  154. Opinions on some S-K lenses?
  155. Mystery Aerial lens WW1 -- Voigtlander Heliar 36cm -- German Balloon Corps
  156. 300mm 5.5 Schneider Tele-Xenar
  157. Wollensak 15" Tele Raptor Questions
  158. Who already used a Macro-Sironar-N 5.6/300mm ?
  159. Dallmeyer 3A soft focus information
  160. Reinhold Schable's 335mm Wollaston Meniscus
  161. Zeiss Jena Tessar 12cm helical focus?
  162. MUST LEARN TONIGHT! More than 76mm ?? Outermost diameter of Graflex Optar 135mm f:4.7
  163. Ilex shutter - loose spring...
  164. MW and Co Thornward Extra Rapid Portrait lens
  165. Filters for Fujinon A 600mm f/11
  166. Help Id Early? French? Landscape lens Pencil marked
  167. I need help identifying the lens
  168. Fiter red R-72 [Kenko]
  169. APO - Rodagon - N 150mm - as a taking lens
  170. Which brass lens is this? “13 In. E. F.”
  171. LensN2Shutter Web Page
  172. Help Identifying vintage thoriated lenses
  173. Wollensak Raptar 90mm F3.5
  174. Cleaning sticky shutters- DIY or professional help
  175. Purchased a rare Tiffen 812 in 95mm....with no threading
  176. Graflex Optar 135mm 4x5 lens- no retaining ring
  177. Voigtlander lens from 1886 ?
  178. Steinheil Munchen Anastigmat Cassar 165mm f/3,5 (rust on the blades)
  179. Help identifiying old lens. Portrait Nş 2
  180. Fujinon W 135mm 5.6 questions
  181. Help with ID. Jules Vogel Lens
  182. Carl Zeiss Jena Protar 110mm f/18
  183. Maybe someone could identify this lens?
  184. Wollensak Raptar 135 and Graflex Optar 135
  185. Fujinon T 300 f/8 Lens
  186. schneider lens service?
  187. Ross 5 1/2 inch lens
  188. Lens image circle vs available lens movements
  189. Lenses choice for ULF
  190. Help identify unbranded 16x20 Rapid Rectilinear
  191. Schneider 300mm f5.5 tele xenar -Lens Board issue
  192. Help identify this lens
  193. Schneider Super-Symmar XL 110mm -- fog problem -- EASILY REPAIRABLE
  194. Mounting filter behind barrel lens?
  195. Survey: 5X7 Folks: Most used LONG Glass Focal Length % Used