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  1. Stupid question about focus lock on Arca-swiss cameras
  2. Will 7x11 Film Fit Into 7x17 Holders?
  3. Crown Graflok back dimensions
  4. Objet bizarre - name & history?
  5. What the * @#$% is this on my beloved 210 SSXL?!?
  6. What have I got
  7. Sinar P2 rotation problem
  8. How bulky Linhof M679c for landscapes is?
  9. Nordfoto and buying film
  10. 6x9 film roll back for Wista DX 4x5.
  11. Technician Needed?
  12. Price Check on
  13. 8x10 project
  14. Toyo Panels
  15. help with a grafmatic part
  16. Telephoto Barrel's?
  17. ULF Camera Advice
  18. Toyo 45S
  19. Phillips Explorer models
  20. Shen Hao 6x12 back with masks
  21. 47mm lens on a 4x5 for super-wide shots
  22. Chamonix 7X11 Holder Group Buy?
  23. Why do you use ULF?
  24. 5x8 format
  25. Suitability of the Toyo 45CF camera -- question
  26. Shooting table recommendations
  27. Ansco geared rise lock?
  28. How to transport Canham Traditional 8x10?
  29. Film Holder For Quickloads/Readyloads?
  30. arca-swiss format question
  31. Repairing Ansco 5x7
  32. Super Graphic, Graphic View Lensboards
  33. Parts for Sinar Norma 4x5
  34. Prontor Electronic Shutters
  35. which camera?
  36. spot meter
  37. very solid 8x10?
  38. Arca-Swiss Field 4x5 vs. Canham DLC
  39. Polaroid Overexposure Sinar Norma
  40. Adjusting Cam on MPP mkVII
  41. Dealing with corrosion on my Norma
  42. Tape on bottom of 4X5 holders
  43. Jobo 3010 for 5x7?
  44. Tortuga pinhole panorama camera
  45. Replacement Glass Cover for Beattie Screen
  46. Plaubel 5x7 single sheet film holders?
  47. Compatibility SINAR P to P2
  48. Whats up with all the 8x10 cameras disapearing?
  49. Reflective flash meters
  50. wisner questions:
  51. 8x10 2D Extension
  52. Sinar P2 4x5 -> 8x10 DoF scale
  53. Empty Bubble
  54. Arca Swiss increases price
  55. Linhof Rangefinder and how to mount off camera
  56. Chamonix Cameras on Flickr
  57. Attaching a big Century camera to a tripod
  58. One question fro 45N-1 users?
  59. portrait camera
  60. Cambo 6x9 back---Nominal size.
  61. DYI 5x4
  62. 4x5 fresnel screen
  63. Swiss Arca 4x5 Land Camera.....
  64. Help with pentax 645
  65. still looking for that perfect camera (cheap view)
  66. Arca-Swiss back - 171mm
  67. Should I keep my big Ries?
  68. Polaroid 110a converted to 4x5
  69. Bob Watkins still with us?
  70. Shutter on Plate Cameras, how does it work ?
  71. New holders?????
  72. Which Large Format Camera for a Newbie
  73. with polaroid dead...the large format is also dead?
  74. osaka 8x10
  75. Need lens in 210mm range
  76. Question For 7x11 Users
  77. Shen Hao vs. Tachihara
  78. Field camera Movements - Reading Recommendations
  79. Folmer Schwing Sliding Carriage View Camera?
  80. 11x14 film holder ?
  81. Camera stand
  82. Oh ***t !!!
  83. Acratech Leveling Base (vs. U. Ball Head)
  84. Large format bellows frame
  85. F***ing Wide Open!
  86. 7x11 Users, I Need One Sheet
  87. Tripod Head
  88. Wista RF parts / view finder
  89. Wista RF parts / view finder
  90. Fotoman Problems
  91. What are typical minimal usable bellows extensions?
  92. Camera project is done
  93. A funny
  94. Looking for a LIGHTER tripod
  95. New Zone VI Owner Misc Questions
  96. Oh, no, another cardboard box thread...
  97. 8X10 holder with slides on eBay $30 BIN
  98. Deardorff v Chamonix
  99. GG size for Speed Graphics 4x5?
  100. EEK! Oh, no what did I do to the Cambo?
  101. Kodak Specialist Model 2
  102. Sinar 8x10 back - identify bracket...
  103. Recognition - what is this wooden / bellows?
  104. Wista DXII vs. Shen Hao, Chamonix
  105. US Lotus 10 x 8?
  106. Newbie lensboard size question (Zone VI)
  107. Best 10 x 8?
  108. ballhead upgrade
  109. Hyper-focal Focussing on a 4x5
  110. Bag Bellows for Graphic View and 90mm?
  111. Rails for Horseman LS
  112. Chamonix WP sighting and Q re use of Maple
  113. toyo 4x5cf field camera
  114. 4X5 TOYO VIEW G, Wista M450, or CAMBO SCIIRS
  115. Sinar Question
  116. 4x5 Box Cameras - Any Usable?
  117. Ever feel really STUPID???
  118. Sticky When Sliding Rear Standard Forward
  119. Anyone used the metal Canham 8 x 10?
  120. Need advice Re: Best Camera to Buy
  121. Ansel Adams`s Camera.
  122. G-Claron 355mm Dagor Type
  123. Polaroid alternatives
  124. How do I attached my Mamiya 645 to a 4x5?
  125. Anyone seen this ROC 11x14 holder?
  126. focusing a wolly 159mmm 12.5
  127. View to Field Camera UPG:
  128. Which 4x5 for Outdoor / Urban "Architectural"?
  129. thermometer/stop watch solution for polaroids
  130. 5x7 linhof technica back problem
  131. A brown box arrived today...
  132. To ULF or not to ULF? That is the question!
  133. Help? Lens boards for Schneider lenses
  134. Canham 45 DLC or Chamonix 4x5
  135. Question: identifying broken knob on Sinar P
  136. Toho - reducing adapters, "eccentric board" etc.
  137. new use for old kiev bits
  138. Light weight 8x10
  139. old shutter speed conversions
  140. Sheet Film Holder Clean UP Question-
  141. Duplicate post
  142. Sheet Film Holder Clean Up Question-
  143. Brown box disappointment: advice needed
  144. Linhof Super Tecnika V
  145. Linhof 'Baby' Technika 23, still available new?
  146. Phase One P45
  147. efke positive paper won't fit 5x7 holders
  148. Sinar Norma
  149. Dick Phillips and his 8x10 cameras
  150. 7x17 Cool, field set up !
  151. The Phillips Legacy
  152. Brighter Ground Glass
  153. Sinar question
  154. Arca Swiss: F-Field/M-Monolith 5x4 Hybrid?
  155. weston master 111 (3)
  156. Now here's a truly one of a kind 8x10...
  157. Fuji Instax?
  158. Large Fresnel Lens
  159. Rotating a large Chamonix for Verticals?
  160. fancy bellows
  161. What quick release for Speed Graphics
  162. Problem with Arca-Swiss function carriers....
  163. Using Chamonix cameras with barrel lenses
  164. Simple box, with 4x5 film, and hi rez lens
  165. Linhof Technikardan v Ebony 45SU
  166. a leap in the dark
  167. Wista RF instruction book
  168. Show off your Large Format camera!
  169. Horseman LE450 cleaning ground glass/fresnel
  170. Just out of curiosity.....
  171. 4x5 copy negative camera
  172. Turning a 6x9 folder into a "convertable" ?
  173. Bogus Ebay Listing
  174. Arca Swiss Orbix
  175. For you brown box story fans...
  176. Light Weight Legs Plus Height?
  177. 8x10 Ansco Universal Not Locking Down
  178. Anyone Own a Chamonix 14x17, 8x20 or 12x20?
  179. polaroid film
  180. fancy bellows part2
  181. Identifying this camera (and size)
  182. Rangefinders for 4x5
  183. Large Format Cheat sheets
  184. How efficient is a ground glass?
  185. Arca Swiss 110 board on Chamonix?
  186. Film Holder Light Leak - Suggestions Please
  187. Need help with my camera back
  188. What material are Acra Swis made of
  189. removing lens from Sinar board
  190. Technikardan 45 v Technikardan 45s
  191. bag for 8x10 back and slides.
  192. Lenses for Horseman 45HD
  193. Help with my Crown Graphic...
  194. cambo wide with 35mm lens: some info and usage, please
  195. Miller-Holzwarth Photographic Contact Printer
  196. Century Graphic - Ektalite back?
  197. Differences between Linhof GT and TL
  198. Came down w/ LFAS...
  199. Behind the Lens Diffusion - any experience here?
  200. Arca 4x5 F-Classic
  201. Chamonix vs. Phillips 4x5
  202. Bokeh between 8x10 and 4x5
  203. Chamonix extension rack vs. top hat board for 450mm lens
  204. Dimensions of Kodak 2D 8x10 back
  205. Beautiful 7x17 Camera, Gundlach Korona 7x17" Panoramic View Camera + Lens on FreeBay!
  206. Air Bulb.
  207. Sinar Norma Adjustments
  208. Toyo & Chamonix 8x10 lens board
  209. Perspective, viewable?
  210. "Premo" Cameras
  211. Chamonix 45N-1: Help getting started...
  212. Arca Swiss 6x9
  213. Calumet C-1
  214. Thornton Pickard page
  215. Linhof 'Baby' Technika, how old is it?
  216. Fotoman 617
  217. 4x5 holder questions
  218. Deardorff front standard
  219. Hand Holding the Technika 4x5?
  220. Chamonix and Roll Film Backs
  221. Film Supplier in Denver or Boulder Colarado?
  222. Format change on Sinar X
  223. Compatibilty of monorail between 4x5 Super Cambo and Cambo SCIIRS ?
  224. Fidelity 5x7 holders (new)
  225. Who Uses The Oldest Camera?
  226. Pacemaker Speed Graphic & 65mm lens
  227. Cleaning ground glass (mat side)
  228. Korona 8x10 stabilizing bars
  229. What lenses for an 8x10 for Landscapes and Portraits
  230. Bail Backs??
  231. 9x12 Super Compacts? Recommendations Please
  232. Shen-Hao HZX/TZ45-IIa/TZX45-IIb - what is the difference?
  233. Mark Kapono?
  234. okay so i did not have a worthy tripod.....
  235. help with some old brass. Hermagis and C. Berthiot
  236. Copal vs. Compur
  237. Why do you have limited DOF in 8x10?
  238. In need of advice
  239. HELP! 4x5 box camera---need short holders
  240. 1930s Deardorff rear extension mechanism
  241. Graflok Ground Glass
  242. LF beginner - Advice on camera choice
  243. Source for Custom Bag Bellows
  244. Infinity Stops on Crown Graphic
  245. Cleaning GG
  246. Ebony RW810 or SV810
  247. Best Lenses for the 7X11 Format and Contact Printing
  248. Calumet CC400 Rear Standard Lockdown
  249. Help! Sinar f2 or Toyo view 45gx ?
  250. Help! Sinar F2 or Toyo 45gx?