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  1. Where to process 8x10 color negative film in the USA? (20 replies)
  2. Historic paper--Luminos Charcoal R Fiber Base (4 replies)
  3. do some films retard UV light? (11 replies)
  4. Using Jobo 2500 Tank on an Ilford spindle motor base (7 replies)
  5. Eastman Kodak 5x7 plate film tri-x panchromatic type B (10 replies)
  6. Streaks, streaks, streaks... 8x10 (16 replies)
  7. PF130 Paper Developer test/review (1 replies)
  8. ISO on Kodak 6121 duplicating film. Anyone know maybe 4? (3 replies)
  9. In old developer formulas, how do you know the concentration of reagent called for? (3 replies)
  10. Robert Taylor negative print how-to follow up (2 replies)
  11. Remove lift from CPE2 Plus for shipping? (11 replies)
  12. Print Artifacts from Paper Pre-Soak? (8 replies)
  13. Bergger Pancro 400 in sheets (59 replies)
  14. Large Print - Presoak? Brush Dev? (0 replies)
  15. Adox CMS 20 4x5 Anyone tried it? (2 replies)
  16. Developing times HC110 (B), TMY2, SP 445 tank, Patterson 2 reel tank (5 replies)
  17. C41 mistake mixing , trying to figure out development time (2 replies)
  18. Help: How to convert a negative to positive to print as a "negative print" (25 replies)
  19. Stanley Dry Plates (1 replies)
  20. Noob questions about development (19 replies)
  21. Kachel's SLIMT technique with HP5 and D23? (0 replies)
  22. Graphic examples of Extreme Minimal Agitation (2 replies)
  23. need advice... streaks on my negatives (6 replies)
  24. Purple on the edges of color film (7 replies)
  25. Unsharp masking (106 replies)
  26. Are E6 and C41 Bleach/fixer the same? (or close enough to do the trick?) (2 replies)
  27. Uranium Nitrate (11 replies)
  28. Any Tips On Loading Film Into SP445 In Darkroom (3 replies)
  29. Marshall's retouching fluid - how stable? (3 replies)
  30. Need help evaluating condition of Jobo 3005 (9 replies)
  31. Extra water in color developer (E6 process) (3 replies)
  32. TMY to TMY-2... when? (8 replies)
  33. Anyone try developing Rollei RPX25 with RPX-D? (3 replies)
  34. I need FIX Hardner: ALUM? (24 replies)
  35. I miss Freestyle... (19 replies)
  36. using unopened boxes of 100+ year old glass plates (10 replies)
  37. Silly question about vinegar-based silicone interacting with film, and light leaks. (11 replies)
  38. Harman Direct Positive Paper didn't fit in my film holder ... (4 replies)
  39. Beat place to buy SP-445 4x5 Tank? (5 replies)
  40. Processing 20x24 color film (7 replies)
  41. 45MCRX LED light source with condensers vs diffusion cold light. (13 replies)
  42. Minimal Agitation Negative versus Tray Processed Negative (35 replies)
  43. Type 55 longevity??? (10 replies)
  44. Getting into Wet Plate - UV Photographics Kit Any Good? (3 replies)
  45. Converting room to a darkroom. (28 replies)
  46. Filmomat anyone? (1 replies)
  47. Chemical Question - proportion (2 replies)
  48. Yellow Spots/Blotches on E6 4x5 film (0 replies)
  49. F-Stop timer test strip problem (11 replies)
  50. video on Sydney wet plate photographer (8 replies)
  51. Microdol-X processing question With X-Ray Film (6 replies)
  52. Salt Prints on Vellum or Gampi (4 replies)
  53. Problems with film developed with SP-445 tanks (12 replies)
  54. Pyrocat HD in Glycol Shelf life (5 replies)
  55. SP445 Development Tank Wobbly Lid (6 replies)
  56. AtomicX/shanghai developing time (3 replies)
  57. Switching back to condensor head, 45MCRX, from cold light (22 replies)
  58. Reverse Rolling/Flattening From Long Roll Cuts? (41 replies)
  59. 5x7 Printing Options (Contact Print? Scan and electronically print?) (22 replies)
  60. Is the film scanned when importing from US to Europe? (5 replies)
  61. 4x5 Extended Red Films... Rollei RPX 25, RPX 400... Any 100 ASA ?? (8 replies)
  62. Jobo 2840 for B&W prints (6 replies)
  63. Has anyone here taken the Katherine Gillis "Fearless Retouching" course? (10 replies)
  64. Adox / Bergger / Ilford FB paper tone (19 replies)
  65. New to Black and White developing........... (37 replies)
  66. BW negative developement problem (lot of transparent spots) (14 replies)
  67. Developing B&W sheet film at home for a total beginner! (31 replies)
  68. How to develop B&W film (HP4 100) with No Thermometer (5 replies)
  69. Fixer Concentrate Go Bad? (13 replies)
  70. Do You Suffer With Bad Marks On Bottom Of Negative With SP445 (6 replies)
  71. cleaning old negatives (9 replies)
  72. Divided D23 (0 replies)
  73. Darkroom Temperature (18 replies)
  74. Paper Developer Question (4 replies)
  75. Lines on the side of the holder flap. (14 replies)
  76. Darkness conditions for hand-cutting BW, C41, E6 (20 replies)
  77. VARYCON VC filters use (8 replies)
  78. Adox CMS II 20 ISO High Resolution Film (7 replies)
  79. ULF film stock (16 replies)
  80. Paper For Contact Printing (17 replies)
  81. Ilford Galerie Fiber dev'd w/ Ansco 130, Neutol WA, or Dektol, thoughts? (85 replies)
  82. Ilford 2017 Special order delivery date? (7 replies)
  83. keeping the paper flat.... (23 replies)
  84. Reciprocity of Fomapan or Arista Ultra (6 replies)
  85. Large format, overexposure and dynamic range (11 replies)
  86. Developer capacity, D-23, and dilution (40 replies)
  87. Whole Plate Film (13 replies)
  88. BERGGER Prestige VARIABLE NB (8 replies)
  89. Is Lund Photographics still in business. (6 replies)
  90. New poll -- presoaking (45 replies)
  91. 4x5 Ilford Paper vs Ilford Film. Scanning differences? (2 replies)
  92. Using MOD54 tank for devoloping 4x5 colour negs (First timer) (5 replies)
  93. Ansco film pack help (0 replies)
  94. Development to exhaustion, HC 110 (5 replies)
  95. Divided D-23 Question (15 replies)
  96. What exactly have I got here? (30 replies)
  97. Lost a part for my Seal 550 (1 replies)
  98. Contract printing for a complete novice: a good information source? (9 replies)
  99. What speed 4x5 film for newbie? (22 replies)
  100. HC-110 color (6 replies)
  101. Flattening Paper Cut From Rolls? (4 replies)
  102. Expiration dates of film supplied under Ilford ULF program (2 replies)
  103. Pur water filtration instead of Distilled water? (26 replies)
  104. Development times for rotary processing. (12 replies)
  105. Unsticking stuck RC prints (10 replies)
  106. Competition Printing (5 replies)
  107. need source for 5x7 green x-ray film (9 replies)
  108. Development times? FP4+, Shot at ISO 80, Rodinal, Continuous Agitation (22 replies)
  109. B&S Pyrocat-HD Developer... (14 replies)
  110. Contact printing: Practicing with RC paper, making final print with Fiber (4 replies)
  111. 5x7 matt for a 4x5 print (3 replies)
  112. How To Understand Densitometer Readings (20 replies)
  113. Filter Question for b/w film (12 replies)
  114. FOMABROM Variant IV 123 BO (1 replies)
  115. Strange green streaks on C41 8x10 negatives (7 replies)
  116. Fujifilm Super RX-N and HR-U safelight info (3 replies)
  117. Does Bleach type matter for toning? (2 replies)
  118. 11x14 Negative Storage (4 replies)
  119. Developer Speed And ISO Question For 4x5 (25 replies)
  120. Film vs digital for long exposures (51 replies)
  121. Stand development and pushing / pulling? I don't quite get it. (13 replies)
  122. Longest expired transparency film you have used successfully? (9 replies)
  123. Divided Pyrocat and Ilford Delta 100 (6 replies)
  124. Favorite contact printing paper? (12 replies)
  125. Old Polaroid 52 (5 replies)
  126. RE: Stark SST4 Universal Film & paper Processor (10 replies)
  127. old dry plate glass in camera? (3 replies)
  128. JOBO ATL 1000 Temperature probe - any cheap alternative? (6 replies)
  129. QC problems with TMAX 400II (5 replies)
  130. This is the neatest IKEA gadget. (chem mixing) (23 replies)
  131. What paper to get for contact printing? (6 replies)
  132. Another lab bites the dust (21 replies)
  133. Where to get 4x5 sheet film in the UK for a reasonable price (14 replies)
  134. Contact printing question (42 replies)
  135. 8x10 to enlarge or to scan (14 replies)
  136. Forumlary "B" PMK and TF-4 fixer bottle labels look exactly the same (6 replies)
  137. Foma paper questions (5 replies)
  138. What sizes of Kodak hard rubber tanks were made? (5 replies)
  139. Is this where New55 went wrong? (10 replies)
  140. 5 x 12 film (10 replies)
  141. C41 and SP-445 (6 replies)
  142. Paper negatives Questions (17 replies)
  143. Which enlarger lens to keep or which to unload? (10 replies)
  144. Always Learning! (10 replies)
  145. Berrger Pancro 400 - Experiences and thoughts? (1 replies)
  146. HELP! Very Strange Black Lines (23 replies)
  147. How many of you are self-taught (in LF)? (90 replies)
  148. C41 development. White sparkles form after negative dries. (6 replies)
  149. Jobo 3063 tank. How best to use it for processing 240 x 300 (91/2 x 12") film please? (4 replies)
  150. Need actual measurement of 8x10 sheet film... (15 replies)
  151. Fomopan 100/R09 disaster (26 replies)
  152. Anyone use Bellinifoto E-6 chemistry? (3 replies)
  153. Chemical Residue and Neutralising unwanted leftovers in Darkroom?? (5 replies)
  154. How big of enlargements are you making? (3 replies)
  155. Help working with (and identifying) old papers (2 replies)
  156. Help a noob understand the exposure conundrum (64 replies)
  157. Kallitype and toning (20 replies)
  158. enlarge for contact printing (5 replies)
  159. Ilford - new reciprocity failure compensation factors (76 replies)
  160. Rolling a Paterson MOD54 tank (2 replies)
  161. Is Tri-X in 8x10 less popular? (13 replies)
  162. Negatives with unwanted brown stain (10 replies)
  163. Developing time for Ilford HP5+ D76 1+1 (8 replies)
  164. Recommendations for B&W negative intensifier needed. (4 replies)
  165. Have You Tried Steve Sherman's EMA Process With Kodak TMAX 100 or TMAX 400 (11 replies)
  166. please advise.. 4x5 or 8x10 for big prints on handmade paper? (55 replies)
  167. SP-445 C-41 experiences? (11 replies)
  168. Exposure time for Ilford RC pearl used as a paper negative (8 replies)
  169. Not enough exposure time (16 replies)
  170. SP-445 Just Arrived (24 replies)
  171. Tmax 100 development and Scanning issue ( Silverfast ) (6 replies)
  172. Uranotype video (0 replies)
  173. tone question for the chemists - brown tone developer. (14 replies)
  174. Never Give Up - darkroom near-disaster (1 replies)
  175. sous vide precision cooker For Black and White Developing (15 replies)
  176. 10x8 Instant from Impossible (17 replies)
  177. Return of Kodachrome? (13 replies)
  178. C-41 Problem—Lab or Me? (6 replies)
  179. Ektar 100 INDOORS (5 replies)
  180. PyroCat HD Adjacency Effect & Minimal Agitation Question (5 replies)
  181. Convenient Dry Plate coating table (9 replies)
  182. Black and a White emulsion error that I'd love to duplicated (14 replies)
  183. Efke film peculiarity (12 replies)
  184. Projects to aid 50" panoramic prints and darkroom nic nacs (19 replies)
  185. Is this a development problem or light leak? (11 replies)
  186. A bit of a flyer... (1 replies)
  187. Happy MOD54 users? (18 replies)
  188. Metol in the UK (5 replies)
  189. Wasn't there a guy who builds 8x10 daylight tanks? (8 replies)
  190. Looking for C41 tips! (8 replies)
  191. sticky sheets (6 replies)
  192. Printing Out Paper (15 replies)
  193. Problems with vintage Polaroid Material (4 replies)
  194. What happened when I mixed ID-11 (calling on ID-11 users) (9 replies)
  195. Efke IR820 Sheet Film (4x5) in Pyrocat HD (5 replies)
  196. TMX-100- developer choice (15 replies)
  197. Help Reading A Negative Please (52 replies)
  198. PyroCat HD Yahoo Group (1 replies)
  199. Has anyone used a Jobo for Pt/Pd (15 replies)
  200. Canham 5x7 Tmax 400 order will arrive soon (3 replies)
  201. PyroCat HD Starting Development Times 20° C (6 replies)
  202. Specification Sheets for Arista EDU Ultra? (4 replies)
  203. Polaroid 8x10 - still going strong? (8 replies)
  204. The last boxes of New55 (3 replies)
  205. line across the negative scanned (5 replies)
  206. PyroCat HD Quantity Question (16 replies)
  207. Exposing a gray scale for Zone System calibration (37 replies)
  208. How to use roll drums for devoloping 8x10 and 4x5 negs (17 replies)
  209. Combi Plan vs SP-445 (9 replies)
  210. digital scale recommendations? (11 replies)
  211. Drkroom rental in portland oregon (23 replies)
  212. Rollo Pyro development problem (1 replies)
  213. Processing 70-Year Old Undeveloped Film (11 replies)
  214. Tanol Staining Developer Question For 4x5 Film (14 replies)
  215. fogged fiber paper and potassium bromide (11 replies)
  216. 8x10 negative storage ? (18 replies)
  217. how to develop lighthouse printfilm? (0 replies)
  218. Phenidone for Metol, especially with WD2H+ (1 replies)
  219. Color internegs (2 replies)
  220. Processing 4X5 (4 replies)
  221. Semi Stand Question For Those With Experience (8 replies)
  222. Masking 4x5 in Omega D2 coldlight (3 replies)
  223. Printing Soft-Focus Negatives (5 replies)
  224. Shortening black and white film washing time? (24 replies)
  225. anyone shoot tmax400 at 100 speed? (20 replies)
  226. FomaPan Sheet Film Question (19 replies)
  227. Black and White Duplicate Negative (21 replies)
  228. Best easy to use tank for developing 4x5 sheets (34 replies)
  229. Ilford Warmtone vs Classic FB Speed (10 replies)
  230. My first Contact print (4 replies)
  231. Jobo processing issue with 5x7 film (9 replies)
  232. High speed film for 4x5 (27 replies)
  233. Making your own Collodion (6 replies)
  234. Is TRIX320 98% better than Ilford HP5 Plus ?? (62 replies)
  235. Pt/pd Printing - Making a test strip (31 replies)
  236. Shooting Unknown Film in Holders (9 replies)
  237. Pyrocat HD + SP-445 Compact 4x5 Film Processing System (6 replies)
  238. Tmax 100 in D76 +/- development (37 replies)
  239. wash film with warm/cold water? (17 replies)
  240. Instant Mytol users help (1 replies)
  241. Notch code has me stumped (8 replies)
  242. First time developing , Delta 100 and advice (4 replies)
  243. Alkali vs Acid Fixers (25 replies)
  244. A few questions on how to develop 8x10 film in trays (23 replies)
  245. Official Fujifilm Japan announcement of end of Acros sheet film (39 replies)
  246. How to clean up dried fixer? (0 replies)
  247. Film Type Advise (11 replies)
  248. How do you flatten your glossy fibrebase or Baryta darkroom prints after air drying ? (29 replies)
  249. Question about testing for film speed... (19 replies)
  250. Pyrocat question... (26 replies)